
Beyond The Omniverse (DC)

This is the story of a man who is given a second chance at life. Reborn into one of the strongest universes and armed with an equally strong system to level the playing field. Will he succeed in this life where he once failed? Will he follow the light, the dark, or a mixture of both? What is in store for him in this new world? This is the journey of a man on a quest to live a fulfilled life. PLEASE READ Author's Foreword I answer the most frequently asked questions in there. If you have other questions, DM or write a comment. I will do my best to respond. DISCLAIMER: I don't own any characters besides my own. They all belong to their respective companies.

Legxndary · Anime & Comics
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57 Chs

Planning and Resolve

'I probably shouldn't have brought up such a touchy subject with God. Well, at least I know what's going on now. System, can you tell me how much longer until I'm born.' Trey asked.

[Host is in your mother's womb and will be born in nine months.]

Okay, good to know. I have nine months to plan how I will use these powers. I don't have any skills from my previous life to recreate fictional works. Learning to draw, direct, and write is a must in this new life. I also have to get good with technology for all the fictional works created by technology. I'll need to find a way to get my work out quickly. Hopefully, this new universe already has the internet. Wait.... it finally dawned on me.

'Beyond never told me what universe he put me in. How can I plan for the future when I don't even know where I am? System, can you tell me what universe I'm in?' Trey inquired.


'Damn you, Beyond.' Trey cursed.

Let's calm down. There's nothing I can do about it now. I can still make a general plan and tweak it when I know what universe I'm in. Hey system, can you tell me the power levels for humans and superhumans?

[Affirmative Levels of Power]


Normal Human: Average Adult Human

Athlete: Top Athletes(Gymnasts, Basketball Players, Olympians, etc.)

Peak Human: Peak Human Potential. (DCAU Batman, Lady Shiva, MCU Daredevil)]


Super Soldier: Beyond normal human limits. (MCU Captain America, Young Justice Deathstroke, MCU Black Panther)

Urban: Can destroy buildings or areas of similar size.( MCU Spiderman, Deku, Levi Ackerman)

Multi-City Block: Can destroy city blocks or areas of similar size. ( East Blue Saga Luffy, Yoshikage Kira, Young Justice Conor Kent]

'System, is there a reason for all the distinctions for each character?' Trey asked.

[Yes, Many characters will have differences in power depending on the universe. Batman, for example, is sometimes at Super Solider or City Block level. He can also grow past superhuman levels based on his suit. Upgrading characters to higher levels is possible via fan points, but you must be at the same level.]

I need to be careful about when and where I take characters from. Before I plan more, I will have to address the elephant in the room. Well, the elephant in this fetus. I have to come to terms with my death. Talking to Beyond took my mind off it, but I have to address it with the time I have to myself. I should look over my last life.

Life for me was ordinary. I had issues like most people, but nothing too crazy. I had an okay childhood and decent parents despite them breaking up when I was little. I eventually went to college, graduated, got a job, and lived an okay life. I had friends but never really close friends. My love life was about the same. I truly lived a normie life. Which ended up becoming my biggest downfall.

Nothing excited me anymore. I tried dating & new hobbies with no luck. I even went to therapy. It helped but didn't solve my issues. It was only in the last couple of years that I got deep into fiction. I had always watched the occasional blockbuster, but soon I became obsessed with fiction. Finally, finding something that could cure my boredom. I read and watched anything I could get my hands on. When that was starting to bore me, I got into fanfiction. The idea of new stories from things I already knew or multiple worlds interacting with each other always intrigued me. Even that got old eventually. I got drunk, wallowing in how boring my life was. I never even thought of my family or friends at the time.

Now that I think about it, I didn't appreciate what I had. I'm going to miss my Mom, Pops, and everybody. I hope they're doing okay with the news of my death. Fu*k as much as I'm going to love this system, it's going to suck being without them. I'd cry if I could open my eyes. Why the hell did I do it? I could have made one phone call and probably wouldn't have gone through with it. I wish I could tell them I'm sorry and I love them….

'Hold On!' Trey remembered.

How could I forget this doesn't have to be the end? I have the system! I can have my cake and eat it too if I reach the top. I'm sure I'll have enough power at the highest levels to see them again. I won't waste this new life. No guarantees, my nongendered ass! I will reach the top, you'll see. Beyond I'll cure your boredom & help ease your burden too. Wait for me I promise I'll see you all again!

Shit, I'm starting to sound like Naruto. I loved the show, but I won't be screaming my dream every five seconds. I won't become some cringe protagonist. The first rule of my new life is to be self-aware. Must avoid being cringe. The second rule is to have fun. I'll be dammed if I don't live a fulfilled life this time. Any more rules I'll make up as I go.

'I'm glad I got all that off my chest. Now on to learning this system. I need to fully understand it before making my plan. System, please explain in detail what your uses are.' Trey asked.

[ Host can acquire anything from fiction within your current tier and one tier above. The host can summon a character, transform into a character, or acquire a character's abilities. I'll use Spiderman(MCU) as an example.]

[Superhuman: Spiderman(MCU)

Super Strength 100,000 FP

Spider Senses 100,000 FP

Wall-Crawling 100,000 FP

Web-Shooters(Knowledge Optional) 100,000 FP

Transform or Summon 400,000 FP]

'What does Knowledge Optional mean? Also, is this with the double-point penalty? I need to know more about buying above my tier.' Trey questioned.

[ Knowledge Optional is when the host chooses between an item or knowledge on how to create a said item. The displayed totals are with the penalty. Once you break into the next tier, the price will go down to normal levels. Going above your tier will cost double the usual points, and powers will be restricted to your current tier.]

'What do you mean restricted to my tier? If I get superpowers, will they be stuck at the human tier? If so, how can I get stronger?' Trey wondered.

[Host can acquire powers, but they won't go past your current tier of power. The host can train or experiment with powers to become stronger. Let's use Spiderman as an example again. Super Strength, if acquired, would be limited to peak human potential at your tier. You could then train your body to go past this limit. You could do so naturally if you trained from an early age. Likewise, powers like Wall-Crawling or Spider Senses would be lessened until you reach the Superhuman tier. Some superpowered or magic-based abilities will be unavailable until you reach the Superhuman tier. There is no human tier equivalent to some abilities. These rules also apply to equipment.]

'Damn, so it's just like he said nothing is free. No matter what power or equipment I choose, I still won't be strong unless I work to go beyond my tier. System, can you give a small list of baseline powers at the Superhuman tier that can help me break through?' Trey requested.

[ Ten power type options based on parameters.










Learning ]

Trey decided to keep these in mind when making his plan. After going through some abilities in each type, he noticed other systems, race changes, and some non-combat skills weren't available. He asked the system for an explanation.

[Other systems are only available at the Universal level. All systems are bound to their universe. You must be of equal strength to use them. Races unlock at Superhuman tier and above. A race's tier is at what the average adult would be in power. Saiyans, for example, are in the Planetary tier. Powers like Technopathy or Telepathy are at the Superhuman tier and above. They all vary based on strength, versatility, reach, and potential.]

'There goes my plan to be a Kryptonian-Saiyan-Slime hybrid with a passive system mixed with the gamer system. I can still work with what's available for now. System, is there anything else I need to know about things spawning in this universe or summoning things?' Trey asked one last question.

[The chances of something spawning go up with every tier. Fan points can offset this. For example, you could exclude all lifeforms from spawning in this universe. The cost varies based on the overall strength of the universe you summon from & what you're getting from that universe. For summons, simple instructions will cost no points. Complex orders or orders that go against a character's nature will cost half the points of the character. Complete control is equal to the number of points it took to summon that character.]

'Good to know. I have everything I need now to start planning out my powers. I'll focus on powers that will set a foundation for future growth. I also need to look for combinations of powers or equipment that can save me fan points. I've got nine more months in here, with nothing else better to do.' Trey thought before he started to brainstorm.

Hey, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Make sure to leave a review or comment to share your thoughts and opinions on the story. I’m always open to new suggestions. Criticisms are also welcome. I love finding new ways to improve my writing. Currently, we have no discord. (May make one if there is demand for one.) Wishing the best to anyone who has read my story, peace.

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