
The Local Gang Scene (Part 1)

I woke up the next day thanking whatever powers above that it was the weekend. It gave me the opportunity to experiment with my powers. First, I had to decide where I was going to do it as I couldn't do it at my house. The only idea worse than using my powers in front of my family is using them in the middle of a populated neighborhood.

In consequence I had to do it elsewhere. The only problem was where, to understand my predicament one has to my home city of Brockton Bay. You see the thing about the city is that it's completely owned by various gangs.

The first gang is Olympus, the gang that owns the industrial district and parts of the docks. This is considered the best of the gangs. In another life or time, many believe they could have become heroes.

Their primary business is robbing various trucks all up and down the east coast. They then sell the higher end products and hand out the lower end necessary goods to the needy. They also collect protection money from various businesses and actually protect them unlike a lot of other gangs.

They all only do the bare minimum to be protected by the unwritten rules set up by the marquis, that being domino masks or lower face masks and using codenames.

The leader of The Crew is Dominic Toretto aka Zeus. His ability makes him just above the human limit in all skills and physical attributes.

Dom's right-hand men are Brian O'Conner aka Hermes and Luke Hobbs aka Hercules. Brian's abilities are super speed and regeneration. Luke's abilities are super strength and durability.

The rumors are that they used to be PRT agents until they were gunned down by corrupt fellow agents and left for dead. When they survived and came back to PRT Headquarters they found out that the others pinned all their crimes on them, and upper management covered for the corrupt agents to save face. Better two bad agents than a group of them in their opinion.

The crew's lieutenants are Han Lue aka Apollo, Roman Pearce aka Ares, Tej Parker aka Hephaestus, and Letty Ortiz aka Artemis.

Han's ability was acoustikinesis which allowed him to control sounds.

Roman's ability allowed with to amplify and reduce momentum. Which allow him to hit harder and take harder hits.

Tej was a vehicle tinker which allowed him to create custom made cars to fully utilize his peers' abilities.

Letty's ability allowed her to create an aura of blades which she used to both defend and attack.

The second major gang was the Brockton Bay branch of the Elite that owned the financial district and boardwalk.

Their primary sources of income are white collar crimes and various, both legal and illegal, businesses. Their white-collar crimes mainly include money laundering and stock fraud. Their main business mainly was clubs with all the side-businesses that they entail: gambling, cage fights, high-end drugs, and high-end escorts.

They also were known for selling information, weapons, and anything else one could want. Simply put as long as enough money was on the table there was nothing they wouldn't put there.

The branch's leader was Whisper, real name unknown, who's ability was supposedly a sherlock-like intuition. No one knows where she came from, her entire past is a mystery. Ten years ago, she came out of know where and by herself. She has since aggressively recruited using intimidation, bribery, and extortion.

Her two right-hand women were Gambler, real name Dinah Alcott, and Techna, real name Grace with no known last name. Gambler's ability was knowing the odds of any event which made her position as head of the stock fraud make sense. While Techna's ability was technopathy which led to her being the head of the online information and product sales.

Her lieutenants were Blackout, Baskerville, and Puppetmaster. They were Whisper's muscle and enforcers.

Blackout, real name unknown, could create and manipulation a mysterious black gas that could block all signal and dull people's senses.

Baskerville, real name Rachel with no known last name, could turn her pet dogs into monstrous goliaths. Word was that she and Techna were sisters that got lost in the system somewhere along the line.

Puppermaster, real name Alec as far as anyone knows, could control other people's bodies, the only downside of the ability was that it started small. It all starts with a twitch, then gets worse and worse for the victim. Some people say he's one of the demon spawns of Heartbreaker. No one knows for sure as neither react well when asked about the topic.

Correction to previous chapter: Panacea and Glory Girl are Stepsiblings.

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