
Birth of the Supreme Monster

Daniel finds himself dead and in something that is a secret chamber. A voice claims to fulfill his dream of becoming a ruler. He reincarnates in a different world which is mysteriously called Earth just like his previous world. He finds loyal friends and make his dream come true. Join him on this adventure of hardwork , adventure and solving mysteries. Sorry for trouble or slow upload as I am uploading from phone

Unknown_Diablo · ファンタジー
20 Chs

The Birth Of The PowerHouse

Nine years ago.

In the present Central Empire.

There were two kingdoms which were the largest among the others. The First prince who was very idealistic and very intelligent made a plan with the then king of the unnamed kingdom, Sorus.

The plan was simple, the prince, Sontira was to marry the princess of the neighbouring kingdom, Mary.

In the marriage ceremony, the skilled ones would be sent inside with the prince and abduct the king land queen of that kingdom, The kingdom of Elf's. And take over it.

The plan was made and the wedding day came. That night was engraved into the history of the world and known as 'Birth night of a Empire' and

'The Night of The Angel'.

The royal families from both kingdoms went to a large hall which had a long dinning table and many types of chairs for different positions.

There were elven guards standing around the walls for the protection of the royal families. All of the guards had at least a Gold ECA with their leader on Diamond ECA.

According to the plan, the prince had placed his assassin group outside the palace in a location which was undetectable by any royal guard.

Just like the plan, the food was served and just after the both king opened their mouth, the signal was sent.


The guards fell down to the floor one by one not even the leader could react to what happened.

Then the king, Sorus, used his skill: puppet dreams and put the elf King and Queen to sleep.

The prince then killed his Father and Mother as well. And a wicked smile came on his face and he laughed until tears dropped down his eyes.

This was in fact the 'true' of the 'wicked' prince. The prince used his skill: Silence barrier that blocked any sound from going out. Truly a Genius.

The kingdoms are all unnamed because there is a ceremony that needs to be done that needs a lot of gold, magi metal, and spirit fragments. Gold was not a problem for a kingdom nor was the magi metal the problem was gathering spirit fragments.

One can achieve spirit fragments by devouring the core of a soul with overwhelming power. This process destroyes the very soul limiting reincarnation.

A very complex process indeed. A lot of things should be considered before doing so. First a soul core must have a bond as a master, then the master needs to force his mana through the soul thread to the servant's core.

The core of a servant is weaker than his master resulting in being unable to handle the mana density. Thus, shattering the very soul core of the servant.

This process destroyes the bond between the master and the servant resulting in a great pain through the core of the master. After the core of the servant is shattered the person must quickly get through the pain and pull the fragments of the core before the soul threads are destroyed.

The collected fragments are pulled in to the master's core and due to the fragments being from the servant, these weak density material is pushed aside and a semi core is formed by its accumulation.

In the ceremony the semi core is given and gold and magi metal as well. The ceremony summons a higher realm protection spirit who uses the semi core as it's physical core and gold to make it's body and magi metal as it's heart.

The spirit is then sealed in its place and offered magi metal every single year. A statue is formed made up of gold, with a shining heart and a barrier protecting it.

The spirit that ascended will be named by the Heavens that is adopted by the kingdom.

The golden statue can be used to cast an absolute barrier in an specific area or radius to protect that place from flying, moving entities and magic attacks.

The higher the existence realm of the core fragments the stronger the spirit is summoned.

The mana of a person can be registered within the semi core providing the ability to use magic even inside the barrier.

In this case the King and Queen are the existence of higher realm, the high elf.

Having a statue is not compulsory but the smaller kingdoms don't dare to name their country as they have a feeling that the gods wrath will engulf the kingdom and their life as well.

The prince went to where the King and Queen were lying and made a bond by ejecting a limiter barrier that weakens anyone inside the barrier accept the user.

He made a bond with the king, followed by Queen and the leader of the guards. He got the notice from the words of the world.

"Individual Sontira has acquired the semi core."

The voice made Sontira very happy and he felt sorry that he had to kill his father.

"I am sorry my father. I will be sure to tell your greatness to the future generations. And thank you for your DEATH. THIS IS ALL FOR THE SAKE OF OUR KINGDOM."

That night a monster was born. A monster whose hunger was not fulfilled even by killing the elf's of the whole kingdom.

A story is passed down through the generations of the elf that remains. The story states, "A monster devoured our Father and Mother at the night when the heavens talked to the world and the Superpower was established. Our Elder Sister was forced by the monster to marry to create more of itself. It still hunts us down to fulfill the hunger for power."

That night 700,000 elfs died and this event was known as" The Hundred Thousand Soul Rainbow."

This night started the beginning of new era and that night was the birth of the new Superpower 'The Central Empire.'