
BITE ME Forever 2

In a desperate bid to save my family from ruin, I found myself married to Viktor Volkov, a mysterious foreigner I barely knew. Little did I know, he was a vampire. Instead of fleeing, I felt an inexplicable longing for him, torn between love and the dangers that come with his nature. Would I resist temptation or surrender to my desires?

Eromami_Info · Urban
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24 Chs

CHAPTER 33: A Deadly Rescue Mission

"We cannot wait for Viktor," I said. "We have to go now, just the both of us."

Raoul seemed taken aback by my sudden resolve and hesitated for a few moments before speaking again.

"But what if he comes back? He told us to wait..." He began, but I shook my head quickly and held his gaze.

"Too much is at stake here," I said in a firm yet gentle tone. "James needs our help, so I am not waiting for him."

My voice was passionate and full of resolve, which seemed to make an impression on Raoul as he slowly nodded in agreement.

"You're right," he said finally with a sigh of resignation. "Let's go then."


Getting inside the hotel was easy, we just had to look like we belonged there as guests. Once we were inside, Raoul filled me in on the details of the situation. Dario was watching James' room, located on the second floor. There were no other guests on that floor. We discussed our plan for a few moments before agreeing that it would be best if Raoul were to distract Dario while I went into the room to rescue James.

I felt my stomach twist into knots as I listened carefully to his instructions. This was dangerous, but I knew that I had no other choice.

Raoul tried reassuring me that everything would turn out alright, but I could see the concern in his eyes. He seemed hesitant at first, but then he suggested that he could use his power to turn invisible and sneak past Dario without being noticed. Then he would make some noise to lure him away from the door. That's when I should enter James' room, emerging from the west side of the hallway.

His plan seemed like a good idea so I nodded. We both said our goodbyes and agreed to meet up at a certain location after our mission was accomplished or if something went wrong during it. With one last look of encouragement from Raoul, I set off towards the west side of the hallway in the second floor where James' room was, with my heart racing in anticipation.

When I got to the second floor, my heart was beating like a drum in my chest. As I approached the hallway, I noticed that Dario was standing guard outside James' door, with his back to me. He seemed unaware of my presence, so I quietly crept up to the west side of the hall, where there were shadows and darkness. He was standing there, tall and menacing, with his arms crossed over his chest. I couldn't let him see me, not until Raoul had lured him away. My stomach churned as I remembered our last encounter. The rock-hard length of his cock had pressed against my butt, trying to make its way inside of me. His muscled arms had grabbed mine and held them behind my back. My pussy throbbed in response despite the fear.

Suddenly, I heard a noise coming from the opposite end of the hallway. It was Raoul, doing his part of the plan. Dario turned his attention to the noise and started to move towards it. This was my chance. I took a deep breath and stepped out from my hiding spot, silently making my way towards James' room.

I twisted the handle, but it was locked. Desperate, I tried to force the door open by twisting the handle too strongly and I snapped it out of place, causing a noise that alerted Dario, who stopped midway and turned to me. Crap! I could feel my heart sink in my chest as he started walking back towards me with a smirk on his face.

I tried to run, but he was too fast. He caught me, pushed me against the wall and grabbed me by the arm, his massive body pressed hard against mine.

"Going somewhere?" he sneered.

I struggled against him, but he was too strong for me. That's when Raoul appeared out of nowhere, smashing into Dario from behind. Panicking, I got away from the fight, but I was unable to reach the door, as the two men were blocking the path.

They both started fighting while I rooted for Raoul to win in my head. It was like two titans clashing against each other. Both of them were incredibly strong and skilled fighters, but somehow Raoul managed to stay ahead of Dario with his invisibility and agility. His punches flew fast like a hurricane and his kicks seemed to be executed with such precision that it was almost impossible for Dario to dodge them all.

But eventually Dario got the upper hand and landed an uppercut straight in Raoul's face which sent him flying across the room into a wall with a thud. And just like that, the fight came to an abrupt end and Dario emerged victorious as he stood there panting heavily from the exertion of battle while Raoul lay on the floor unconscious.

My heart racing, I stood frozen in fear, unsure of what to do next. Dario turned to me, his eyes glinting with malice. "Looks like it's just you and me now, my beloved," he sneered, stepping towards me with a menacing grin.

He grabbed my arm, his strong grip like an iron vise. I tried to struggle against him, but he was too powerful for me. He pulled me closer and stared into my eyes with a smirk. "You are so delicious," he murmured in a low voice and my skin prickled with fear.

He then proceeded to restrain me with some rope he had brought along, making sure the knots were tight enough so I wouldn't be able to escape. Once I was secure, he stepped back and crossed his arms over his chest, regarding me with amusement.

"You know what's going to happen now?" he asked with a raised eyebrow. "I'm going to make love to you and then I'll kill you." A chill went down my spine as I realised the gravity of the situation.

"A shame," Dario murmured as his hands moved up and down my body, exploring every inch of it with a hunger that made me shudder with dread. "You're so juicy."

I wanted to scream for help but all I could do was stand there trembling as Dario caressed and kissed my neck hungrily. Soon, he was pushing me towards the adjacent room 12, and he closed the door, as he pushed me roughly onto the floor. My mind raced for ways to get out of this mess, but it seemed hopeless. There was no way I would be able to break free from the ropes or overpower Dario even if I managed to do so. Tears started streaming down my face as despair filled my heart—I couldn't believe this was happening!

But then, an idea struck me. Maybe I could use his own desire against him—if I let him do what he wanted, maybe I could make him vulnerable and create an opportunity to escape. It was my only chance; a slim one at that, but it was better than nothing. So, despite feeling scared and powerless, I chose to take this risk and give in to Dario's desires.

"If I'm going to die," I said "at least I want to have one last good fuck".

Dario looked surprised for a moment, but then a smirk spread across his face as he removed his pants, revealing his massive, erect cock.

"Is that so?" he asked playfully as he started rubbing his shaft.

"If you are going to kill me at least you can give me that, can't you?" I replied, trying to sound as alluring as possible.

"Oh, you bet I can give it to you, you filthy whore." He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away from the door, then pulled me up and pinned me against the wall.