
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · アニメ·コミックス
57 Chs

I’m in …..

Nine Months Later

April 20th, 1990

Trey POV

"Wahhhhhhh," I screamed as I was born. I had to keep up the appearance of being a normal baby. I wouldn't want my parents to think something was wrong with me. The doctors cut my umbilical cord and cleaned me up.

'I wonder what race I am in this life. As bad as it was at times, I'd love to be black again.' I pondered as the doctor handed me to my new mom. Opening my eyes for the first time, I looked at my new mother. She had brown curly hair and green eyes. She seemed to be of Trinidadian or Indian descent. There's one thing I wasn't ready for about her appearance. She looks so young. She had to be in her early 20s.

"Alexandra, our son is here. I can't believe it! I finally have a son." The man I assumed to be my father said. His long black dreads swayed as he shed tears quietly looking over us. He looked tall and had amber eyes. My father also looked slightly older than my mom but was of African American descent.

"Tyson, honey, you promised you wouldn't cry this time." My mother giggled at him.

'I can tell who wears the pants in this relationship. This time huh? I'll probably have a sibling in this life. Nice change of pace from being an only child.' I speculated.

"Trey-Trey, daddy loves you," Tyson said. He was tickling my stomach. I had to resist the urge to laugh at the face he was making. I did crack a little giggle, which I'm sure he enjoyed. He's the total opposite of my last dad. At least Beyond gave me the same first name as he promised.

"Always remember, Mommy loves you more." Mom said. I nodded, putting on a smile only babies can make. My mom smiled triumphally at dad as if she had won the battle for whom I love more. He looked heartbroken before putting on a bitter smile. Before long, they were both laughing, looking over me.

They stayed talking to me for another hour before my mother fell asleep. My father then took me and rocked me to sleep. This new life is off to a great start. Man, all those other protagonists lied. Being a baby is incredible.

I woke up the following day in the arms of a beautiful stranger. The kid looked familiar, weirdly enough. She had curly black hair, green eyes, and light caramel-like skin. She kept staring at me like I was the most precious thing in the world. I looked around and saw my mother in her hospital bed, smiling at us.

Okay, she's got to be my sister. Damnit, her being so pretty is a gift and curse. My inner sis-con was already activating. I began thinking of all the beneficial powers for protecting her and the ones I could use to kill people. While I contemplated this, she passed me back to mom. My sister then turned on the news.

"Look, mom Auntie Lane!" My three-year-old sister shouted.

"Don't yell, Kyla. As for Lois, it's great seeing her on tv. Your auntie finally caught her big break. She'll do great for Met 78." Mom replied. She surprisingly lifted her shirt. I was perplexed. I soon had enlightenment on what she was doing. It's kind of freaky doing this, but a boy's gotta eat.

'Itadakimasu!' I thanked.

While I enjoyed my meal, I listened to the news. Hopefully, I can figure out what universe I'm in.

"In other news, Metropolis's new hero The Blur, saved three families from a burning building last night. Since his debut, he has helped prevent countless disasters and crimes throughout the city. No one has managed to get a photo of him yet. Many news outlets are offering a huge reward for a picture or interview with this mysterious savior." Lois said. As soon as she finished, I stopped eating, staring at the tv screen in shock. I'm in DC!

'Beyond, you put me in DC, of all freaking places! Of all the universes, DC is one the scariest. All the villains at the top are more powerful than most universes. Darkseid makes Thanos with the infinity gauntlet look like a joke. Don't get me started on Perpetua or Lucifer. Plus, they regularly wipe the multiverse with crisis events.

In Dragon Ball, for instance, you at least have the dragon balls for some protection. You don't have to worry about Zeno destroying universe 7. DC's rival Marvel isn't as bad with multiverse wiping events, either. They have only a couple in their history. I can count the same amount for DC in the last couple of years.

The scariest part isn't the villains. The stories where members of the justice league go evil are truly terrifying. This is no longer a matter of wanting to get to Beyond's level. I have to cause if I don't, I really will die.' I shuddered, concluding my thoughts.


"Aww, my baby made his first stinky." my mother laughed.

'Noooooooooo!' I screamed in my mind.

Hey, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Make sure to leave a review or comment to share your thoughts and opinions on the story. I’m always open to new suggestions. Criticisms are also welcome. I love finding new ways to improve my writing. Currently, we have no discord. (May make one if there is demand for one.) Wishing the best to anyone who has read my story, peace.

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