
Beneath the Shadow of Madness

KochavAvraham · SF
20 Chs


Hothrunadesh disappeared as if swallowed by darkness. In its place, a mysterious, elegant woman emerged from behind the veil of stars. Her reality was different, yet real. Without a word, she grasped my hand tightly, leading me away from everything I knew. A strange place greeted me with confusion. My brain was still digesting what had just happened. The woman pushed me into the abyss of nothingness, and instantly, I woke up again.

Before me, she stood tall, real and undeniable. "You don't need to worry," she whispered. "Athena has already agreed to this."

Anastasia Alyssa. The name was imprinted in my memory, even though I had never heard of her. Her short hair shimmered like obsidian, and her eyes emitted a mesmerizing purple light. Then Alyssa invited me to go to the mountain, the weather was very bad at that time, the rain-storm was raging outside, the night covered the world with darkness. We walked silently, towards the top of the towering mountain. Earlier, I had left a letter for John and Jack, explaining my brief departure.

"It's time I told you how it got to Earth," Alyssa said in a steady voice.

She raised her hand, pointing to the sky full of stars. Her movements shifted the position of the stars, as if pulling her to past ages, the stars even changed, revealing a past that was still kept intact within the same. In one of the stars, I saw it: the figure of a creature that had terrorized the Earth. They had existed long before human civilization, born from the ice and fire of the cosmos. But with their new superior race, they reappeared in a different form. In the eighteenth century, they were trapped in a frozen state, confined in extreme temperatures. But as the Earth's temperature began to rise, they thawed. The ice that shackled them broke, and they began to reproduce, multiplying—at a terrifying rate. Determined, Alyssa directed the powerful stream of misfortune elsewhere on Earth, out of reach of humans. Instead of leaving behind chaos and destruction, she chose to leave a trail of good fortune where the bad luck had struck. As if swept away by an invisible wave, the surrounding objects were attracted and vanished in an instant, annihilated into another dimension—as a side effect of the transference of bad luck. Without hesitation, I stepped forward to help Alyssa. With my power, I transformed all the remaining evil energy into positive driving energy. The dark night sky slowly turned into a bright morning, signaling the end of the horror and the beginning of a new chapter.

As Alyssa touched the objects around her, they disappeared without a trace. Alyssa, who was at a distance, explained that they had been moved to another place. Curiosity got the better of me, and I ventured to ask Alyssa.

"Where are you from?" I asked curiously.

A smile appeared on Alyssa's lips. "Ever since you first appeared, I've been thinking about that question," she replied. "I'm actually another soul of Athena, who manifested into the person I am today. But don't worry, Athena won't be affected in any way after I separate from her. I am a soul that was never used by her, and I will not be able to return to her."

It was there, in the morning sunlight, that an epiphany came to me. These mysterious beings had another race hidden underground, they interacted and lived through the Dream Country, it turned out to have a close connection with lunar eclipses. It is said that twenty eclipses a year, when the moon is blocked by the earth's shadow, they will rise from the realm of dreams and incarnate into reality. The thought was still raging in my head when Alyssa appeared—behind me, startling me with her light pat. I quickly took her back to the hospital to meet Athena and tell her about this new discovery.

After I analyzed more about Alyssa, I found something surprising; Alyssa has the unique power to control nothingness or void, creating and controlling things from that nothingness. Alyssa can even end the fundamental stories of reality, but she can only end the stories she creates herself. Alyssa's powers don't stop there. She can control the concepts of death, fear, the abstract, and even the laws of nature. She was able to emit an aura of overwhelming fear, but fortunately she was able to control it.

I then continued my trip, the trip to the hospital took about thirty minutes. Upon arrival, Jack and John greeted us with questioning looks. Alyssa's sudden presence obviously confused them.

"You've forgotten about Athena, huh?" Jack snapped with anger burning in his eyes.

"Wait a minute, Jack," I said trying to calm him down. "She's Athena's other soul, the one who made it out of the dream realm. She's the one who sealed Athena's power."

"What do you mean? That doesn't—make any sense!" Jack replied in a high tone.

"I know it sounds impossible, but trust me, it's the truth. And look, Athena is awake now, isn't she?" I asked Jack with a serious look.

Jack was silent for a moment, digesting my words. "Right," he replied finally. "Athena has been awake since last night, but she hasn't fully recovered. The doctor diagnosed her with poisoning from an unidentified substance."

The atmosphere in the room instantly became—tense. We were all silent, lost in our own thoughts. Question after question popped up in my mind. What really happened to Athena? Who poisoned her? I don't know, maybe it will be explained later.

"Introducing, I'm Anastasia Alyssa, sorry for surprising you here." Alyssa's words broke the silence in the room that was filled with tension. I was still transfixed with anxiety and worry looking at Athena who was lying weakly on the hospital bed. Her body was adorned with various medical devices monitoring her condition. I turned my head towards Alyssa, observing her sincere and remorseful face.

I then left Alyssa, going to hurry to see Athena who was probably waiting.

My feet stepped quickly, walking down the hospital hallway that felt so long. Arriving at Athena's room, I saw her calling my name in a weak voice. Without hesitation, I immediately hugged her tightly, feeling the warmth of her body that was so soothing. There I hugged her tightly, telling her that I was there whenever she needed me. I whispered loving words in her ear, assuring her that I would always be by her side. Gradually, the tension in Athena's body began—to subside. Her breathing, which was rushed, now became regular. Her tightly closed eyes slowly opened, looking at me with a gaze full of relief. Athena was then calmer than before, she then fell asleep again shortly afterwards. After making sure her condition was stable, I chose to accompany her in the small room provided not far from her bed. It was only enough for one person, so Alyssa, Jack, and John couldn't sleep there. I saw them sitting on the chairs provided outside the room, their faces still showing a look of anxiety. But I saw that Jack and John had been given facilities by the hospital to get a more decent bed. Although the room was small, I felt comfortable there. I wanted to be as close to Athena as possible, making sure that she was safe and secure. I held her—hand tightly, feeling the familiar softness of her skin.

At that moment, Alyssa entered the room where Athena was being treated, where she kissed Athena's forehead and then healed some of the wounds in Athena's body caused by the poison.

Alyssa greeted me with a faint smile, then she approached Athena's bed. She kissed Athena's forehead affectionately, then she began to radiate her healing energy. The wounds on Athena's body slowly began to fade, and her skin color began to return to normal. I watched the scene with a sense of awe and wonder. Alyssa's ability to heal is truly amazing. I feel lucky to have a friend like her. I'm sure with Alyssa's help, Athena will soon recover and return to—her old self. After that, Alyssa stepped towards me. Her eyes were glazed over, her face showing a deep sleepiness. Without a word, she got under my blanket and hugged me tightly. I didn't know what he meant, but I couldn't resist. I could only stay silent, feeling the warmth of her body trembling beside me. The room felt so warm. I was trapped between two women who both needed my protection. Athena was sleeping peacefully on the bed, oblivious to the tense situation around her. While—Alyssa, with her body, took refuge in my arms, seeking safety and calmness.

And I just found out something, maybe it's a little heavy to discuss: Alyssa can share a bit of her soul, healing others and giving them courage and strength, but with a dark side: it shortens their lives, unless Alyssa wishes it not—to, such as with Athena. Some of those who received the soul died a few days later. When they die, their souls (and all the skills they have learned) return to Alyssa, making—her even stronger. This meant that anyone touched by a shard of her soul would inherit it, destined to become a part of her after their death. Alyssa became powerful, fueled by countless shortened lives, living longer and stronger by absorbing their essence. It was a dark trade, power at the expense of another's existence. Like me, Alyssa has access to the System, a vast network that grants her unique abilities. One such power, known as Axis Unreality, allows her to peer through the veil of time, witnessing events with unparalleled clarity. Unlike me, her visions were far beyond the present. She can see the—future, like a glimpse of what awaits people like Athena. Yet truly shines in its ability to see billions of years, revealing the distant fate of any entity, chosen or random. Imagine the future as a vast beach, every grain of sand a potential outcome. Alyssa sees it all, a staggering panorama of possibilities. However, unlike an ordinary observer, Alyssa has another power: the ability to change the future she sees. This is the true essence of , the power to slash back at destiny—itself. With , she can actively influence the flow of time, breaking the predetermined path that her enemies might attempt. This ability makes her a formidable opponent, capable of turning—the tides of destiny.

Then there is Eight-Burst. This destructive power allows it to materialize the collective anxiety and terror of the crowd, turning it into a tangible threat. However, fear does not rule her own form. Amazingly, Alyssa can transform any and all damage, even the most lethal of wounds, into greater—strength and size. This incredible resilience has been demonstrated time and time again, as she has regenerated from seemingly insurmountable injuries, including decapitation, surgery, and even the complete destruction of her body. This cycle of damage and regeneration fuels Alyssa's power, allowing her to transform and grow stronger with every blow she receives. This metamorphosis gives her the ability to tower over buildings and unleash powerful sonic blasts. In addition, Alyssa utilizes a ability known as Aelgrim, which is capable of bending reality to make the impossible real. Aelgrim acts as a conduit, channeling the collective "wishes" of others and manifesting them into reality.

I realized that Athena knew Alyssa. There was a strong bond between them, one that I didn't understand. Alyssa didn't want to be left alone, and I couldn't bear to leave her in this state. I stroked Alyssa's head gently, trying to calm her down. She snuggled tighter and tighter in my arms, like a—frightened child. I couldn't say anything, I could only stay quiet and keep her company. The bed was actually not bad, maybe only 160 x 200 cm in size. But somehow, Alyssa seemed comfortable being by my side. She hugged me tightly, and I felt the soothing warmth of her body. It wasn't long before I realized my body had changed. I returned to my body as Arthur. I don't know what happened, but I didn't want Alyssa to see me like this. After that, I quietly walked out of the room, leaving Alyssa asleep in my arms. Outside the room, I was panting. I wanted to go—smoke in the smoking area, trying to calm myself down. I was still confused by what happened, and I didn't know what to do.

Suddenly, I realized that I had left my cigarette in the jacket in Athena's room. I hurried back there. Once—there, I saw Alyssa sitting on the bed with a sullen face. She looked upset that I left her.

"I told you, I'm afraid of silence!" she snapped at me. "Where have you been?"

I couldn't say anything. I could only stay silent and take her scolding. She looked so angry and disappointed. I felt guilty for leaving her. Alyssa then told me to accompany her again. She pulled me to the bed and forced me—to hug her. She didn't want me to leave again. I had no other choice, I had to accompany her. That night, I fell asleep on that bed with Alyssa. She held me tightly, and I felt the comforting warmth of her body. I didn't know what—would happen next, but I knew that I couldn't leave her.

To be continued...