
Beneath the Grave

Jake is cold, and scared. He isn't alone though. He has his best friend, and girlfriend. But when a new group threatens those he loves, Will he survive with his friends, or will he go beneath the grave.

WillGOAT · ホラー
3 Chs

Day 1

*Four Years Ago*

7:30 AM

I walked the halls of Challmette high looking for my girlfriend Christina. As I'm walking I accidentally bump into someone. I look up and see a freshman. He looks about 5'8, has black hair, and is mexican.

???: Hey, are you okay?

Jake: Yeah I'm fine

???: That's good. I'm sorry for bumping into you. My name is Miguel.

Jake: No, it's my fault Miguel, I wasn't paying attention.

Jake: Anyways I have to get to class. See you around?

Miguel: Yeah, I'll see you.

We walked in opposite directions as I walk towards my first period. English.

8:00 AM

I walk into the class and sit next to my girlfriend.

Jake: Hey, I looked for you all morning.

Christina: Hey sorry I was late to school this morning.

Jake: It's okay.

Christina: So, did you hear about the X Virus?

Jake: Yeah, I did. They said they contained it but I don't think they can do something like that forever.

Christina: Yeah...

We were silent for a moment.

Jake: Hey, don't worry. If it does spread I'll protect you. I promise.

Christina: HEY. I don't need protection!

I busted out laughing at her outburst.

Jake: Joking, joking

2:30 PM

School had just got out, and me and my girlfriend were walking out. I saw Miguel and shouted at him to come over.

Jake: Hey Miguel, come over here.

He walks over and I introduce Miguel to Christina and vice versa.

Jake: Christina, meet Miguel. Miguel meet Christina.

Christina: Hi!

Miguel: Hi.

Jake: You wanna walk with us?

Miguel: Sure.

Jake: Let's go then.

We walked down the concrete path towards our houses. Miguel apparently lived in the same neighborhood as me and Christina.

Jake: So Miguel, you just move here?

Miguel: Yeah, I just moved here a week ago.

Jake: That's cool.

Miguel: Yeah, I gue-

At that moment, an explosion was heard.

Jake: What the fuck was that?

Christina: I- I- I don't know.

Suddenly, we heard screams, lots of screams. We had all gone pale.

Jake: Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.


Miguel: Should we go check it out.

He was trying to stay calm, but I could tell it was all just an act.

Jake: I- yeah.

Christina: I- I agree.

We ran towards the screams. We saw a big mob of people running towards us.

???: Hey, you kids, run. 

Suddenly we saw what they were running from. A huge thing. It looked muscualr and it's skin almost looked like kevlar.

Jake: What the hell is wrong with it's skin.

I was pulled back by Christina.


We all started to run. We were nearing an alley. We stopped for a breather.

Jake: You guys, run. I'll distract it.

Christina: What?! Jake, no. You can't do that. That thing will kill you.

Jake: Well I'd rather it be me than you two. Besides, I'll be fine.

Before she could get another word out, I started to run in the direction of the thing. It roared at me and started to charge. I dodged it's attack just barely. This thing was fast. I needed to think of a plan or I wouldn't survive much longer. I spot a pistol on the ground. Someone must have dropped it in the panic. I shot at the thing, let's call it a Kevlar. I was shocked when the bullets did practically nothing. I notice something, something that just might be the key to killing it.

Jake: God, I hope this works.

I shoot the thing in the jaw, once, twice, three times. I notice it wailing, in pain?

I unload a full clip in the jaw, with one bullet hitting it's eye. It drops down.

Jake: Did I kill it?

Christina: I think so.

A crowd starts to form around me. Suddenly exhaustion sets in and I faint.

11:30 PM

Jake: Oh, my head.

I feel something jump on top of me crushing me to death

Christina: You idiot! I was so freaking worried.

I notice Miguel sitting in a chair, asleep. I notice we are in my house. 

Jake: What happened while I was out?

Christina: Me and Miguel were listening to news reports. That virus is spreading rapidly.

Jake: Shit.

Miguel: Shit is right.

I notice Miguel is now standing up, stretching.

Jake: So, what's our next move? Christina, wheres your mom?

Christina: I- She's dead.

Christina starts to break down. I hug her tightly.

Jake: Hey, Hey. Shhhhh. It's gonna be okay. Miguel, what about you?

Miguel: No family.

Suddenly gunshots were heard right outside.

???: Please, let us in. Help us.