
Blade of The End

Chapters are mixed and unedited, being rewritten Don't read

omitted · ファンタジー
91 Chs

Bringing death to its God?

As Azrael spoke, a group of fourteen figures suddenly appeared before him and Ellie, each brandishing their own weapons. Ellie was taken aback by their sheer numbers, but Azrael remained unfazed.

"So, you knew we were following you," one of the fourteen started to say before Azrael interrupted him.

"Wait, where are the other members of the Black Axe?" Azrael inquired.

"Are you stupid? Why would I tell you that?" the man replied.

"It was worth a try," Azrael muttered to himself.

"What's the point of divulging such information when you're going to die here?" the man sneered as he approached.

"However, I could spare one of your lives if you simply hand over the God Ruby," he added, his voice covered with malice.

As the threat approached, Ellie's body began to emanate a powerful magical energy. The air around her shimmered and crackled with heat waves as her aura grew stronger and stronger. "I'll help you," she said, determination etched on her face.

Azrael's eyes narrowed as he watched the approaching figure, his hand beginning to glow grey as it was fully engulfed by the eternal flame. With a swift motion, he pointed it towards the man, who was immediately dragged towards Azrael. The man struggled against the invisible force, but it was no use.

"help me?" Azrael repeated his hands gripped tightly around the man's neck, cutting off his air supply.

"Just try not to get blood on your clothes," Azrael said, his voice cold and calculating. He plunged his other hand into the man's chest, letting out a low growl as his fingers closed around the man's heart. With a final jerk, he ripped it from the man's chest, causing blood to spurt everywhere. The man's lifeless body dropped to the floor, a look of terror frozen on his face.

"I plan to get this done as fast as possible," Azrael said, turning to the rest of the Black Axe, who were still comprehending what had just happened. "So come, let me give you quick deaths."

Upon hearing this, the remaining members of the Black Axe were enraged. They rushed towards Azrael at great speeds, their weapons drawn and ready to strike. But before they could move far, Azrael appeared behind them in a blur of motion, his sword flashing in the dim light. Blood sprayed everywhere as he sheathed back his sword just before they all fell to Azrael's swift and deadly blade.

Azrael's gaze panned elsewhere as he sensed another member escaping in the distance.

"So they were fifteen," Azrael said letting out a deep sigh as he took his hand of his swords hilt. His eyes flickered over the carnage behind him, taking in the blood and gore with a detached sense of satisfaction.

"Oh well, I'll let him go bring the rest," Azrael said, nodding towards the direction the Black Axe had come from. He turned to Ellie, she couldn't see his face, but his eyes though visible showed nothing aswell. "Let's go," he said, his voice low and steady.

Ellie stood frozen for a moment, staring at the lifeless bodies strewn about the floor. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear at the ease with which Azrael ruthlessly dispatched the members of the Black Axe. Despite her initial shock, she found herself following behind him, her footsteps echoing in the eerie silence.

"What exactly are we doing?" she finally managed to ask.

"Your family ordered the complete elimination of the Black Axe and I was tasked to do so," Azrael replied matter-of-factly, his expression unreadable.

"What?" Ellie exclaimed, the shock evident in her voice. "And I'm being used as bait?" she added, feeling a wave of anger rising in her chest.

"No," Azrael said firmly, suddenly stopping in his tracks. "The God Stone is," he continued, his eyes scanning their surroundings. "There seem to be more of them this way. Let's go."

"How do you plan to destroy an entire gang on your own?" Ellie asked, her voice laced with skepticism. "By killing them," Azrael replied simply.

"It's not that easy," Ellie protested. "Besides, you don't even know where they are."

"I don't need to, since they are stupid enough to come to me," Azrael said with a hint of confidence in his voice. As if on cue, a member of the Black Axe suddenly appeared, swinging his sword down at Azrael in an attempt at an ambush.

But Azrael was too quick for him, easily evading the attack and grabbing onto the man's face, smashing his head into the ground with a sickening thud. However, in that split second, another attacker seized the opportunity and lunged towards Azrael with a spear.

He quickly realized his mistake as his spear went through an afterimage, just before Azrael's foot connected with his face with a brutal blow. Ellie watched in awe as Azrael dispatched his attackers with incredible speed and skill.

"Fireball!" she yelled, her voice echoing in the empty space. Azrael turned just in time to see the member of the Black Axe who had tried to attack Ellie lying on the floor, burnt and barely alive.

"Why don't you all come at once?" Azrael taunted, his eyes scanning the shadows of the forest. He sensed their presence and knew they were there, lurking just beyond the veil of the night's darkness.

One by one, the members of the Black Axe revealed themselves, emerging from the cover of trees and brush. They moved with a fluid grace, each one wielding a weapon and bearing the mark of the gang on their attire. They numbered almost fifty, a formidable force that would be a challenge for most.

"I'm guessing this isn't your entire gang," Azrael said, his eyes narrowing as he took in the large number of men. Ellie could feel the tension in the air, the energy of their hostility simmering just beneath the surface.

"We bring death upon you in the name of the Black Axe," one of the men declared. He raised his hands and exhaled a breath that seemed to stir the very air around them. "Kill him!"