
Birth of the Supreme Monster

Daniel finds himself dead and in something that is a secret chamber. A voice claims to fulfill his dream of becoming a ruler. He reincarnates in a different world which is mysteriously called Earth just like his previous world. He finds loyal friends and make his dream come true. Join him on this adventure of hardwork , adventure and solving mysteries. Sorry for trouble or slow upload as I am uploading from phone

Unknown_Diablo · Fantasy
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20 Chs

The Execution

After one month, a guy with dark red hair and muscular body can be seen at night in the roadways of The city of Lion. He is drunk from all that alcohol he drank a few minutes ago.

This man is indeed Gedes. After a long quest he finally returned back from the adventure and went straight to drinking alcohol. Another man can be seen Infront of Gedes moving straight as if the alcohol he drank didn't affect him at all.

This man is as tall as Gedes shoulders with fine muscles not that much muscular, has blue eyes and black hair. He has eyes of a genius with a small ponytail.

That's correct he is what you think he is, William. Just like other skills he acquired the skill: human clone from Gedes two weeks ago. He used the clone 1 he acquired by killing the monster rabbit and used the skill on that DNA and made a human clone.

He is known as the 'Human Attacking Slime'. They both drank a lot but due to William body being a natural enemy of nicotine and alcoholic beverages he is not drunk.

Now, he will take on the narrative.

Hey, guys I am back. It was a really tiring month for me. My main goal was to acquire information about this world and complete the formulas I got from Gedes. He has a whole arsenal of skill.


[Updating Master Status

Updating completed

<Name>William Gedes




<Elemental Comprehension Ability>Bronze

<Elements>:Fire,Water, Earth,Wind,Space, Lightning, Gravity,Dark elements


Basic skills:Fire ball, Water shield ,Earth bullet, Wind blade, Explosion, Concentrated Fire beam, Fire bullets, Hell rain, Nuclear rain, extinction bomb, human clone, Wind steps.

Uncommon skills: Flame Thrust punch, Dragon's Breath

Core skills:Null

Store coin:2550]

Whoa, I got so many skills. I am surprised. I actually got my all formulae completed and completed some more like the nuclear rain, extinction bomb( original modification of explosion.), The Dragon's Breath.

These three skills are what I got. I haven't used even a single skill I got from Gedes. We reached the inn and slept untill evening next day because we didn't sleep for two whole days.

After waking up we took our meal and went towards the guild and a incident occurred that changed everything. We were hit by a running man from front.

He turned back and said sorry but his expression suddenly changed with Gedes expression as well. The man was light red in colour with the hair colour like a blue-black flame, to be exact it would be dark blue hair. He had all messed up hair and had a horn above his right eye.

He said something shocking.

"Master, why are you here?"

To Gedes and Gedes said.

"I should be asking that question. What happened and what are you running from?"

"We must leave from here and talk in a corner. Master."

He said to follow him and he took us to a pathway where people barely walk. Then he explained everything after he was down on his knees bowing.

"First of all, I am sorry my master for being so pathetic. I am here because the 'plan' failed and I was taken in as a prisoner in the Empire. They announced a death sentence for me. I barely managed to escape the jail."

"Hey, what plan? And what death sentence?"

"Our village was attacked by the army of the Empire and I am one of the few that managed to survive. I collected the remaining Orge and made a plan to attack the Empire. We did everything we could but the plan failed at the end."

He was a Orge. I couldn't believe how could a Orge be so handsome.

"WHAT was the plan?"said Gedes.

"The plan was to take the throne of One of the kingdom and become more powerful. The Empire was trying to attack the other remaining five Kingdoms and take over the whole central continent. So, one of the Kingdom, The Fire Kingdom, proposed a alliance with other kingdom to counteract the attack from the Empire.

The Kingdom of Light, didn't accepted the offer. Resulting in the alliance of the four kingdoms. The plan to counteract was to take over the kingdom of light and use it as a bait to stop the Emperor by offering the kingdom of light.

The Alliance wanted a strong candidate to run the Kingdom of Light after taking over it. This was the perfect time for me. As master taught me fire magic. I used my great affinity for fire and overwhelmed other candidates for the throne.

I took part in the war and took the throne. After that, the plan was almost successful, but, just like master warned me the confidence was too high and I began my training right after the war ended.

I used every resources the kingdom could provide me and became strong. After one month the Empire attacked without warning and I was captured. After the attack, the Empire captured me and used anti-magic handcuffs that disabled my skill: human clone and my Identity was revealed. This brings us here.

I am sorry, My master. I disappointed you as your disciple."

Then, a pressure was felt by everyone in the vicinity. Yeah, you might have guessed it, it was Gedes magical pressure.

The guards got alerted by this and our hiding spot was known to all.


[Warning: Master's bond individual Gedes is going berserk mode. Berserk type:Rage and humiliation. Please stop it.]

The same notification came that came two weeks ago while completing the quest. He met one of his acquaintance and he was killed. That made him mad he made a large crater that had a diameter of around 20 metres and depth of around 8 metres.

It was scary enough that I promised myself to never enrage him again and now he was even more enraged.

When someone goes berserk mode there cores are overwhelmed by emotions. There core becomes unstable and they go berserk.

Even over happiness can make someone go berserk. When it happens they lose control of their body and might even die due to pressure on

their core.

Now, I somehow calmed him and caught his arms and started running towards the Empire border.