
Beneath the Shadow of Madness

KochavAvraham · Sci-fi
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20 Chs

Swirling Chaos

At that moment I heard whispering voices—and they kept echoing in my ears, like an evil spell that pierces the soul. Was it a whisper from the afterlife? Or was it the deepest scream of my unconscious? I couldn't be sure. All I knew was that the voice carried a chilling message: lifting any material at that—moment would be fatal.

John Eden and Jack, my two loyal friends, immediately gave me some water to calm down. Their faces were full of worry.

"You should rest," John said in his heavy voice. "You've been through a lot of extreme situations. Let me and Jack take good care of Athena."

Jack nodded in agreement. I saw my hands move spontaneously, not one, but two at once. A tremendous amount of power came out of me, pushing Jack and John far away. They immediately got up with their own strength, I don't know what it was. I don't know.

After that, I lost consciousness again.

In my dream, I met a very terrifying entity. His presence was intimidating, like a volcano ready to erupt. He introduced himself as Hothrunadesh, the only entity I could interact with, his form more hideous than a festering ulcer, his voice more guttural than the screams of death, and his size greater than the entire evil of man. Its presence brought gigantic horror, making my heart pound and my eyes blink rapidly. My blood flow moved faster than usual, as if hunted by unbearable fear. Hothrunadesh looked at me with a cold, piercing gaze. He said that I was someone different from the others, Hothrunadesh told me that I was in a world filled with horror and solitude, not in a dream world, because my soul was separated from my body. Hothrunadesh hinted that I was the right person to seek something new about indescribable horrors. Hothrunadesh said that I was in Khazarnith, the existence of which was like a bone—chilling cold wind. He also revealed that the planet was seventeen thousand light—years from Earth, where darkness reigned and silence reigned. It was here that Hothrunadesh reigned supreme, in the untouched and unspoiled wilderness, where nightmares became reality, he earned the nickname of Lord of the Entire Wood. I was rooted to my spot, caught in the grip of indescribable horror. Khazarnith . . . the name rang in my ears, carrying an unbearably terrifying aura. The darkness—around me seemed to come alive, wrapping me in its chilling coldness. The silence was so still, that I could hear my own heartbeat pounding in my head. Hothrunadesh then moved, its huge figure and enormous tentacles appearing like a shadow in the darkness. Its red, gaping mouth pierced my soul and dug into my deepest fears.

"I am the Lord of the Wilderness," THAT said, its voice echoing through the silence. "Here, my will is law. I can take you to heaven or hell, with just one word."

I fell silent, speechless. Fear had paralyzed my entire body. I didn't know what to do, where to go. I could only resign myself to my fate, trapped on this alien planet with these horrible creatures who claimed to be rulers. Hothrunadesh raised one of its tentacles, and in that instant, the forest around me changed. The normal—looking trees turned into horrible monsters, with poisonous tentacles and sharp teeth. Wild animals emerged from behind the trees, howling with terrible sounds. Hothrunadesh says that this place is his most magnificent palace, where nightmares come true. Here, all living beings will feel a fear that has never been imagined before, in fact I want to run, want to escape from this terrible place. But I knew there was no way out. Hothrunadesh had trapped me, and I was powerless to fight it. After that, Hothrunadesh's tentacles wrapped tightly around my head, like venomous snakes strangling my senses. His—whispered voice echoed in my mind, like an ancient spell that evoked cosmic horror. His—words crawled like disgusting worms, penetrating my soul and stripping me bare. I was forced to see the reality behind the curtain of illusion, a reality far more terrifying than my worst nightmares.

There, in the forgotten realm of horror, I saw the origins of Hothrunadesh. An unknown void that was beyond dimensions, spacetime, even humanity itself. A boundless—passage filled with horrifying sounds, like a cosmic orchestra played by mad gods. Trumpets screeched like the howls of hungry wolves, flutes whimpered like the cries of damned souls, violins screamed like the screams of death, ukuleles strummed melodies of eternal sorrow, guitars roared like unquenchable rage, pianos danced the dance of death, drums thundered like the roar of the—apocalypse, and the howls of monstrous entities screeched like a choir from hell. The atmosphere there was unbearable. Horror seeped into my every pore, suffocating my entire being. The faint darkness became pitch—black darkness, enveloping everything, like a shroud covering the universe. Monstrous entities wandered around with their musical instruments, playing terrible melodies that made the soul mad and restless. Their howls were like wails of unrelieved pain, echoes of eternal suffering.

A foul and incomprehensible void, where sanity curdles and reality unravels, they move - the Rotten Gods, is also the Foul Gods. No light penetrates their obsidian forms, no whispers hint at their motives. Yet, from the tomb where millennia lie buried, their macabre orchestra emerges. Tendrils—of sound, alien and strange, weave their way across the cosmos, carving themselves into the fabric of existence. These were not melodies born of mortal minds, but cosmic cacophonies born of primeval Chaos. They writhe and swirl, defying any earthly scale, weaving an unseen and unheard tapestry of terror. Only those who are touched, whose minds are touched by the cold fingers of madness, can feel the majesty of this terrible symphony. Every note, a cosmic decree. Each chord, a universal law that they mastered at their whim. To the Foul Gods, creation is but an echo of their fractured selves, a toy for their amusement. They are the festering heart of existence, the cancerous—truth hidden behind a scenario of horror.

To hear their music is to dance with destruction, to glimpse the—abyss beyond the stars. It is to understand, with terrible clarity, that our lives are but fleeting notes in their terrible song. Notes that will soon be silenced, erased in discordant tones when their grand design demands it. And yet, some people, in their hubris or desperation, seek them out. Those foolish enough to crave forbidden knowledge, ultimate revelation. They listen, and the music penetrates their—souls, carving out terrible truths. They become vessels of fear, forever haunted by the echoing laughter of the Foul Gods, forever aware of the cosmic insignificance their lives represent. Theirs is a path of madness, a journey that whispers promises of enlightenment but delivers only despair. For the music of the Foul Gods is not a lullaby, but a death knell for the mind. It is a symphony of terror, a chilling reminder that in the cold indifference of the cosmos, we are but dust dancing to the whim of the pied piper. Listen carefully, for the music never truly ends before the Slumbering One truly wakes up. Its tendrils may recede, its notes may fade, but the echo of its power—remains. A reminder that even in the quietest of moments, the Foul Gods are watching, and their discordant symphony awaits its terrible culmination.

I was trapped in this cosmic nightmare, forced to witness unimaginable horrors. I wanted to escape, but Hothrunadesh's tentacles gripped me tightly, binding me to this horrible reality. Its knowledge—flowed into my mind, polluting my soul with forbidden secrets that no human should ever know, it was then that I realized that Hothrunadesh was not an ordinary monster. He was one of the "Patterns", cosmic entities that projected races and everything that—existed in this world. Beings whose existence is beyond human comprehension, who play with reality like children play with games they created themselves. When Hothrunadesh suddenly brought me to that unknown place, horror began to creep into my heart. The giant planet stretched out before us, but Hothrunadesh suddenly disappeared. A momentary relief—washed over me, though the uneasiness did not go away. The space above me strangely began to swirl irregularly, like a puddle of water being pelted with large stones, it seemed to have been done by something with a large body.

Suddenly, Hothrunadesh reappeared from the chaotic swirl of space. A terrifying, beast-like howl rang in my ears, breaking the cosmic silence. Before my eyes, Hothrunadesh devoured dwarf objects that were no longer considered planets. My horror intensified when I saw another giant planet, the size—of a cold Neptune. Thunder boomed, followed by a giant, fiery-red explosion. The sky split open, and flashes of light dazzled my eyes. The powerful explosion deafened my ears, and pulverized the dwarf bodies orbiting around it, dragging them into the eternal void. When the thunder subsided and I tried to look back at the planet in front of me, all that remained was nothingness. The stars—that once shone brightly now looked deathly pale, helpless before the unimaginable cosmic darkness. Fear suffocated me, and I was rooted to my spot, unable to move or speak. I was lost in a strange universe, surrounded by an eerie void and a mysterious giant planet. Where was Hothrunadesh? What had happened? And what would happen next? I didn't know the answers, and the sense of dread settled over me like a thick, inescapable fog.

In the distance, I saw shadows moving in the void. Unidentifiable—monstrous shapes, creeping and circling aimlessly. Strange and horrible noises sounded faintly, adding to the unbearable horror. I wanted to escape, but where to? I was trapped in this place, in an unimaginable nightmare. My heart raced, and I collapsed onto the strange ground. A chill ran down my spine, and I couldn't help the fear that struck. I could only hope that this—nightmare would end soon, and I would return to reality. However, as time passed, I began to realize that this wasn't a dream. This was reality, and I had to find a way to survive in a world that was far from the familiar and more akin to a world of horror and evil.

At that moment, under the ink-dark night sky, swarms of giant locusts with crustacean bodies were flying with wings as wide as the gates of hell. They were the size of an old classic cabinet, and they moved at varying speeds, some even darting faster than a flash of lightning. I couldn't identify where they were all going, only the horror that gripped my heart. The darkness around—me grew thicker, enveloping everything in an impenetrable cloak of night. Suddenly, entities that should not have existed appeared out of thin air, clawed, huge, howling and possessing tentacles of immeasurable size, bringing unimaginable cosmic terror. Strange fires were scattered everywhere, spreading the scent of sulfur—and fear in the air. I couldn't help the fear that engulfed me, there was also a pungent gau that was so foul, fouler than ulcers and pus, and suddenly I was back where I had first encountered Hothrunadesh.

Hothrunadesh stood there, his horrified laughter echoing in the silent night. His laughter was not human laughter, but the—howl of a wounded wolf, filled with anguish and hatred. He then told me that everything I was experiencing was a test, a trial to test my mental and spiritual strength. He explained that he had transported me to another planet, which was six thousand light years away from the planet Khazarnith. There, I was confronted with various—terrors designed to invite chaos and darkness. The aim was to see if I would crumble under the pressure, or rise up with greater strength.

What shocked me the most was the fact that it was all actually happening. From a distance of six thousand light-years, the horrific howl of the planet's explosion could still be heard. Hothrunadesh—then explained that he had made me one of his "bodies," a vessel to contain his unimaginable power. Its purpose was still unclear to me, but I knew that I had been bound to a terrible fate. Hothrunadesh had opened the gates to another world, a world filled with cosmic horrors and unfathomable power. And I had, somehow, become—part of his insane plan.

To be continued...