
Black Clover : The Last Legacy

What if there was a clan that could go toe to toe with devils and elves but forgotten with the passage of time . What if the history of the world is not what its told about. Join the adventure of a boy who is reborn in the world of magic and figure out the true history of the world. Note :Mc will join the Black Bulls Mc in the story only has knowledge till the end of elf arc. Story focuses mainly on the adventures of the protagonist so don't expect romance. (I am writing a fanfiction for the first time so there will be a lot of mistakes)

Immortle_diablo123 · アニメ·コミックス
189 Chs


When I reached the address ,the scene made all my excitement go away and replaced with boiling anger that I felt first time in this life.

I saw Asta with a broken tooth and Yuno covered with brushes and Asta fighting a drunkard holding Yuno's locket.

How dare he hurt my brothers !!

This was the only thought goin on in my head as I ran towards them covering my fist in fire . I jumped and punched the man from behind ,the punch managed to make the man fall , I took the chance and punched him in the face as hard as I could again and again . The man didn't manage to react and fainted from the onslaught . I knew that I could not defeat a grown man if he was aware but in his drunken state he didn't have any resistance .

I snatched the locket from the man and make way towards the boys."Julian ni-san ,you came !"the boys shouted ,I went ahead and hugged them .

"I am sorry I didn't get here sooner",I said returning back the hug.

They tried to explain what happened but I said I knew what had transpired .I then informed the locals about the drunkard and got Asta and yuno bandaged .

On the way home Asta turned towards Yuno and said "I am sorry Yuno ,I couldn't help on my own ,I was too weak,I am goona be the wizard king and protect you ,sister lily and everyone around me." Crybaby Yuno stopped crying and said in the series tone

"I wont cry anyone and become strong and someday become the wizard king too".

" Lets see who becomes the wizard king first " said Asta and I witnessed the iconic fist bump .

Looks like they found what they wanted to do but I haven't decided yet .

"Before that we would have to become stronger than Julian ni san "

said Yuno

"Its too early for you too to talk about beating me, unlock your magic first and then talk " I said laughing.

" just you wait ,I am gonna unlock a super cool magic and make you acknowledge me." said Asta excitedly.

" sure sure take your time " I said ruffling thier hair.

On they way I got the reward for using my first mana art . Most of the achievements I get due to me either figuring a new technique or doing something increasing my mana flow . With constant touch with mana I feel my body getting stronger everyday .



Use mana based attack

=3 body points + 3 mana points





I returned home and got them healed along with a long scolding for being careless .They fell asleep shortly after dinner as they were tired.

After the meal while I was taking a walk outside the church sister Lily approached me and asked. "now that you can manifest your magic ,did you think what will you do in the future ?.The boys decided that they will work to become wizard king ,what will you do?"

Its not that I didn't think of my dream its that there's a lot to do ,I always had desire to explore the world ,learn about the forgotten history ,about other races and everything but in this world everything required strength .

In this world there are people that can move at speed of light ,control time, dungeons traps that can one shot you etc .I have to become strong to have an influence around.

"Seeing their determination today I have finally decided to work hard and become the strongest and explore the world without interference .For that I will join magic knights and gather strength and help people on the way to my dream . "I said

"That's a nice dream ,I may not me able to make you strong but I can help to control you mana for various application as I was taught in the church "she said hugging me ."thankyou" very much I said hugging her back.

She is more like an elder sister I always wanted helping and teaching me many things so I am very grateful to her.

::5 years latter ::

No major incident had happened in these 5 years and I experienced a stable growth period. I am currently 10 years old ,my hair grew till my shoulders which I decided to cut short latter on . My control over magic has increased a lot over the years ,Sister Lily and father taught me many things after I expressed my dream .

My magic quantity has increased to 40 and body points to 30 I can probably punch and crack a rock with mana coated fist ,I can shoot fire balls ,shoot small fire beam and bullets from my fingers and some minor spells .

As my mana control improved I learned to fly with a broom . I still remember the day when I first learned to fly . I flew around the entire village all day long , the thrill I felt was unimaginable .

Although I can fly with broom but I wanted to incorporate flying in my battle style . I found out a way in which I could . After storming my brain and some practice I fly through a shot distance by shooting fire from my hands and legs . With constantly trying to coat my limbs in mana I learned somewhat basic mana reinforcements.

My mana core has developed to light red giving me better mana control.

Asta and Yuno improved too,though Asta did not awaken any magic ,I guided him towards physical route and due to my constant nagging he does not shout in every sentence but still nags sister Lily to pay attention to him ,sigh ! when will he grow up .

I don't have to do much for Yuno he is growing well using wind magic.

Many children joined in the orphanage .But from today onwards my life is going to change .

" stats "




Body points:30

Mana points:40(+20 from mana core)



Spells:fireball,flame bullet,flame beam ,mana sensing ,basic reinforcement magic


I head a knock on the door as I closed the page and went to the door with expectation.

"here we go"