

I once heard a piece of wisdom that silver medalists are the most unhappy of the three. The reason for this that the gold medalist won, and the bronze medalist is just happy to place. While the silver medalist is always thinking just a little bit more and I would have one. I always agreed with that idea.

My name is Johnathan Argent and for as long as I can remember my life has been defined by envy. You see I have always been the second best at everything. I was destined for this fate as my last name means silver in French. Some would say it's a coincidence, but as they say twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action.

First it was my brother. Everything I did, my twin brother did better. I started walking at nine months, he started walking at eight. I said my first word when I was 10 months, he was nine months. While I was handsome, he was an Adonis. While I was athletic, he was a sports star.

Then it was Suzie Applebomb. All throughout elementary, middle, and the beginning of high school I was always second place in the academic rankings to her. No matter how hard I studied It just was never good enough, she was just better.

Screw Suzie Applebomb by the way. Always so smug about beating me. Rubbing it in my face. I do take a perverse joy in the fact that she has acne

The third time was what convinced me that fate is my enemy. For as long as I can remember I have been in love with Amelia Dallon. While she was beautiful, smart, and caring, it was not why I loved her.

<Amelia Dallon aka Panacea aka World's Greatest Healer>

<Powers: Biokinesis>

The reason I loved her was that she lived in the same place I did, the shadow of others. Unlike me however, she seemed totally fine with her position in life. She seemed to revel in the fact that she was never the hero the saved the day, she was the medic that wrapped up the hero's wounds behind the scenes.

Now, I wanted to become closer to her. So, I studied anatomy until my eye metaphorically bled to get this pre-pre-med internship at the hospital she volunteered at.

I know what some of you are probably thinking "wow that's really creepy and stalkerish" and you would be kinds right. However, I did not do this expecting her to fall in my arms or that I was owed anything for this gesture unknown to her. I just did it to hopefully spend more time with her and to share a common interest.

I also fully realize that she would never end up with me. She only had eyes for one person, her step sister Victoria Dallon. Now if there was one flaw to Amelia Dallon it was her taste. Now don't get me wrong Victoria is a perfectly nice girl, beautiful too.

<Victoria Dallon aka Glory Girl aka Collateral Damage Barbie>

<Powers: Personal Force Field>

There was just a series of problems with that idea: Victoria was straight, in a relationship, and completely blind to her sister's affections. If you were to ask me she was also shallow, not the brightest light bulb in the closet, and way too obsessed with looking good, But that sounds petty and spiteful so I just keep it to myself.

Getting back on topic, I thought I aced the interview and screening test, and I was right. Its just the fact that someone else performed a perfect job on both. You guessed it, it was hecking Suzie Applebomb. As a result, when I received the letter in the mail, I was runner-up for the position. Just the latest in a long line of second places.

That night as I was lying in bed thinking of all this. Stewing in my envy if we are being honest.

Thinking about how much I wanted to be closer to Amelia.

Thinking about how much I wanted to be in Victoria's place.

Thinking about how much I wanted to be the best at something.

Thinking about all my failures.

Thinking about my brother.

Thinking about Suzie hecking Applebomb.

The longer it went on the more this pressure built up. It was a vicious feedback loop, my insecurities feeding my negative thoughts and my negative thoughts feeding my insecurities.

It finally reached the boiling point, when it felt like I was going to implode my world just kind of clicked. I don't know how else to describe it, the moment just divided my life in two, the before and after.

With this came an understanding of my body, what once was theory in textbooks was now a language I could fluently speak. I had gained an instinctive understanding of the human body in general and my body in particular. I could feel single part of my body and with that understanding came power.

When I felt my bones, my body glowed white

When I felt my muscles, my body glowed pink

When I felt my blood, my body glowed red

When I felt my nerves, my body glowed blue

When I felt my fat, my body glowed yellow

When I felt my skin, my body glowed tan

I knew what this meant. It meant I triggered and was now a parahuman. It was a strange feeling as I had a lot of emotions screaming at me all at the same time.

Excitement at having superpowers.

Anticipation for tomorrow to find out what they are.

Dread at the danger they bring.

Happy that I now had something in common with my crush.

Content that at least in this I would not be second place as with superpowers you were either no one or someone. While I hoped I could be someone, I was content with being no one as long as I wasn't second place.