

Have you ever thought that you could live somewhere else? A place like a city that knows no evil, there is no hate, jealousy or envy There is only happiness, peace of mind, and a king who does not hate Or a place among the clouds where there is no death, there is the rarest of minerals, where the earth is gold and the stones are sapphires, and lives forever. Or a forest with the colors of autumn, whose trees bear fruit every day, whose leaves carry all kinds of food, its rivers of milk, and whose people are heartless. Or a place where you can see the color of the eclipse If given the chance, what price would you pay? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today? If everyone around you is the same, how do you know that you are different? If you had to live with a disease, what disease would you prefer to live with? If everyone around you hates you, who will you love? Itsuki is a boy looking for the Ultra and during his journey helps those around him and sometimes cooks food for those who need it and hopes one day to kill all kinds of life in this world

Kay_11 · ファンタジー
11 Chs

Chapter Two: Hayami's Summer

The Sea of ​​Dreams was a place where elves and humans lived normally. It was a peaceful land consisting of several kingdoms, but there was only one king in this land, and he was the first king.

The first king ruled the land of dreams with justice and firmness

Being human never made him differentiate between his people of elves and humans

Rather, he loved them and treated them as if there was nothing to separate them from each other, which made the elves love and respect him

But that was before Jean stole one of the king's swords

A sword that shreds logic and carries supernatural power after which the elves disappeared for a while and ten years ago

He fought the first king and claimed that humans are of less value and that the elves should rule over the humans and mobilized a huge army of elves and began to invade the lands of the first king.

With the power of the king's stolen sword, the rebel army was able to win against the king's army, and when they entered the first city, the fairies killed both the king's people and his army, and it was the first massacre that occurred in this sea

The rebellious elves continued to fight the first king until they took half of his lands, so they called themselves koken, and the elves who stole the sword became their king.

Then the king's people began to think why the king does nothing, why does he let these elves do whatever they want with the power of his sword, he can even make the world in his hand

But the king did nothing, he just stood there looking at the end of his reign

The war lasted for 10 years and there is no hope for it to end

It's been several months since that boy Itsuki saved my life A lot happened in that short period but I ended up here among the slaves Mostly today if no one buys me they'll execute me for disobeying orders all the time Well it's not like it's a surprise to me

Thinking about it, was there any sense in saving my life that day Itsuki tell me, was dying here, humiliated among slaves, what you took so much trouble to save me for? No, it wasn't anyone's fault.

(No matter how much you look at it, I don't think anyone is interested in buying someone like me, as I expected it to be the end

"I wonder if that boy Yool is still alive. Well, I don't think he'd be a loser like me and end up in a place like this."

I'm really hungry. That person's cooking that day was really delicious. I wish I could eat it again.)

‏When Titus was lying in his cage, a young girl stood before him, holding a stick of some sort in one hand, and food wrapped in a box in the other.

"I see you're still an idiot as usual. Why do you always end up in places like this?" she said.

The voice seemed familiar to Titus, so he got up to see who was talking to him, and when he saw her, he said to her (You are Stella, what are you doing here, how did you get to this place)

(The same way you got here

I always thought you were irresponsible, but I didn't expect you to end up becoming a slave. What happened to you?

(You have nothing to do with this. I do the things that I think are right. That's why I don't regret anything I did. So don't worry about me and leave from here.)

(Here you are again acting as if you are an adult. Anyway, I brought you some food. They don't feed you, do they?)

(I don't need it, I'm not really hungry, so just leave)

(Really if I think I'll eat it alone)

Stella began to eat in front of Titus without his consideration

(Are you a demon, why are you eating it here)

(huh but you said you didn't want to)

(just get out of here)

While they were talking, the owner of the slave shop called Validan came, and he showed signs of being disturbed by what he saw

(Excuse me, girl. This slave is not suitable for you. He is arrogant and does not obey orders. Let me introduce you to the best slaves here.)

(No, I liked it. I think I will choose this one after all. I liked it.)

Then Stella looked at Titus with cunning eyes and a sarcastic smile, so Titus got angry after seeing her sarcastic face and tried to grab her, but the cage bars were preventing him

(Remember that, I'll give it back to you, whatever it takes. I'll never forget that face.)

(Oh my god don't be like this I'm trying to help you here you know)

(I didn't ask you to, I told you I don't need you, get out of here)

The shopkeeper sighed as he raised his hands as if he expected this to happen and said, "See, this kind of person you're trying to buy is so troublesome and hard to control, it's just scum!"

When the seller looked at Stella's face, he was horrified and frightened by the look she was showing while saying (how do you know that I told you I will take it)

(Well, if you insist, you have that price of ten million pieces of silver)

Titus was surprised when he heard the number and realized that they did not intend to let him go in any case and that he was destined to die

(I told you no need for that just leave I'll manage)

Stella smiled and said, "Did you hear that? I didn't know you were so cheap

wait for me a moment)

Stella came out hurriedly, usually after a few minutes, with a cart full of silver coins, and gave them to the seller

(Go ahead, that's ten million, so can you take it out for me now)

The shopkeeper was very annoyed, but calmed down after a few minutes

(Huh, you lucky bastard, get out of here quick)

Titus came out smiling and whispered to the shopkeeper (it's no luck that fate didn't allow me to die in the hands of fools like you)

Titus headed towards the outskirts of the city while Stella followed him, trying to figure out where he was going

(Can you stop following me, you're annoying)

(Is that what you say to me after I saved your life? Well, that's not strange of you.)

‏While they were leaving the city, Titus saw a boy, as if he seemed to know him, and when he saw him, the boy ran towards Titus, with looks of fear and anxiety on his face, then Titus recognized him and said to him:

(You sho right what are you doing here where is your brother)

(There was a disaster after I left the village, Titus. We were attacked by the koken army. They sent me to ask for help, but I don't know what to do.)

(Those bastards, as I expected, I shouldn't have believed them

Stella, send a request for support from the forces of the First King's army. How can you stay here and wait? I promise to protect your village.)

(No, I'll come with you, I can't leave my brother alone there)

Titus refused Shaw's request to go with him, but Shaw insisted on going to protect his brother and mother, and then Titus agreed to his coming

Then Stella asked Titus what was happening, and he told her that he would tell her everything on the way.

After Stella sent a request for support from the king's army, they headed towards a village

Shaw has a night solution, so gather to camp the night here

While they were sitting by the campfire, Titus began to tell Stella what had happened to him in that village

He told her that one of the villagers found him passed out and his body full of wounds near the village, so he carried him to his house and bandaged his wounds. While he was recovering, two brothers from the elves were taking care of him.

Apparently, when they were young, they were lost in a forest near the village, when the villagers found them and decided to take care of them and raise them.

And they ended up living among humans

After several days, the village was attacked by the Koken army, and for some reason, the forces of the First King's army or no one came to help

So Titus went out fighting them alone and preventing the army from entering the village. The fighting continued for a whole day, and Titus was still fighting, although his body was full of wounds, but he did not lose to anyone.

Then they offered him to stop the attack on the village on the condition that he become their slave

Titus had no choice but to accept their offer

(Well, this is not strange from you. When I saw you inside the cage, I said to myself that something of this is the reason. You always take the worst ways to solve things. In your opinion, what would have happened if I had not been here)

The boy, Shaw, was disturbed by what Stella was saying to Titus, and he responded to her in a tone of anger (Mr. Titus is not wrong. He protected the villagers. He is a hero.)


Oh, you're still hiding behind that name.)

(Shut up, you don't have to talk about this

Also, I did it because I owe it to the one who saved my life. I wouldn't let him die so easily.)

(Well, that's your nature anyway

Tell me Shaw, do you have something you want to do?

(Something I want to do to see..

I want to see my brother quickly

Stella was surprised by his response and while patting Shaw on the head, she told him that he would be fine and that he would see him soon

The morning came, so they carried their luggage and continued their way to the village

Titus saw Stella eating moldy bread crumbs with signs of contentment and gratitude on her face, so he remembered that since she was young she was poor and lived alone, and there was no one to take care of her, so he was shocked when he remembered that she had paid ten million in exchange for saving his life. source of that money

So he continued his way, unable to speak, and all that occupies his mind is where that money came from. Sadness filled his heart, and all he thought was that she would answer him with a faint smile.

Increased sadness and pain towards her

("How pathetic I really am. How disgusting I have become. I didn't even say thank you to her..")

When they reached the outskirts of the village, shock from what they saw appeared on their faces

The village had been destroyed, and the corpses of humans and elves were all over the village, and in the midst of the wreckage stood a strange creature whose body was dark black, about three meters in size. Its limbs had traces of blood, and a red circle on its chest.

(what happened here is this a level two elves)

While Titus was speaking, a look of fear and anxiety was visible on Shaw's face

Realizing what had happened, Stella raised her wand forward and said this word, "Fourth Form, Arrow of Victory!" The wand was enveloped in a strange aura of energy, turning into an arrow one and a half meters long.

(Looks like we're a little late. Step back. I'll take care of things here.)

When she pulled the bowstring, an arrow of fire formed in her bow

Then Shaw said (Wait a minute, please don't do that)

(Huh, we don't have time to discuss this. Get out of my way.)

(No, not that. I feel him. That thing over there. He's my brother.)

Titus was shocked when he heard that so he stopped Stella and grabbed Shaw with his hands trembling (what do you mean he is your brother how do you know that)

(I don't know I just feel it my brother is still alive and I feel it from that thing over there)

(This is impossible, if this is true, then it means that he wanted this to happen.)

Stella stood up trying to understand what was going on around her and said, "I don't know everything about elves, but as for the level, I think I have an idea about it."

I said the second level. This means that he removed his horn of his own free will, right?)

Titus replied to her in a calm voice and an angry tone, "Yes, usually we elves have these horns in order to remain sane and not become like that monster. The horn gives that balance in thoughts and improves our vision and does many other things. It is like the mind."

And without the mind, what remains other than madness in our case, if the horn is uprooted by the person himself, then it returns to its original form, which is the vessel, and this is its shape, and as its name suggests, it is just a vessel looking for its lost soul, so it destroys and kills anything it sees in front of it.

Shaw asked them to help his brother and return him to what he was, but Stella replied that there was nothing they could do but give him a proper death.

(He asks for help. I understand because the koken army attacked the village. I think he tried to protect the people of the village, but because he did not have enough strength, he decided to pull out his horn and protect the people of his village.)

(But he lost control and killed them all, right? As I expected, we have no choice but to kill him here.)

(Wait a minute, tell me Shaw, do you really hear your brother's voice over there)

(Yes, he calls my name asking for help. I will go to him and talk to him)

Titus replied, "This is madness. This thing will kill you."

(Don't worry, he won't, he's my brother after all.)

Stella was worried about Shaw's words and told him that he can go and she will protect him if something happens to him

So Shaw went alone to the elves and said to him (My brother, you did all this, didn't you kill all of my mother, my friends, and the people of the village? How do you feel when you told me like this?)

The beast interacted with Shaw's words, so he recognized Shaw's scent, and did not attack him or try to harm him

Why don't you reply Are you deaf You're a murderer You did all this to the people who raised us You're just a monster Now you've done unforgivable things And it's time to be held accountable for your actions

As I looked at Xu's face, I never realized what was hiding behind that smile. We at that moment caused a disaster. We did not realize the consequences of our actions. We did not realize that the boy who had accompanied us all the way. The boy who had been taking care of me a few days before. A tooth could turn into such a formidable beast

Xu raised his hand towards the elf and pushed it slightly forward, causing a huge pressure of air to rip out a huge hole in the elf's body

The elves tried to run away and treat themselves, but Shaw jumped over him and tapped his finger on his head while saying (reflection).

There was a huge pressure of air that crushed the elves on the ground and caused a huge hole around it

Stella and Titus didn't realize what was going on, but they were frightened by the look on Shaw's face at that moment.

Shu walked towards the elven corpse, smiling

(You can't escape so easily brother, you have to bear your punishment)

Shu grabbed the wings of the elves and began to eat them

Realizing the seriousness of what was happening, Stella drew her bow and prepared to shoot

(If the horn is like the mind of the elves, then the two wings are like the heart. But that is not all. If one elves kills another elves, then their experience and knowledge are absorbed by the killer's wings. After killing a thousand elves, the person's body enters a state called Hyola, which is more like the stage of maturity for elves. It is not compared to strength. King, but enough to turn an ordinary elves into a monster that can destroy a country single-handedly


Stella was not trying to kill Shaw, but she wanted to hit him in a place where he could not move, so she fired her fiery arrow at him, and that was like a trigger.

So Titus realized it too late

(In those few seconds, I remembered words my brother said to me one day. He told me, in every battle you enter, before you do anything, determine who your enemies are and who your allies are, so that you don't lose your head before the battle begins, that the simplest things can turn into disaster if there is enough reason.

Now I understand what that means

Elves, humans, Phoenix, and also ghouls, if those races happened to meet in one body, what would happen?

What was the color of his hair, what was the color of his eyes, why do I not remember even though I saw him a few seconds ago? It was because he was a ghoul, and my realization was late.

Now that I think about it, I can say one thing: if they meet in one person, a new king will be born.

Titus tried to stop Stella from shooting that arrow, but he was late, and the arrow had already reached Shu

At the moment the arrow hit Cho, he said one word (absorption).

An enormous explosion of fire occurred around Xu, and it formed like a pillar of flame shooting up into the sky

In the midst of the flames, Xu's body started to grow bigger and his features changed, and then he became a real adult

He pointed with his hand towards Stella and said (reflection) The pillar of flame turned into a ball of flame in Shaw's hand, and it flew at a huge speed towards Stella, so she burned her and seriously injured her.

Stella would have died had Titus not rescued her from the flames

(Human souls, elven wings, phoenix energy, and ogre's body, isn't that amazing, Titus? Look at me. I'm a real king.)

Titus had reached his limit of endurance. Every cell in Titus' body was saying, "I will kill him." And he said to him (King, I only see scum in front of me).

(then why don't you kneel)

An enormous pressure occurred on Titus's body that inadvertently made him kneel

The pressure nearly shattered Titus' bones until Stella stood up and said

(Fifth Form Holy Spear) Her staff turned into a long black spear, so she grabbed it and threw it at Shu, so he raised his hand to stop him with his strength, but

The spear pierced his hand and slashed his face

(This spear, no, this weapon is not a superpower or an ordinary thing.)

(Ha, remember this pain, I will return it to you next time doubled) Stella fell unconscious after saying those words

He tried to get rid of it, but Titus pulled his sword and stopped it before he could touch it

(If you get out of my way now, I will spare your life. After all, I owe you a favor.)

(Pardon my life, don't make me laugh, I'm not going to die in front of a child like you, come on, I'll smash that smug face)

I see light at the end of the tunnel. Is this salvation?

But when will I reach it, no matter how far I go, I don't feel close to it. I'm searching for the true meaning of my life, but I can't find it even among these memories.

Stella slowly opened her eyes and raised her head

(what happened did you lose consciousness for a long time)

Stella was horrified when she saw the state Titus had become

After a fight that lasted for ten minutes, he was severely injured in his entire body, his right arm and leg were broken, and he lost his left eye. While his body was covered in blood, he was still standing, fighting Shaw.

Stella called out to him and told him to run away, but he couldn't hear her

(I can't believe how stubborn you are. Even after all this, I can't believe you're still standing. You're really strong.)

(Shut up this power is something I got not something to brag about but I will not die before I achieve what I wanted to achieve after having this power)

(Huh, then show me how you'll survive this)

Xu showed his wings and flew a little in the air. He raised his hand in the air and started sucking the air around him and compressing it into a small ball and launching it towards Titus.

(oh that's boring)

Before the arrival of the airball, a person appeared standing in front of Titus and hit the airball with the palm of his hand. The ball fell on a distant mountain. After a few seconds, the mountain disappeared, as if it had been uprooted from its place, and the explosion caused a huge hole behind it.

(I think that's enough, boy)

Standing in front of Titus was a person wearing a straw hat and holding a black stick in his hand. When Titus saw him, he smiled faintly and said joyfully, "Brother..."

(Haven't seen you for a while, Hayami, have you been ok? Well, you don't look like that

In any case, the important thing is that you are still alive, and that is enough.

‏An exclamation mark appeared on Shaw's face, as he heard that person calling Titus Hayami

(Well, things are getting more complicated. I guess I'll try this power later

I have nothing to do with you, so I guess I'll stop here and see you again, Titus.

Brother Titus was surprised when he heard him say his name and said to him


(Titus, this is my name, this person is Hayami, and he is my little brother

Oh Hayami, are you still ashamed to say your real name? I don't mind you using mine, but isn't it time for you to face your problems directly?

(Not ashamed, just "because you are my role model")

But like I said I won't run away anymore I'll stop being fake Titus I'll be Hayami from today

Hayami stood up and stepped forward and said to Shu

(Hayame this is my name remember it well because next time I won't lose to you or him)

Shaw started laughing with joy and said to him (Yes, I will remember him well. Hayami, the One-Eyed Elves, tried to keep up with me.)

Shaw left that place and was never heard from again

The massacre of the village of Lioma, in which more than 5,000 people died and more than 2,000 elves from the Koken army

It witnessed the birth of the fifth king in this world

Jean uprising with one eye

That day was later known as "the day the king was born."

In King's Garden City, in a small house on the outskirts of town, Stella sleeps on a bed in a small room

She slowly opens her eyes and sees Hayami sitting at the door of the room

(That's what happened then, but I passed out for a whole month. It's pathetic.)

(Your injury was not a superficial thing. If I were a human or an elves, I would be dead by now. But you are a Phoenix. Even now, I find it hard to believe. I lived with you all this time and did not know.)

(Really, I thought you already realized, since the shape of my wings is different from the wings of other elves, wasn't that obvious)

(And how would I know, I've never seen Phoenix before

Lately I've become aware of many things, including how great a person you are. I didn't realize that, but you were always helping me, even when I don't know. I remember how hard you worked to collect all that money.

for your flight)

(I realize that then, but it's not a big deal, believe me.)

(I believe you, that's why I don't understand how you can be like this. I am the one who knows how much you suffered to collect that money. I know how many tears you shed and how many problems you suffered, and in the end you give it up so easily without disturbance, an iota of sadness or remorse.

I didn't know you were that strong.)

Stella changed her clothes, loaded her things, and headed for the door

(That wasn't a big deal. You're just making things bigger. Anyone would do that. Even you. I'm not that strong.)

Then I left the house and headed towards the forest, so Hayami followed her, carrying his things

(huh why are you following me is there something you want to say)

(I owe you now and I have to accompany you until I repay my debt to you)

(I told you no need for that...

Huh why bother talking to you do what you want

(Yeah, I'm just tired of watching that light. I want to try to catch it.)

A new journey has begun

chapter two _END_