
Blade of The End

Chapters are mixed and unedited, being rewritten Don't read

omitted · ファンタジー
91 Chs

The Phantom Blade 2

Azrael had a basic understanding of the concept and how the phantom blade was supposed to work, but actually carrying it out was an entirely different aspect.

He attacked the black figures, trying to make a fake sword swing before actually attacking with a real one, but he couldn't get the figures to fall for the fake as they ignored it and blocked Azrael's forward attacks.

Azrael thought maybe if he went faster, it would give them less time to discern what attack was real or fake, so he increased the speed of his attacks, but this did not help as the figures had always just defended the actual attack and paid no mind to the fake.

The pressure of the many figures rushing at him made his progress slower. He had destroyed over half of the hundred dark figures now, but none of the strikes that destroyed them were after a successful fake.

As Azrael destroyed more and more of the dark figures, more kept coming, keeping their large number constant and not giving Azrael a chance to explore other methods of carrying out the technique.

"Ugh," Azrael said, clearly frustrated. "Why are their numbers so large? There is no way I can learn like this," Azrael protested.

"This is the fastest way. Also, it is important that you deceive the perception of every one of them," Mortimer said.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Azrael asked.

"You seem to be attempting to do this by making a fake swing before actually attacking, but this is wrong," Mortimer said.

"The Phantom Blade doesn't work by using fake swings. What you need to do is fool the opponent into thinking that damage was dealt even though you never swung your sword," Mortimer explained.

Uncertain of his next move, Azrael asked, "How do I do that?"

Mortimer explained, "It's simple, Aura control is the basis of the phantom blade technique. It's not just about advanced movement, but also about 'intent.' When you use physical movements to create a 'false' attack, and then mix it with a strong intention to cut the victim, it gives the victim the impression of being cut without actually being cut."

Azrael asked, "So, it's like murderous intent?"

Mortimer responded, "More or less. The user's strong intention to cut the victim is mixed with physical movement to create the phantom slash."

Azrael looked towards the black figures who had stopped attacking him momentarily and said, "I think I understand it now."

Azrael then asked, "So, you're saying that using good aura control, I should release the intention to cut my opponent while also attacking in a way that it seems like I plan to cut them, before then giving a real slash, which would give them the impression that I attacked twice although it was just once?"

"Exactly," Mortimer replied.

Azrael continued his training, but this time, instead of trying to trick the figures with a fake slash, he tried to use intent to make them think he actually slashed them. However, he couldn't control his Aura precisely enough. As a result, Azrael gave off a general murderous intent, which made the figures defensive instead of just feeling the intent on being cut.

After several hours of training, Azrael had finally made progress. He had grasped a way to imbue intent into his sword swing, and as a talented sword user, he easily mastered the required physical movements.

As one of the dark figures rushed at him, Azrael calmly cut through it. Just before the figure dissipated, it had tried to block a nonexistent sword swing from its left before getting cut on the right. Azrael had successfully completed a phantom slash after hours of training.

"Good job," praised Mortimer. "Now you must learn the most important part of it, the advanced phantom blade. The higher level of this technique relies less on movement and more on aura and ki. To do this is fairly simple. When you project your ki through the intent, it becomes actual cuts and not just illusions."

Azrael understood very well what he needed to do. He held his sword tightly and signaled for the dark figures to come. As they rushed towards him, with a single swing of his sword, three of the dark figures were cut and dissipated into nothing. The other dark figures attacked Azrael, pushing him to the ground like they had been doing since he started training. It didn't hurt, but it was frustrating for him.

Azrael got up, ready to try again. As he repeated the technique, he became better and was able to project multiple intents to create multiple 'false' slashes. He began mastering how to do it with a quick draw.

Azrael nodded and took a deep breath, centering himself. He imagined his intent as a sharp blade and focused his aura on the tip of his sword. As he swung, he released the aura, creating a burst of energy that gave his attack an extra layer of force.

This time, the figures reacted differently. They seemed to pause for a moment before falling apart as if struck by an invisible blade.

After hours of training, Azrael stood as the dark figures, now numbering fifty by his request, waited to attack. He gripped the sword hilt, ready to unsheathe it at any moment as they rushed towards him.

With swift speed, Azrael drew his sword and sheathed it back just as quickly, and with that, all fifty of the figures were cut multiple times as they dissipated into the darkness.

"Good," Mortimer finally broke his long silence. "It seems like fifty cuts are currently your limit, but that is fine for now. It is time to go back and finish your battle," he said, waving his hands while still seated on his throne, and sending Azrael back to the physical plane.

As Azrael returned, he noticed the stone statues that had come alive had barely closed the distance between him and them. He observed as two of the six slowly worked towards him.

Azrael charged at them and with a quick draw of his blade, he sliced off both of their legs, cutting it into multiple pieces.