

“Janice?” Clyde called her gently, afraid that she would disappear if he calls her too loud. She looked at him in shock, wondering who he was referring to. ____ When Janice disappeared without a trace, everyone thought it was just a vanishing act. But for Clyde, something doesn't add up. He sets out to find the truth, but as the search led him down a path of danger and intrigue, he finds himself crossing part with Jasmine, a woman who bears a striking resemblance to Janice. He began to wonder if Jasmine was Janice in disguise. He forced himself to get closer to her. As his obsession with her grows, Jasmine found herself drawn into a web of lies and deception. She starts to wonder if she has something to hide after all. ____ Cover art not mine.

Khristabel · 都市
16 Chs

Let's Get Married

"Hello baby Jas, where are you? Aren't you coming home tonight?" Brad asked, his voice tinged with worry. He was starting to get really concerned as it was unlike Jasmine to not reach out nor return his call for the past two hours and. He had tried calling her for the umpteenth time but she did not pick causing him to worry more. Just when he was about to give up hope, his phone rang and he saw her name on the caller ID. His heart almost leaps to his throat as he answered the call.

"I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls, Brad," she quickly said, "My phone was on silent mode. I just checked it now. I was covering for a colleague who came in late for the night shift." Jasmine explained immediately, also worried.

"It's fine dear," he replied, his tone softening. "Are you coming home tonight? I want to prepare dinner now." He asked again, hoping she will agree.

"I'm sorry, Brad but I will be passing the night at Ava's apartment. She is waiting for me and it is already late to come back home. Besides, it will be good to know where she lives, right?' Jasmine asked cautiously, trying not to offend Brad. Maybe she is just asking for much.

"Of course, I understand. I just want you to be safe. Take good care of yourself okay? And tell Ava to avoid me for life, humph" Brad said, obviously not happy to let Jasmine pass the night in Ava's place. It's not like he doesn't want that, it's just Ava is a party girl and he is sure as hell that Ava will be partying tonight that is why she decided to take her chance with Jasmine. Sly opportunist. "Just be careful, okay? Don't stress yourself tonight. Love you."

"Love you too, and I will talk to you tomorrow, bye" Jasmine replied and beep, the call disconnected. She turned towards Ava "Happy now?" She asked.

"Yesss, you probably don't know what it feels like to win against Brad when it comes to you." Ava said with mischievous grin plastered all over her face.

"I probably wouldn't wish to get in that situation where I will have to beg Brad let you take me out." Jasmine muttered, more to herself but Ava was quick enough to catch on with what she said,

"Don't worry, I'll always have your back if you find yourself in that situation," Ava said with a grin and winked at Jasmine.

"Yeah, like you just did right now, afraid to ask him yourself." Jasmine said sarcastically and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, still doesn't change the fact that he let me have you tonight. Opportunities like this are hard to come by. Tonight is going to be amazing. Hop in let's go."Ava exclaimed happily and Jasmine could not help but chuckle at her friend's enthusiasm. She settled into her seat, ready for whatever adventure Ava had planned. 

Earlier, she had been thinking about how to get Jasmine out of the house for the night. She knew that Brad is so protective of Jasmine and that he wouldn't let her go out alone at this time, phew. Therefore, she came up with a plan – she would convince Jasmine to call Brad and tell him that she wouldn't be home, tonight. She would have done the calling herself but she knew better than to. Luckily, her plan worked – girls out in a bit. 

"Let's get drunk tonight. Woohoo," her voice reverberated in the dead of the night.

7pm. At the City S Intercontinental Hotel…

Alexis walked in like a queen in her own world with Ivan trailing behind her. She paid him no mind as they walked through the entrance. With every calculated and deliberate step she took, her stiletto heels click loudly against the marble floor. She exuded confidence and grace, looking every bit the part of a woman who knew what she wanted and how to get it. He had actually gone to pick her up as per the instruction of his boss, Clyde. However, he knew better than to expect any gratitude from her – she was known for her arrogance and demanding nature. He couldn't help but resent her and almost wanted to lash out on her, but he kept his thoughts to himself. After all, he was here to serve her, not question her. 

Ivan quickened his pace took the lead, leading Alexis to the table he had reserved earlier. He silently prayed to the universe to guide the CEO not fall for her charms. He let out a sigh of relief as they reached the table where the Clyde was already waiting. 

With a smug smile on her face, she walked past Ivan, and pecked Clyde who seems indifferent about what is going on in his surrounding and sat down while smiling seductively. It was clear that he was indifferent to her presence and unimpressed by her actions. Ivan tried to suppress a laugh – she was clearly trying too hard. 

"How are you doing, Clyde?" she asked much to the surprise of Ivan who was still waiting for his boss to wave him out. The nerve of her to address him by his first name. Though, could she be blamed? Ivan's thought was cut short when Clyde waved him away and he reluctantly left, but not without glaring daggers at Alexis who also returned the energy with a smirk. The hatred between them was clearly mutual.

"Let's get contractually married, Miss Alexis." Clyde's voice cold and businesslike. The words hung in the air and for a moment, the only sound was that of the waiter's silverware, setting down their meals. 

"Why?" Alexis asked, a bit taken aback while trying to hide the shock that was struggling to take a better part of her. She had thought he is finally going to propose since they have been together for only God knows when. Yes, he proposed but not the way she thought it would go. Who on earth want a contract marriage if not because of the money and whatever gain that comes with it? a contractual marriage was not what he envisioned for herself. Was he only interested in her for her father's wealth and connections? She mentally shook her head and faced him.

"Clyde, we can think of a better solution other than a contractual marriage," she proposed trying to keep her voice steady. "I love you for real, Clyde and I thought you felt same way; I know you are still looking for…" Alexis stopped herself before she could say the forbidden name.

She isn't a fool. She knows about her. She knows the tragic story behind it all and she is not a fool to speak it loud at least not to his hearing. A slip of the tongue of hers could destroy all her carefully laid out plans. She had worked carefully to get to where she was and she refused to let anything jeopardize her future as Mrs. Clyde, a coveted title of every eligible spinster in the whole of City S.

Taking a deep breath, Alexis squared her shoulder, "I promise to make this union work, Clyde. I'm ready to fight for this and trust me, it will be worth it," she said, her voice firm and gentle. She could only hope that her conviction was enough to convince him. 

"Miss Alexis, I don't do love. I'm not going make any promise I can't keep. You are a beautiful woman and you can get whomever you want. But, If you don't agree to a contract marriage, I'm sorry we can't work out together. I will give you some time to think about this and maybe come with a reply. And in the absence of any favorable reply, then I will be forced to get someone else regardless of her class and social status." He said.

"How long will the marriage last?" Alexis asked. Not even in her wildest dreams has she thought that he would give her these options. She had mentally and quickly calculated her lost and gains if she is to let him go and the loss is more than the gains. Maybe, that is how fate designed it for her to get married. Maybe in the cost of this marriage he will get to love her just like any other love stories. Maybe, this is how her love story is going to be.

"Six months," he said, his voice flat and emotionless causing her eyes to widen, screaming to budge out of its sockets. 

Six months! How on earth is she going to perfect her plans if she is to get contractually married to for six months. Anyway, she decided to try her luck and ask for an extended time.

"Can we make it a year?, she asked, her voice slightly shaken. "We will get to celebrate all the yearly festivals together. Like the Christmas and…

"Six months, Miss Alexis. And you have until Friday to give me a reply. Have a wonderful night rest." He said with a tone of finality, paid for the meal and stood up to leave but Alexis's next words halted his footsteps.