
Between Afterlife

Blood. Gore. Screams. Those three had filled his surroundings as he started to run away from the ferocious monster who was chasing him, all hungry for his flesh. Blood had splattered against his cheek as he tries desperately to run away from the monster that had started to chase him. He was afraid, he couldn't do anything. Shio was frozen in place as he looked over to the dead body beside him, its eyes remained open as it looked lifeless. As he was running, he was helplessly tripped over by a stone in the way. He turned his back and looked at the demon that was now in front of him, hungry for his flesh and blood. "How could the afterlife be this horrible? Everything was different from what we had learned from textbooks and such! This is too much!" _____ Shio Kurotani, a young man currently in his senior years in high school also a track and field student-athlete, suddenly gets in an unforeseen accident that had caused his life to turn upside down and completely ruin what was left of him. He suddenly gets stuck between the worlds in the afterlife as he struggles to find a way back to their world, for him to at least, be free from the afterlife's grasp and be alive once again. With countless challenges and opportunities, will he be able to get back to his original world and continue his life on Earth? Or will he stay and protect his newly-found friends in the afterlife? _____ Credits to the artist of the cover (I randomly chose the picture from Pinterest and edited it with the application called PicsArt). ______ This story is served as an entry at the Webnovel Spirity Awards Spring 2020. Please support the author and expect regular new chapters! Copyright© 2020 All Rights Reserved

victorioussaira · ファンタジー
18 Chs

Twelve Pieces of Barbecue

"Hey, how many more bottles should I get?" Shio asked Kun, who was busy grabbing so many chips and biscuits at the snacks aisle here in a 24-hour open convenience store.

"I think we should be good with ten bottles!" Kun exclaimed loudly. It was a good thing that not many people comes here during this time of the day. It's a busy rush hour and most of the customers have already gone home—it is six o'clock in the evening, after all. That being said, not too many people have crowded over this boring convenience store, though some would drop by and leave shortly after.

"Ten bottles?! You're kidding, right? That's too much! We can't be seriously drinking that much, especially if it's someone's first time. I bet we'd be passed out by the time we down our second glass." He scoffed as he took at least seven bottles and putting it inside of his mini shopping basket. Shio strode along the aisles, finding something that would be a good pair for their drinking session later.

He then looked outside of the store's openly clear window walls as his green orbs landed on a close barbecue stall that was still open. It was a shame that they had eaten the fried chicken earlier for dinner, not even leaving some for the momentous event later.

Truth be told, it was not the first time for Shio to be experiencing this kind of activity. He had first tried it back when he was just fifteen, his parents were both not home as he mistakingly stole their light beer, thinking that it was some juice and not any forms of liquor. He also had his first taste of vodka, mixed in an orange juice, back when he attended one of his track mates' group meetings.

It was an honest mistake, really. Except that Shio had enjoyed the odd taste the 'juice' gave out and since then, he had been buying few bottles of light beer occasionally and soon trying out different sorts of beer available. He really didn't get drunk over a few cans and bottles, but he could feel the drowsiness kicking in.

"Hey Kun. I think I'm gonna go buy some barbecue from there outside—they might be about to close their stall any time soon." He said as he casually placed his basket down, near the counter, not waiting for Kun's reply or approval. He went and exited away from the bright, transparent convenience store. From outside, he could see the empty streets intersecting from different ways to another.

It was nice to catch a glimpse of the street being so dull and quiet, with most of the popular stores being closed and all you could hear was the busy cars from the highway nearby—it was relaxing in a way, but at the same time, it gave out a totally foreign aesthetic vibe to it.

Shio ran up to the barbecue stall who was almost about to close when they suddenly saw the young man approaching their stall. It was nice of them to accept another customer just when they were about to close down for the day.

"Thank you for waiting for me..." He gasped, breathing heavily as he did not expect the sudden rush he needed to catch up to this barbecue stall. Still, he was grateful for their kindness.

The old woman only smiled at the young male as she turned to look at the panting male, "What would you like to have, dear?"

"Twelve pieces of your delicious barbecues, please." Shio politely said. The old woman smiled and nodded at the handsome male as she placed the ready-made cut up porks on sticks into the large barbecue stove in front of her. It produced lots of smoke as the pieces of meat came in contact with the heat, its savory smell making Shio's appetite dwell up more.

"Shio!" Kun called out, catching up to Shio who was patiently waiting for the meat to be cooked. He turned around to see a panting Kun, helplessly out of breath, with both hands holding two tote bags. The bags were filled with all the stuff they need to enjoy their drinking—alcohol, some chips, and few nuts.

The old lady glanced at the contents of the tote bags in the boy's hand, her hands keeping busy with the cooking, as she chuckles lightly. "My, what rebellious kids you are. Aren't you two underaged?"

Both Shio and Kun were caught off guard, making them turn their gazes while slightly shifting as they could feel their cheeks burn from embarrassment. Who would've thought they'd get caught like this?

"Oh! Don't be shy, boys! I was like that when I was younger, always finding trouble and excitement just to let me satisfy my thirst for fun... Ah, the good old days..." She reminisced. As if by coincidence, the two males breathed a sigh of relief. They thought they were gonna be in big trouble and would be arrested or something.

Shio gulped, he could feel the sudden tense going down his throat as he stared at the old lady, laughing endlessly at their funny expressions. The barbecues were soon ready to eat as they bid farewell and paid for the food that they had ordered.

"Don't worry, boys! I'll keep your secret safe." The old lady chuckled, whispering the last part.

"Thank you." Shio and Kun smiled and bowed their heads in the form of goodbye, waving both their hands as they fade away deeper into the street towards Shio's apartment.


"Guess who's ready to party?"



It's not too late yet. Go ahead and make me happy, lmao.

victorioussairacreators' thoughts