
Between the top and bottom

After leaving a sound life in his world. The boy is forced to reincarnated to another world with magic. He is very angry and tries to escape this world, but can he achieve this ? Let's find out how is going to survive now !!

Cosmo_Qain_3853 · Urban
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11 Chs

Train harder !

Silva woke up from his sleep. Panting wildly and with pain in his limbs he picked the glass of water beside the bed and drank it. The nightmare he had gone through is still haunting him. Silva haven't gone to School for two days now. Instead he locked himself and made contact to the teachers that he is sick . Seeing his appearance he got himself leave for three days . Today is the third day and he is still finding out to maintain his cultivation.

" Beaver bear is so much hard to comprehend. Maybe I should drop it and focus on other subjects ". Thinking about it , he began to gain some confidence. But then he shook his head and tried to face reality. He cannot jump to another section by dropping cultivation.

He haven't seen his two friends till now . But he doesn't want to meet them either . He is actually avoiding them. But how long can he avoid them ? This made Silva to be more brave.

" I will go outside tomorrow ". He thought.

Without any thought he stepped his legs out of his room. He felt resistance but it faded away as soon as he was out of his room.

" What to do now ? ". The question arise in his mind . Then he looked at the scroll in his hand . Something clicked in his mind and he walked towards the ground . The grounds of the Institute is very big so many students cultivate own thier own . He found the tree he was looking at. Beside the tree on the grass there grass were grown more so so he decided to make them lean with his hands. He sat and concentrated .

EXPLORE ! The first step.

Silva again felt his consciousness sinking into his body. The view inside it is more clear then before. The same tingling in his eyes and same numbness in his body . After an hour he opened his eyes.

Today instead of being refreshed he seem tired.

" Maybe the exploration failed ". He opened the scroll. He read the last paragraph.

' After the persons consciousness has explored all the meridians . It will then try to settle in them . The cultivator then have to pull his consciousness out otherwise his mental energy may deplete and he may fell unconscious damaging his meridians . While pulling out your consciousness you may feel tired so try to take a vitality pill before it '.

" It's good that I cleared the first step properly otherwise I would have been unconscious for a whole night ". He looked here and there while thinking about it.

He got up and went to his room. In his room with a usual flickering of magic lamps he changed the colour of his flame from yellow to white . The original flames cannot change colours or even if they could the white flame is nearly impossible to get . He tore up the middle two pages from his note book and made a table in it with four columns . Serial number , topic , summary and mistakes. He took his scroll and read every phase of it . With every main conclusions he wrote the heading and wrote the summary in least way and made a point for mistakes he would do . While going through his books he found something wierd that his maths book didn't have statistics or graph. Even integrals and differentiation is not in the books. The chapters of probabilities are in terms of gradients.

The maths subject ends here in second year and with further classes it is included as an extra option . With so much little progress in maths this world is surely so lucky to survive. Maybe the progress in literature and science is the root cause of its thriving.

He read the whole scroll but the scroll was large to read so it took much more time for him to prepare his tabular form. With every stroke he looked clean and beautiful , he felt satisfied. He felt something wierd whille writing the scroll in the table. He was writing with his left hand while he was originally right handed. Inspite of which the strokes he made had an impression of his reincarnated self including the way he held his pen.

" Looks like my previous self and now is still merging but inspite of all I have to reach the A section and make demand to my father for the Space arc sword . If I fail in it I might not get the sword back and I will never be able to get that sword back . I will be stuck in this world forever ". He left a deep sigh and said to himself in fairly audible voice.

" I will retain my true self ".

He felt the drowsiness in his eyes and he soon fell asleep in his bed.


A boy running in the jungle. The half moon raining his rays on him. He disappears with the darkness of the shadow of the trees. But As soon as moon sees him he appears again . Behind him a group of soldiers with the swords in thier hands running for him. They all are shouting his name . Some even threw spears towards him but all of them missed . He is carrying a sword which shines brightly in the moonlight. Then suddenly the fog filtering the rays makin the white rays go red. The boy panting heavily felt the pain in his chest and he tripped. While tripping he fell onto the ground his sword escaping his hands and landing two metres away from him . The boy looked at his sword and tried to grab while stretching his hands. His Whole body felt a great pressure suddenly towards the ground as if the gravity is suddenly increased ten times . A mysterious figure with the one red eye suddenly appeared and lifted the sword and with a thunderous voice he said , " You never deserved to live happily you deserve to suffer . With no future you will always be failure. Hence I am freeing you with this worthless life . Now die !!! ".

He held the neck of the boy with his right hand and increased his strength with every second .The boy moved his legs up and down wildly while his hands trying to escape his neck from the grip of that person . He tried to scream but the voice couldn't come out of his mouth for unknown reason. He pain in his chest intensified while his eyes become bloody ..................................

Silva woke up in the midnight with a shriek. While his chest expanding and contracting heavily his hands checked the area around his neck. His eyes becoming red and with a double lining around his eyes . He took the glass of water and drank it . Tears rolling down his eyes he tried to weep but he couldn't. His whole body trembled with fear . He couldn't take it so he punched the bed many times with his one hand while his other hand wiping his tears.