
BITE ME Forever 2

In a desperate bid to save my family from ruin, I found myself married to Viktor Volkov, a mysterious foreigner I barely knew. Little did I know, he was a vampire. Instead of fleeing, I felt an inexplicable longing for him, torn between love and the dangers that come with his nature. Would I resist temptation or surrender to my desires?

Eromami_Info · 都市
24 Chs

CHAPTER 34: Confronting the Enemy

His body pressed hard against mine and I could feel his thick, rock-hard member pressing against me. His hot breath on my neck sent a shiver down my spine.

"I'm going to fuck you so hard you'll beg me for more", he said in a low voice.

Taking this as an opportunity I continued speaking in a sultry voice, "Let's do it on the bed..."

Dario lowered his head to kiss me passionately. His lips tasted of wildness and dominance that overwhelmed all my senses. Then he lifted me as if I weighed nothing and placed me roughly on the mattress. With a sudden movement, he tore my shirt, and my naked breasts spilled out. He removed the rest of his clothes, and I could not help but admire his perfect torso that radiated strength and rawness. Dario began to pull one nipple with his hand, whilst he placed his mouth on the other and began sucking it hard. To my dismay, I felt my pussy throbbing, spreading wetness down my thighs.

I lay there on the bed as he worked his way down my body, planting kisses along the way and caressing all the right places. He explored me with such passion and intensity that my fear began to ebb away slowly until all that remained was a strange sensation of pleasure coursing through me. His fingers moved lower, slipping beneath the fabric of my dress before finally coming to rest between my legs and, to my surprise, I moaned in pleasure.

"You liked that, don't you, my little slut?"

"Yes..." I screamed, exaggerating a bit, "Yes, I do..."

Dario smiled, then changed his position to kneel between my legs. He started working his tongue in circles, licking and sucking me with a fervour that was almost too much. His hands explored my body, his fingers tracing the curves of my hips and thighs. I gasped in delight as he brought me closer and closer to the edge, each lick releasing a wave of pleasure that rippled through my entire body. My hands fisted in the sheets as I rolled on the bed with pleasure. My moans echoed through the room as I reached a powerful orgasmic peak.

Dario emerged in triumph and proceeded to remove the rest of my dress. He looked at me hungrily, commenting on my body as he started to masturbate furiously. Now he wanted to penetrate me, but I put a stop to it.

"No," I said firmly. "Not yet, please. I want to taste you."

"What are you talking about? I'm going to break your pussy."

"Please... Let me put your cock in my mouth. I want to return the favour... Please, I want to suck your cock..."

Dario looked at me with a devious smile on his face, and finally agreed with a slight nod of his head.

"I told you you'd end up begging me," he said in a hoarse voice.

He lay down on the bed and offered himself to me, letting me take control. I placed my tied hands at the base of his cock and started to suck on it. It was so big it almost didn't fit in my mouth, although nothing compared to the taste of Viktor's cock. I started to lick it and suck it and Dario was loving every second of it. He moaned loudly as I worked my mouth up and down, enjoying the feeling of being in control.

His breathing became louder and faster as he inched closer to climax, but I made sure to slow down so he couldn't cum in my mouth.

"Fuck, Lucy... Just a bit faster..." he said, as he grabbed both sides of my head with his hands, guiding me up and down his length. 

I struggled to get free of his grip and looking at him with my most seductive look, spit running down my chin, I told him, "It's a bit hard with my hands like this, you know?"

To my surprise, he didn't hesitate. He was so horny that he effortlessly snapped the rope and pulled me close to him by the neck. His erect, slick shaft brushed against my lips as I opened my mouth to take him in.

He gasped and hissed as I took him in, working my mouth faster and harder. He grasped the back of my head with both hands and let out a deep, guttural moan as I moved up and down, bobbing on his length. His breathing became laboured as he thrusted against me, getting closer to orgasm. That's when I took my mouth away from him, telling him in a husky voice "This isn't all I can do."

With a mischievous smirk, I stood up in the bed and pushed his back to the wall, then I turned around, so my ass would be close to his face.

"Fuck, I didn't know you would be this tasty, little slut," he said, panting, as he kept massaging his bulky cock.

He grabbed my waist as I bent over and spread my cheeks with my hands, presenting him with a perfect view of both my asshole and pussy. He licked and bit my tight ass as he reached out his hand to rub on my clit, sending electric jolts of pleasure through me.

I lowered my body and grabbed his dick, wanting to keep it straight to put it inside me. As I lowered my hips, his thick cock slowly entered me, filling me up as it went deeper and deeper, pushing against the walls of my pussy.

My breathing became heavy as I moved my hips up and down, riding him with wild abandon. He was moaning and groaning loudly, his strong hands pushing against my ass as he tried to keep me in place.

"Oh, fuck, you're good... You dirty whore... Where did you... learn this?" he panted, lost in pleasure.

He put a finger inside my asshole and with his other hand he grabbed one of my breasts, pulling at the nipple. The thrusts were getting harder and faster, sending waves of pleasure through my body.

I surrendered to the wave of pleasure, arching my back and moaning as I flicked my sensitive clit with experienced fingers. Meanwhile, Dario's hardness filled me up completely, the pleasure intensifying with every thrust as his thick length massaged the walls of my tight pussy.

I felt the orgasm coming, building up slowly and then it hit me like a tidal wave. I screamed out in pleasure, so loud that I'm sure everyone in the building heard me. Dario followed suit soon after, his whole body shaking as he came inside me.

We stayed there for a few moments afterwards, just sweating and panting heavily as we both tried to get our breath back. But I had no time to rest. Now he was finally vulnerable. This was my chance!

I slowly got off him and made my fingernails longer and stronger like I had before. If I was quick, I could penetrate his aorta and leave him unconscious from the blood lost. I raised my hand above my head and readied to strike when suddenly he opened his eyes and saw the danger. He grabbed my wrist just before I could hit him, startling me.

"You sneaky bitch!" He said with a menacing voice, holding onto my wrist tightly as he stared at me with a dark expression in his eyes.

He screamed at me in fury: "Do you think you can kill me? Do it then! Kill me if you can!" He was completely taken over by his anger. The sight of him like that made me step back, trembling with fear.

But I couldn't give up. Not now that I was so close to getting away. Taking a deep breath, I tried to appear brave and glared back at him. He sneered and gave me a cruel smile, as if he knew he had won.

And then it happened; he punched me with all his might right in the stomach and I fell to the floor, stunned for a moment. He dragged me by my hair and threw me against the wall, his fists clenched. 

"You thought you could win? You're nothing, Lucy! Nothing!" He shouted, coming closer and closer.

I knew I had to do something fast so I gathered all my strength and punched him in the face with all the force I had. He stumbled back, stunned by my unexpected attack. But then he smiled and slapped me across the face. I kept struggling, kicking and punching, fighting against him the best I could... But it was not enough. All of this seemed to only increase his arousal and despite my fear, I noticed that his cock was getting hard again.

He looked down at me with rage in his eyes and said: "This time, I'm going to rape you... And then kill you like I said I would!"

It was as if a great weight pressed down on me and pinned me to the floor. I could not move. His body crushed mine, pinning my arms to my side, holding them against the carpeted floor. My mind screamed for help, but the words were stillborn in my throat. It had all happened so quickly that I didn't even realise what was going on until he had slammed his hand over my mouth, silencing me.

Dario's grip on my arm tightened as he leaned in closer, his eyes boring into mine. "You're a feisty one," he growled, a smirk spreading across his face. "I like that."

I struggled against his hold, trying to break free, but his strength was too much for me. Panic welled up inside me as I felt the tip of his penis against my thigh.

In desperation, I placed both of my hands on his head and pushed with all my might, aiming for his eyes. To my surprise, my fingertips began to glow with a bright light. I gasped in shock as the light intensified, enveloping both of us. I didn't know what was happening, but I could feel the power building up inside me. Dario screamed in agony as the light engulfed him, and I could feel his resistance weakening... What the hell was going on?