
Blacksmith of hero society

My name is Ryu Muramasa I'm a blacksmith for hero society. Unlike any support maker in hero society I did my own way. My quirk allows me to make any creation I made embedding to any quirk user's quirk become one with them. Heroes, Vigilantes in Japan respected me for what I made. So join me as I'm making many of the heroes armors and weapons to make their job more easy and my entire life making a turn. Weather I like it or not many think that blacksmithing is dead but I'll make them think wrong with my skill and quirk alone. I'm making a major change either villains and companies want me to shut down or dead but hey I made a good impression. And I'm staying here you got that. MHA x OC Story Disclaimer warning: Mha is owned by Kohei Horikoshi

Mart_Lopez · アニメ·コミックス
30 Chs

Chapter 14: Hero course visit

Ryu can hear the fire from the forges, hammers hitting heated metal, and hammers clanking and making other noises. He then thinks to himself, this is his somewhat of a vacation or calming moments to almost every blacksmith. Somehow chaotic and organized at the same time seeing students cranking the blower to heat up their piece and shaping the metal. There are students doing some common mistakes Ryu came up to them and help them to avoid these mistakes and fix their things. He still observing all of his students seeing many struggling a bit and only seeing 2 or 4 students not struggling. In which he had some of the apprentice for his work and techniques to pass on.

Outside of the workshop

As both class 1-A and 1-B are outside of the workshop they can hear clanking and banging of metal and the smell of heat and smog of the workshop

"What the hell is this smell it's like there smoking and even I can smell the heat inside" A student from 1-B with blonde hair named Neito Monoma complains "Well I can hear a lot of work in there like what are they hitting anyways" A student in 1-A with spiky red hair and spiky teeth named Ejiro Kirishima asking as all of them are covering their nose and mouth from all of the heat and smog " Inside here you will see the new facility and the person who is responsible of making the weapons and armor of 3 top heroes and he is currently teaching here as a guest teacher" Aizawa said and both classes realized about they are meeting the man who is responsible of making the "support gear" of the 3 top heroes.

Aizawa then open the workshop as both hero classes begin to see the chaotically organised work inside the workshop. Seeing students walking and roaming around doing their project hammering heated metal, using the machines as Ryu approached them and teaches them how to use it and other students looking at him to see how to use them. Then Aizawa approached to Ryu and greeted him

"Hey Aizawa so... How's the knife I made for you?" he asked "It was pretty good actually unlike those cheap ones made from factories" he said and he continued "Anyways here the rest of the first years hero course remember what nezu said" he said as Ryu looks at the students and some of the students look at him normally and one of them asked "Hey... Erm... um..." then he was interrupted by Ryu "Sorry about that the names Ryu Muramasa and yes I am responsible of making 2 of your teacher's stuff including the 3 top heroes of Japan" he said as Izuku Midoriya continued to asked "Yeah that's the thing... Wouldn't that break the armor into pieces right" he said as many agreed about Izuku thinking it's a scam "Nope you already saw the news with her fighting while she is wearing that armor" as many realized that the armor grew with her and reformed into a dragon armor with padding for more protection. Then Iida steps up "Sir can I ask for your request please!" he said with his hand raised "Alright kid who is this for for you or someone else?" he asked "Just for my brother can you make some improvements in his costume with your touches" he said as he show him the blueprints of his brother's costume as he looks at it "It maybe look protected but I can see some gaps which can be a bad sign" he said as Iida was a bit worried then Ryu continues "I know your brother needs speed and making himself more lighter to be faster, but the big problem is that some areas of his armor will incapacitate him or worst kill him or end his career if he fights with someone" he said as Iida tries to talk back "I know but do you have other ways to improve it!?" he asked Ryu in a panicked tone "I know which one can be the toughest metal and it's lightweight but it will take me time to make it and had a higher chance of me getting injuries" he said as the students look at him with concern "Have you heard of both titanium and tungsten" he asked as Iida begins to realized then the girl with black hair and a unique style of ponytail named Momo Yaoyurozu tod him "well both titanium and tungsten are the strongest material in the world and the big issue is that they are more expensive to export the material since its already that expensive which will cost him more" se said until Ryu interrupted them "well young lady you should be thankful I have a supplier for those two metals and yeah... They are pretty expensive for sure but mostly made them out of either handles, small knives, but armor will cost more than you think young man better ask your brother about this also my improvements will be some protection to like adding some areas with an arming doublet" he said as students were confused about what he said "Here let me show you" he went to his workshop office and show them a arming doublet top to them with gambeson and chainmail sown together as students begin to feel, look, and appreciate what he makes "not just that there are other styles of armor, here"

he grabs his phone and shows all of his photos of armor he worked on from samurai armor, some armors he made himself some with scales, plated, layered with cloth, and full chainmail.

After all that he accepted Iida's request to improve his brother's armor in his own style. Iida called his brother even thought his brother was somewhat disappointed to him but was interested to Ryu thanks to connections with Midnight and even the other top heroes who had those items made by him. Eventually he accepted to Ryu if he can add some improvements to protect him. While hero course students roam around seeing both general and support course students working on the project there are some moments that spooked them like one of the students is now heat treating his dagger Ryu shown him how to do it and he followed and was spooked a bit from dunking it from oil and pulled it out and combusted itself on fire. Ryu told them not to panic he asked the student just to blow it and look at the dagger if there is any problems.

After the tour students bow to him and bid farewell and Ryu now begins his work on Ingenium's armor and told other students from different year levels to begin their projects.

-To Be Continued-