
Ch. 13 The Talk & The New Mission.

'.....' (Character's thoughts)

"....." (Speech)

[…..] (Voice Transmission)

{.....} (Spell Names)

<…. > (Telepathic Communication)

I explained everything that happened to me in the dungeon and what I realized I could do. The result of telling my story?


"You damn idiot, why would you accept the inheritance when you knew absolutely nothing about it?!?!? You could've died. Your curiousity could have cost you your life then that'd be my fault, what would I have told the loud brat??" Captain Yami explained as I had my head lowered in embarrassment and shame at making such a dumb choice.

"Sigh...Well, what's done is done, nothing we can do about it now other than move on and you should work on gaining control over your new strength." Captain Yami said to which I nodded vehemently before walking out the room.

Captain Yami sat on his chair and rubbed his head in annoyance.

'Damn, what am I gonna do with that kid and now I gotta report it to Julius.'

"Sigh... This is getting complicated." Captain Yami said to himself.


(Back with the rest of the Black Bulls)

"Ranto, how did you get so tall and what happened to your hair and your skin is so pale now!!!!" Asta shouted, apparently only now noticing the change.

"Ugh.. There's no getting you to be quiet is there?" I asked sarcastically.

"Sorry Ranto, but seriously, what happened?" Asta asked.

"Yeah what?" -Charmy

"Did you fight any strong beasts?" -Luck

"It certainly is a big change." -Vanessa

"(Whispers) I think you actually look great and the red really compliments you."

"Hurgh" -Grey

"Certainly looking like a real man now." -Magna

"It is sort of a long story, but to give you an overview, I came across an Inheritance in a dungeon" I explained.

"Wow an inheritance!!!!" -Asta

"That's a rare thing to find, and in a dungeon no less." -Vanessa

"That means you got even stronger, wanna spar again?" -Luck

"Did you find any ancient recipes in the dungeon?" -Charmy

"What's an inheritance?" -Asta

"There you go again getting excited over something that you have no idea about" -Magna.

"The dungeon itself wasn't to difficult at least for someone who can use lightning magic. I think Luck could have cleared it easily." I said as Magna explained what an inheritance was and why it was a big deal.

Before I could say more I was interrupted by Captain Yami.

"Listen up I have an important announcement to make." Captain Yami said as he walked through a portal created by Finral

We all turned to Captain Yami eagerly awaiting the news.

"Due to Ranto's most recent achievements, the Wizard King has saw fit to give us two Stars."

"Two? I wasn't even expecting one." I said.

"Captain Yami, why did he give us two?" Vanessa asked.

"He said it was for two reasons. One, because he cleared a dungeon by himself which is a feat in and of itself, and two is that he discovered an inheritance that could have easily been discovered by the diamond kingdom. He also explained that the inheritance will help to bolster our own forces, and it's not like they can take it from the kid so they are just glad it was found by us. So congrats kid." Captain Yami explained.

I recieved congratulations from all the Black Bulls except for Gauche because he didn't even listen as he was staring at a picture of Marie, not that he would've cared anyway.

"Heck ya now we are catching up again, who cares if Yuno got a star in his mission!!" Asta shouted out.

'Hmm, I guess the mission with Salim went off without a hitch. If I'm being honest I was a bit worried that there would be changes to the story due to my existence in this world, but with both Yuno, a four leaf clover grimoire holder, and the Wizard King himself, I didn't really expect any issues to happen.'

"Now, there's one last thing, the Wizard King has given us another mission."

"Oh that's what they had you schlepp over to the castle for?" Vanessa asked.

"Well Sir, is it a mission?!?" Luck asked while punching the air.

"Kinda. Pay attention everyone, here's what's going on. I was called in because they've discovered a new dungeon."

"Whoa, two in such a short time, I wonder if something is causing their appearance." Magna stated.

"So a new dungeon was discovered and then Captain Yami got called to the castle, I'm guessing that means we've been tasked with exploring it?" Noelle asked.

"Yes, and it's in a pretty dicey location, it's at the border between us and the Diamond Kingdom. We'll probably run into some Diamond Kingdom Mages. We're going to make sure that the Diamond Kingdom doesn't get anything from the dungeon that can be used against us. Honestly this mission has to be carried out swiftly and thoroughly, some people have come out of these dungeons being able to use the most powerful magic, and as we already know, the kid here found an inheritance." Captain Yami continued as he gestured to me at the end.

"Oh you have to send me Captain Yami Sir, I want to learn how to use the most powerful magic!!" Asta asked in excitement.

"How are you going to do that if you can't use ANY magic?" Captain Yami asked.

"It could happen, I'll never know until I try!!" Asta said.

"It doesn't really matter, magic or not, you're going on this mission, you and Ranto. Don't look at me it wasn't my call this time, the Wizard King asked for you both personally." Captain Yami explained.

"Whoa the Wizard King, there's no way?!?!?" Asta asked incredulously.

'Hmm I guess I've definitely caught his eye if I'm being forced into these situations. Like Asta and Yuno. Hehe should be fun, I'll get to become used to my new strength and power and let loose a little at the same time.'

"Altight now that that's settled, Noelle you should go to." Captain Yami said.

"Wha- me?" Noelle asked.

"Yeah, it's all about gaining experience right? And last but not least is Luck, I want you to take the lead on this one, newbies are all yours." Captain Yami said finally.

"Really me?" Luck asked.

"Sure you're gonna lose your edge if you're always here holding down the fort." Captain Yami explained.

"Thank you sir!" Luck said with a giant grin.

"And listen Luck, the rookies are your responsibility, so look after em." Captain Yami said.

"Yeah don't worry" Luck said but the grin never left his face and was honestly a little unnerving to me.

During this whole time, Asta was standing in an area where the sunlight shown through and having some sort of hero worship toward the Wizard King for choosing him while sparkles were coming off him from who knows where.

Finral then created a portal and took us as close as he could to the dungeon and Charmy being her normal bubbly self proclaimed she'd have some 'nummy goodies' waiting for us when we got back.

We were now well on our way to the dungeon and the true beginning of when everything starts to go crazy and I can honestly say, that I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us and what we will have to deal with in the future.