
Ch. 14 The Dungeon Where It All Began

'.....' (Character's thoughts)

"....." (Speech)

[…..] (Voice Transmission)

{.....} (Spell Names)

<…. > (Telepathic Communication)

We were all walking toward the dungeon and Noelle was complaining about why we weren't brought closer by Finral. Luck explained about Finral's magic and how he can only portal to places he's been before.

We came upon the entrance to the dungeon and we all steeled our nerves for the exploration. I had a feeling that I won't be able to pass this dungeon without infinity and that really upsets me.

'Well maybe with the power i gained from the inheritance....Yes it's possible. This is perfect as it can help with my reliance on using my ability in tough situations.'

We walked along and I was holding the lantern and moved out of the way quickly when Noelle tripped and fell on Asta. I just smirked at his misfortune and moved on. We eventually came across an area with a brick with a glowing outline as if light was behind it. Luck grabbed the brick and the whole wall came tumbling down and we shielded our eyes from the bright light and as our eyes adjusted we came across the interior of the dungeon and I'll admit it is so much cooler than the last one I was in.

We were all shocked about how the dungeon looked and except for Asta we could all feel the potent mana. When Noelle brought it up, Asta had a mini freak out which ended in him activating some trap magic, which he just slashed through. I knew what was coming and activated my flight magic and floated up and watched as Luck activated all the nearby Trap Magic with an almost maniacal glee.

After that I suddenly stopped and looked in a specific direction. I felt a surge of magic power in that direction. luck stopped and looked at me.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I feel a powerful surge of magic power in that direction." I said.

Luck was shocked, but activating his own sort of search magic and could sense it as well.

"There's something important I have to do, so I'll leave the exploration to you guys, see you guys at the treasure hall." Luck said as he quickly moved in the direction where I sensed the surge of magic power.

"What he's just going to leave us?!?!" Noelle shrieked.

I turned toward her and Asta.

"Well I guess it's up to us, but don't worry I'll take care of us." I said confidently.

Both of them knew how powerful I was so they agreed and I became the de-facto leader for the time being.

We made our way through the dungeon coming across a few Trap Magic spells which I let Asta take care of and then we finally reached a small staircase and made out way down. Noelle landed on a hidden Trap Magic Circle and many vines grabbed onto her. Asta was quick to slice through them but was grabbed himself. I then saw a huge monster appear from the water and started to slowly pull them toward it's mouth filled with acid and human bones.

I acted quickly and sent many lightning daggers toward it and the lightning electrocuted the beast and made it release the two. Just as I was going to take the final blow, many wind blades shot at the beast and killed it. Noelle seemed shocked and questioned where the spell came from whereas I looked up at Yuno who started to talk with Asta as I just said.

"I had that Yuno."

"Sorry Ranto, I just saw Asta trapped, I didn't see you helping him." Yuno said.

"It's fine, so what brings you here, I guess you recieved the same mission we did?" I asked.

"Yes we have to explore the dungeon and find the treasures to keep them from the Diamond Kingdom." Yuno stated.

"Yuno why did you help these people, we have a mission to do and we can't waste time talking with these rabble." Klaus said as he pointed at us.

Asta was about to say something until I stepped forward with my grimoire glowing and opened I used my force magic to simulate Magic pressure.

"So that's how the nobles are, I always thought they believed they were better than us, but to actually stoop low enough as to actually insult Magic Knights, well I guess I know how well Nobles were trained in etiquette." I said calmly.

'This pressure, how is he doing that?? And that grimoire? The Black Bulls have a member who wields a Four Leaf Clover Grimoire like Yuno? He also seems to know Yuno, maybe he is also from that village.'

"How Dare a lowly commoner attack a noble such as myself." Klaus said angrily.

"I didn't attack you, I simply was giving a demonstration of my power isn't that the excuse you nobles give when you attack us 'lowly commoners' I said with a smirk."

Asta joined in and then he and Klaus got into a screaming match ultimately making Klaus forget about me and then they eventually stopped and then decided to leave.

"Well that was rather anticlimactic, I kinda wanted a fight." I said

"You actually wanted to fight?!?" Noelle asked.

"Merely curious as to how powerful my brother has gotten." I said.

"He's your brother?" Noelle asked before pausing in thought.

'Now that I think about it, they looked very similar. Maybe they were twins' Noelle thought.

"Yeah, Yuno, Asta and I all lived together in Hage at an orphanage, but were told that when we were babies, Yuno and I looked like twins with only our eyes being different colors and as we grew we looked more and more alike. Father Orsi said we must've been brothers as we had similar pendants." I explained as I took out my pendant.

"Yuno has a similar one but it is a blue saphire like color" Asta explained.

'Huh, I guess you never know' Noelle thought to herself.

"Anyways, enough talk, they are getting ahead of us, let's catch-up." I said

{Storm Magic: Wind Wings}

{Storm Magic: Flight}

I cast one spell on myself and one on the other two. We flew up and started to fly around looking for another entrance as none of us paid attention to Where Yuno went.

We seemed to get lost and finally Nero seemed to direct us toward a path and we followed. Most likely this will lead us to the battle with Luck and the Diamond Mage, Lotus who I am looking forward to testing my skills against.