
Blade of The End

Chapters are mixed and unedited, being rewritten Don't read

omitted · ファンタジー
91 Chs

The eternal flame

Azrael stood rooted to the spot as the colossal ape glared down at him. With each deep breath the beast took, the tension between them mounted. He sensed the immense power radiating from the creature and Azrael knew that fleeing was the best option.

Despite his sudden surge in strength, he was aware that facing this formidable foe was no easy feat. Yet, he remained steadfast, his own glowing eyes locked onto those of the ape.

He was not paralyzed by fear, as he had not experienced that emotion in a long time. Even in the midst of the forest's most fearsome aura's, he had never faltered. The only thing that now instilled trepidation within him was the abyss. The dark slumber.

Azrael knew that this ape, no matter how powerful, was just another beast amongst the many that would be slain by him. With renewed conviction, he unseathed his sword and his ki flared even brighter. He was determined to end this battle quickly, and knew that his speed and agility would be a crucial advantage against the slow and cumbersome ape.

Taking a stance, Azrael emanated a vicious and sinister aura, one that was fueled by his dark ki. The ape responded in kind, pounding its chest and thumping the ground as if daring Azrael to come closer. Azrael tightened his grip on his sword, and in an instant, he vanished.

Azrael's sword sliced through the air with blinding speed, and it seemed the beast was barely able to keep up. Slash after slash, Azrael maneuvered around the ape, aiming to deliver the most powerful blows he could in the shortest time possible. In just a matter of moments, he had struck the ape over a hundred times.

The creature bellowed in anger and frustration, but Azrael continued his assault. He was relentless, his focus unbroken even as his foe's strength waned.

After a flurry of sword strikes, Azrael stepped back to assess the damage he had inflicted upon the ape. As he looked upon the creature, he was met with a sight that turned his stomach.

Despite the sheer power behind each of his attacks, not a single one had pierced the ape's skin. It stood before him, completely unscathed. Azrael realized then that his ambition had gotten the best of him, and he felt foolish for ever thinking he stood a chance.

As the thought of fleeing began to form in his mind, Azrael suddenly found himself interrupted by a loud sound that reverberated throughout the forest. It was the sound of his own body being sent flying by a devastating punch from the ape. Barely managing to react in time, he blocked the attack with his hands, the force almost shattering his bones.

Before he could even collect himself, the beast was already upon him again, its massive fist cocked and ready to strike. This time, Azrael was quick to react, blocking the attack with his sword. The impact sent waves of pain coursing through his body, his hands screaming with agony.

As he looked upon the ape before him, he felt a sense of disappointment emanating from the creature. It was as if the beast expected more from him, and that realization only served to fuel Azrael's frustration and anger.

Azrael knew that he had severely underestimated the strength of his opponent, and the consequences of his arrogance were now painfully clear.

The ferocious ape beat its chest once more, a display of its power and dominance. Its arm rose, and Azrael noticed that it was enveloped in a crimson aura of ki. Azrael knew what was coming next, and his mind raced with the options he had left. However, his body felt weak and heavy, as if it was betraying him.

With a deafening boom, the ape's hands collided, creating a beam of crimson energy that was headed straight towards Azrael. Azrael tried to move, but his body wouldn't listen, and he was struck head-on. The force of the impact sent him hurtling through the trees, smashing them apart like brittle twigs. Azrael's body felt like it was on fire, and he couldn't even scream as he coughed up blood.

The ape slowly approached him, and Azrael could only watch helplessly. He tried to move, but his limbs wouldn't obey him, and he lay there, defenseless. Once again, the ape raised its hands, and the ki aura around it began to grow brighter.

"Damn it," Azrael cursed under his breath.

However, just as the ape was about to deliver the final blow, Azrael heard a voice whisper in his ear. The voice was ancient and powerful, and it spoke words that made Azrael's blood run cold.

"This flame will burn both darkness and light. This flame will light the abyss. The world will die by this flame and grow from the ashes by your judgment. And within you also is the spark from which this flame ignited. You have reached the next step of your evolution."

Suddenly, Azrael felt a surge of energy coursing through his body, and he stood up, his eyes blazing with a newfound power. He stretched his hands towards the ape, which was ready to attack again.

"Let it burn," the voice whispered once more, and Azrael's hands were engulfed in a grey flame, flickering with an otherworldly light.

Once again, the massive ape smashed its hands together, conjuring a searing crimson beam aimed straight at Azrael. The intensity of the beam was palpable, and Azrael could feel the heat radiating towards him. Azrael remained calm and collected as he raised his hand, which was now engulfed in the grey flame.

With a deft flick of his wrist, Azrael sliced his hand through the air and through the beam, dispersing it in an instant. The grey flames danced and flickered around his hand, and for a moment, Azrael felt invincible.

The ape watched in stunned silence as Azrael effortlessly neutralized its attack. It took a step back, seemingly unsure of what to do next.