
Trip back to the memory lane

Despite the umbrella, Feng Lien and Longwei was drenched in the rain. As soon as they got home, Feng Lien took a hot shower to avoid geeting sick while Longwei excused himself as he got a call from the office. Whilst brushing her hair, she can't help but remember the past.

It was also raining then when the Hong's adopted her. It was supposedly a joyous moment for Feng Lien and during the family's visit to the orphanage, it seems that they're eager to have her in the family. However, their attitude changed as soon as they got home. Initially, they did not bother Feng Lien. Her adoptive father, Hong Wang lei, is always be busy with work as he's in line for the Chef succession in his work, the Yang household. While, Hong Meilin, her adoptive mother started ignoring her upon arriving home. The only person who showed a hint of warmth was Feng feng, the biological daughter of the Hongs. However, Feng Lien was quick to learn that the warmth was a farce as well as her "good" sister only pretends to be kind whenever in presence of either of her parents. When it's just the two of them, she tried to bully Feng Lien and even asked her to do chores on her behalf.

Later on, Hong Meilin also started treating Feng Lien as her servant, often mistreating Feng Lien and cutting the allowance that she receives from the government. Later on, she learned that the only reason why she was adopted by the Hongs is because they could lessen their taxes and also, acquire government support, which should have been for Feng Lien alone. The Hong's are not poor. In fact, Wang Lei's salary could be considered as above average and if only the family knows how to save, then they'd be living comfortably until they retire. However, Hong Meilin and Feng feng are excessive and has an expensive taste albeit tacky but still whatever earnings they get, it is spent on trivial things and even after acquiring the "Head Chef" position, the family is still learning in a 2-bedroom apartment.

If only she wasn't monitored by the government, the Hong's may have also asked her to stop studying as well. However, the social service requires updates on the adoptees status as well as ensuring that Feng Lien is receiving the education that she deserves.

Feng Lien strived hard with her studies, her only goal back then was to leave the Hong's as soon as possible. After high school, she received a scholarship from the best I.T school abroad. This earned the jealousy of Feng feng and her sister did everything to stop Feng Lien from going. She would've succeeded if not for the interference of the Li Na, the social worker who handled her case ever since she was adopted. Given that the scholarship Feng Lien received covers all her expenses, Li Na can't understand why the Hong's are against it. Worried that Feng Lien may now be taken away, the Hong's agreed to send her abroad. However, they were so mad as they will now stop receiving Feng Lien's allowances. This led for the mother and daughter duo to further mistreat Feng Lien before her departure. They would sometimes lock her up in her room without any food nor proper air conditioning and Feng Lien is forced to drink tap water from the bathroom just so she won't dehydrate from the heat. Feng Lien endured and when she left for school, she vowed to never come back to the country lest she be used by the Hong's again.

Feng Lien graduated as the best student in her batch, receiving not only a monetary reward but also scoring an employment in one of the most elusive underground organization. This has always been her dream job, to be able to practice her craft without bounds and learn from the best in their field. They usually deal with the black market and the request are often challenging but she thrived and met powerful people along the way.

Until the day she was called back, the Hong's claimed that her adoptive father has fallen ill. She did not harbor any ill feelings to her adoptive father. In fact, the worst mistake he's ever done was neglect and overlooking the abuse that Feng Lien received. Who would blame him? Of course, he will choose his wife and daughter over the adopted child who's only purpose was to become an extended cash cow.

Although her instinct is telling her to decline the invite, Feng Lien reluctantly agreed to go back for the Hong's as she still owes them her life. If not for them, she would still be in the orphanage and she wouldn't be able to acquire the opportunities that she is experiencing right then.

Feng Lien didn't know that she's about to commit the gravest decision in her life.


Apologies for the late upload. I've been busy these past few days but rest assured that I'll try my best to catch up this weekend in order to provide you regular updates.

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