
Between the top and bottom

After leaving a sound life in his world. The boy is forced to reincarnated to another world with magic. He is very angry and tries to escape this world, but can he achieve this ? Let's find out how is going to survive now !!

Cosmo_Qain_3853 · 都市
11 Chs

Cut ties

" Silva here , take your daggers back and can you move out from my class please ? ".

" Oh ! okay ". Silva is somewhat wary of the situation as well. He can't afford all the student's gaze fixed upon him.

He got out of class and got in his own . His classroom looks like it has some wierd vibe.

His attended the class with full concentration while Miss Liner was teaching him paying attention she smiled.

" Maybe he hit his head as well ".

In the session she talked about

moving dial stones. There uses and classification. Silva was taking notes and at some point he also asked some questions. Because of his unusual behaviour all the other students noticed him

and felt more of his presence. Some questions were very good but all others were joke to other students. However these were fundamental questions so he didn't shy to ask them.

At the end of the session he approached Miss Liner and said , " Mam can you please let me take the Section Upgradation Exam one more time ".

" Now I understand what you are trying to do but you can only take the test if you reach Li level. All the other students in Class 2A are at least low Li level. As you know you cannot only pass the exam in theory you have to excel in martial arts as well and you only have one chance per year so you should not screw up and focus on your cultivation more ".

He felt displeased as she was leaving . He felt disheartened. He looked at his hands and clenched them. The next lecture is martial arts !

All the students in the ground stood in 4 rows . 11students in each row. Sir Vicer standing in front of them as usual.

" You all have successfully retrieved your first martial arts scrolls. According to your manuals you all have different nature type. From here on you all will be grouped according to your elemental natures . Also if you have special bloodline you can group in them too . All the students grouped according to thier elemental natures while some two students stood alone.

Here one was Silva and other one was a girl with blue eyes and a pigtail. She is shorter in comparison to her peers and slim and petite .

He looked at both of them and approached with a stern look

" Looks like you both have some problem ".

The girl spok first , " Sir my martial scroll is hill master and my elemental nature is water. These are two different one ".

" No you are wrong . Hill master contains waterfall so it is your nature type which shows affinity to earth nature too . It has potential . Don't you agree ?".

She nodded her head in agreement . She seemed amazed by his words she quickly joined a large group of 20 boys and girls.

Now sir Vicer turned towards Silva. " I Know your problem Beaver Bear is a beast cultivation type which shows affinity to all the other elements except lightning. ( What a great selection ! ). You should not feel disheartened . All the other scrolls were not your nature types as well but all those two were excellent in combat however this one is great for fundamental cultivation. Lightening can be struck to the bear as well ".

" But it will die ". Silva siad after a thought .

" Bear will die but you will not ".

He left and then proceeded to teach all the other students the thier scrolls. Silva sat in a remote place under a tree where he can see what other students are doing at a distance.

He opened his scroll and read it carefully . He felt a tingling in his eyes but he ignored. The first two chapters are about the usual basic things which are not related towards the cultivation. He then read the steps to cultivate and increase his qi energy .

" Looks like the significance of nature type is above Li stage and I am about Kan stege only . So it can help me with it. I can cultivate with it but without all the other scrolls I cannot excel in combat . What a loss ! ".

He sat in a yoga position and started to cultivate . He explored the area where he could not reach while there were who were closed. He could not open the doors at all . He cultivated using the first set and slowly his head become dizzy and he felt numbing in his body. After opening his eyes he felt shivers. He had not cultivated properly all these times so it took more time then usual but as soon he reached the cultivation state he explored and explored and gained some insight.

Exploration is a first step !

Cultivation is a way of life . If we can make a part of our living . It's most potent.

As Silva opened his eyes two hours had passed . He seem quite surprised for his improvement. As he was about to leave he saw his two buddies.

" Today is not so bad like my other days ". Silva naively thought. As he was about to approach them he was knocked out at once by two of them. He could not even react and he was on the ground.

" You bastard . Why didn't you tell me about your dagger after we meet in cafeteria? Why did you entered my classroom and asked it as if I had stolen it ? ".

" Because of your numb miind whole class is now booing us . Do you think you are a prince then you can do whatever you like ?". Other one supported him.

" No thats not I wanted ". Silva said in pain.

" You are such a looser. We always supported and protected you and you cannot even let us have your possessions. You are a prince .You can never know our troubles . The pain of not finding right cultivation path . You are a spoonfed lad . We got into this school with so much struggle unlike you who got recommended ". They both said with cold eyes. One of them pinned Silva on the ground and another one cuffed him with his metal strings.

" Anyways , We have decided to cut ties with you now . We are taking the scrolls of you as compensation ". They unpinned him and started to go away.

" But I always helped you too . Gave you my potions . We roamed so much of Noodletown with my money we had feast . Don't you remember all of that ". Silva said from behind.

They turned again and with thier hands clenched . They moved towards him . Silva stood their motionless. One of them draw a string of metals and pulled his leg and another one took out a knuckle protector and wore it . As he was about to say another word he was punched three times in row. Warm blood covered his mouth.

" You are a swine like all those mighty bastards who had bullied us and always made us feel how inferior we are to you . But I cannot take another thing .Here take ianother one. ". He then punched him twice.

Silva moaned in pain. Both of them kicked him and punched dozens of time while Silva covered his head whole the time.