
Chapter 8; Framed

The heart monitor stabled, beeping filled the quiet environment.

IV bag sways while The calming breeze flows from the window as the Golden gate bridge stands behind the city among them.

Will lay dormant in bed, remaining in his dying appearance.

Max watches the boy in his seat while Gwen and Benita lean on him, sleeping.

Suddenly the door creaks open, waking Benita and Gwen.

"Hello?" The doctor peaks his head in before stepping into the room. He studies the Tennysons before looking at Max. "Um, Mr.Glover?"

"Tennyson. Sir." Max answered. "I couldn't get any contacts from his parents."


Max paused before nodding.


" It seems his brain and body have malfunctioned. An extreme amount of stress causes it to shut down. Putting Mr.Glover at a standstill yet, his heart beats. It's a miracle." He clicks his pen. "May I ask? What did he do that made him become that way?"

"He's protective. Young man." Max answered. "I nearly blow my back once, and I think that's how it's started." Benita and Gwen kept eye contact with the doctor, taking notes.

"Is he going make it?" Gwen questioned while the doctor looked up from his clipboard. He sighs.

"Honestly. The tests came back, and it revealed Mr.Glover being stable." He looked at the boy. "It's all up to him."

Benita sits up from her seat.

"There's a chance he can die?!" Benita raised her voice. "Are you even a doctor?!!!"

"Ben!" Max raised his voice.

"NO!! They save people!!! Why not save my best friend?!! Coward!" She points.

"Ben. Ben! Look at me." Max took a knee." Will can pull through. "They did the best they could."

"They did-"

"Patience and Hope is the only thing we can do." Max cut her off. "Don't throw out the towel yet. He needs you as you need him." Benita clenches her fist.

"I need to go to the restroom." Benita stormed past the doctor and out the door.

Gwen gets up from her seat, only for Max to stop her.

"She needs time for herself."

The doctor clears his throat before tugging on his collar.

"I'm sorry, but visiting hours are almost over." Gwen rubs Will's hand.

"It's fine." Max nods to the doctor. "Can you give us a minute?"

The doctor nods before leaving the room.

"Why does Ben has to carry this burden?" Max questioned before clenching onto sheets, getting Gwen's attention. "If I would've told you all before, then none of this would've happened." Gwen remained quiet. "It's going to be tough. When he wakes up, we're going to remove that poison. I'll call all the people I know." Max glance into Will's dying body. "And I'll remove that thing. Whether you want it or not."


Light seeks through the blinds hitting Gwen.

"Ugh." Gwen scrunched her face before sitting up. "Hmm." She hops from her bunk before sighing. "Ben?" She called. "Grandpa?"

The Rv remained silent while Gwen headed to the bathroom.


She came out of the bathroom and headed back to their sleeping quarters.

Her eye caught something on Will's bed.

She reaches her hand on it, pulling out the notebook she gifted the boy. She flips through it before landing on the Page title, Impulse.

Only the top half of his face is visible, and the first widow beside it was a sketch of Impulse standing by a woman while staring up at a Ship taking off to space.

"Why would he think we would betray him?" Gwen questioned herself before the RV rocked. Gwen stumbles, dropping the notebook. She regained her footing. "W-what was that?!" The RV does once more, but more violently. "AAAH!"

Gwen screamed before grabbing onto the bunk, keeping her bearings.

"Grandpa!" Pot and pans scattered onto the floor, clinking against each other in the middle of the RV. Food cans tumble onto the floor after them. "Grandpa!!!" Gwen screamed before getting a glimpse of Red from their quarter's window.

The eyes of Fourarms stared hard into Gwen's soul.

"Ben! Knock it off! I'll tell grandpa!!!" Fourarms smirks while this confused her.

Fourarms stand tall before gently pushing the Rv with her foot. The tires rolling on gravel filled Gwen's ears while the girl's legs bucked.

"Ben!" Gwen shaking, eyes watching Fourarms growing distance from the window. Fourarms only turned and left. "BEN!"

The RV jolted, causing Gwen to fall on her back. The Rv supplies rumbled as honking and swerving filled her ears.

Gwen pushes herself from her feet, grabbing the entrance of their sleeping quarters.

Her eyes shoot up to her forehead as she can only shriek.

From the head window view, the Rv rolled down the steep streets. Cars and trucks swerve from the roaring RV.

Gwen stumbled to the wheel, grabbing anything before she planted herself in the driver's seat.

Her vision sees a cable cart growing inches from the impact.

Gwen quickly took the wheel before swerving from it.

The honking and the tires shrieking put Gwen on edge as she dodged as much traffic.

The RV rocks, getting hard to control.

Gwen stomps on the break.

"Huh?!" She continued."COME ON-AAAH!!!" The RV hit the street and took flight once more.

She floats from her seat before the RV hits earth again.

Gwen sight land on a sea cliff awaiting her. "PLEASE!!!" Gwen cried."HELP!!!" Tear poured.

She pulled the emergency brake that broke the handle. The girl looked up to see her approaching her fate.

She yelped before hugging the driver's wheel, closing her eyes, but the RV jolts.

"RAAAAAGH!!!!" A familiar feminine scream filled Gwen's ears, yet her eyes remained close. Her screaming continued before the RV came to a complete stop.

Gwen opened her eyes, her breath shaking.

Yelping filled her ears.

She raises her head to Fourarms, hopping on one foot.

"AH!!! AH! Why doesn't she wear shoes?!" Fourarms turns to the railing before diving over it.


Max pushes through the crowd.

"You heard the RV rolled downhill without a brake?" A man stated while Max brushed right past.

"Seriously?!" Another said.

"Excuse me. Sorry." Max brushed past a woman, barely touching the police tape.

"Poor child." Max ducks under the tape, getting the attention of one of the officers on duty.

"Wait! I can't let you-"

"They're my grandchildren!" The officer blocked his way as his eyes landed on Gwen and Benita talking with a police officer.

"Gwendolyn! Benita!"

The children snapped their attention to Max.

"Grandpa!" Gwen cried out, escaping from the clenches of the safety blanket. The officer lets Max go as she tackles him into a hug. Her palms clench tight on his shirt. "I-I thought--"

"Sssh." Max kisses her on the head as Gwen begins to sob. "I'm here now." He rubs her back while his eyes wander to Benita, looking worried.


Max and the children entered the RV.

Max sits in the booth setting a pair of papers onto the table beside him.

Gwen speed walked past Max and Benita entering the sleeping quarters, closing the curtains behind her.

Benita goes to follow her.

"Ben. I like to talk with you." Max said dryly while his boot rapidly hit the carpet.

Benita listens closely.

"These. Pranks. They have to stop." Max's piercing glare looked up at the girl, frowning her brows.

"What?" Benita chuckled. "You think I did this?!"

"Gwen told me she saw one of your aliens. Fourarms you called her."

"You know me, grandpa!" Benita argued. "Why would you say that?!"

"Well. For starters." Max flips on the cracked tv sitting on the counter.

On News Channel, you can see Fourarms causing havoc in the middle of the night. She rushes into a Gamer plus while the helicopter shines down its searchlights on the building.

"No. That can't be right."

"Is that so?" He slams the exact copy onto the booth table.

"I-I want the game, but I never would do anything like this! Do you remember Hydra? There could be some other-"

"Benita!!!!" Max shouted.

Benita grew silent while Max hunched lower before brushing his hair with his hands.

"...Don't use that watch for two months." Benita shook her head in disbelief.

"You can't be serious....you are." Benita clicks her tongue. "Fine! Max! Don't believe me!!!" She rushes for the door, only for Max to grab her wrist. "Let! Me! Go!"

"Where are you going?!" Max questioned.

"Somewhere!" Benita shouted before pulling. "That is not here!"

"That watch is changing you!"

"Like who? Will!" She glared up at Max. "You don't give a damn about us!"

"Watch! Your! Mouth!"

"Does it ever occur to you that you had contacts from your past life that might help cure him?!" Max's glare became a blank one. "Or maybe about this watch! No! You talked about your worry, yet you're going behind our backs while Gwen and Will slowly succumbed. Into madness!!" Benita eyed Max up before breaking from his grip. "And you wonder why I lost respect for you."

She rushes out of the RV, slamming the door close.

Max silently stared at the door until leaning back on the counter.

He bites his lip before closing his eyes.


Will eyes open, presenting him to the foggy sky above.

Snowflakes rained down on the boy smacking against his face while he exhaled a puff of smoke.

The boy sits up, eyeing his new environment. The plains of snow and mountains lay before him as at the end stood a Nest made of ice.

Will pants. His eyes search for an exit.

"I'm sorry." A voice said, causing Will to jolt to Queen Hydra. "I never attended to hurt you."

"What do you mean?" Will questioned, only for him to stumble back. "No." He shakes his head. "No. You didn't-"

"It was only to push you." Hydra cut him off.

"PUSH ME??!!!" The boy roared. "YOU USED MY DAMN SISTER !!!"

"Only for your survival and that earth child."

"That 'Earth Child' has a name!! Oh, god." He paces around. "Please, tell me they're safe."

"They are, but..."

"But, what?"

"You're in a coma."

"What?" His voice cracks. The snow melts in front of Will while it shows him in the hospital bed. "W-why do I look-" The boy falls onto his butt in a daze. "No, no, no, no." Queen Hydra goes to touch his shoulder, yet Will slaps it away. "GO!!! I DON'T NEED YOU!!!"

"Will there's a-"

Will quickly stood to his feet before pushing her onto the snow.

"I knew I shouldn't have TRUST YOU!!! FIRST: You used me as a pawn to experiment on my friends!!! AND NOW YOU PUT ME IN A COMA!!!" Will approach causing Hydra to flinch. "...No you...want that." He walks away.

An audible slap causes the boy to stop.

It happened again. The boy snapped to Hydra, hitting herself.

"You're right." She slaps herself. "This is my fault."

She continued while Will stared blankly. He turns his back only to hear Hydra slaps grow harder. His hand twitches.

"Stop. I see what you're doing." Will commanded only for Hydra, continued "Stop!" Hydra yelped. Will approach her before stopping her hand. "What are you?! Nuts?!"

"I cause so much harm than good." Hydra avoids her beetle eyes from his. "I deserved this." She pulled her wrist from Will effortlessly before slapping herself.

"...Look! What were you trying to tell me!!" Will questioned, getting her to stop. He noticed a blue hue among her cheeks. "I said you owe me. Why not tell me right now." He wipes her purple blood dripping from her nose.

"You can get out."

"Really! How?!"

"There." She points to a snowy mountain ahead of them. "There. You have to climb to the highest peak and shout. 'Feel the power' Will raised a brow.

"Really?" She nods while Will growl. "Fine." He stood up to his feet. "See you." The boy started walking only for a pair of arms and legs to wrap around him like a Koala. "Hey! Get off of me!!!"

"This is. My world." Hydra said softly before planting her head in-between his neck. "You can't leave without me." The boy hears his heartbeat.

Will clenches his teeth while he adjusts Hydra's grip.

"If so...you can walk."

"It doesn't work that way."

"OH MY GOD!!! Hold on!!!" They head for the mountain.

Will steps cause the snow to crunch under his shoes. His breath and Hydra filled his ears.

His eyes land on an entrance in the mountain, and the silence continues. The boy stops at the cave, eyeing the darkness before him.

He snaps his fingers, not getting a thing.

"Don't I keep my powers?" Will questioned while he snapped his fingers.

"Try. Again." Hydra stated before his hand shifted into Nova, casting a light.

"Thanks." The boy ventured into the darkness before him.

Will's wet shoes clicked against the stone floor as his finger torch lit their way.

"I'm sorry. About that." Hydra whispered. "So much happened. I began to lose control of myself." The boy remained quiet. "Before I was gifted. I don't know much about our world or even beyond it. I would seek every crack and nook while my sister followed in our Queen's footsteps. Yet in the end, she chooses me." She pauses. "Why me?"

The boy's eyes looked back at her before they remained at the torch shining through the darkness.

Hydra grew quiet while the boy exited the tunnel and into the bigger one.

They stop gazing at the shimmering pool of water around the path leading to the wall of cravings.

Hydra dismounted from Will's shoulders before silently approaching the wall. He followed right behind.

Hydra brushes her fingers against it.

"What is this?" The boy questioned.

"It's-" She chokes on her words. "This is not supposed to be here." Will eyed the left end of the wall presenting a lone figure similar to Hydra.

"What is this?" Will questioned, looking at Hydra, that returned his gaze. "What are you not showing me?"

Hydra closes her beetle eyes, remaining silent before reopening them. She stood next to the boy staring blankly at her.

"Many centuries, we were distant from one another. Days or weeks, in the end, we would scrap as much as we can to survive." Hydra continued. "And due to our stubbornness. The psycholeop took advantage." The boy eyed a craving of flying insects devouring figures of Hydra's race. "A century later, on the brink of extinction. One manages to produce children, only for them to be gone within a blink of an eye."

Will eyed the lone figure on its knees.

"Until a being of warmth and compassion stood before it." Hydra places her hand beside the floating being radiating that says energy. "She gifted it her blessing. Changing the shell into something more." Hydra whispered under her breath. The boy gazed at Hydra, focusing on the cravings. "Queen Elsa sought to destroy the parasites to prevent the pain she and her people endured for so long."

Will eyed the last section revealing many figures building the nest. Queen Elsa and a figure stood by her side, watching them.

"Who's that?" Will questioned, pointing to the figure.

"Her protector. He goes by many names, yet the Queen called him Zero." Hydra answered while the boy focused solely on that figure. "Ready?" She turned to Will, that ignored her. "Will?"

"Y-yes. I'm am."


"What is that thing?!!" A bank guard fired his handgun at the fiery female, tanking all his shots.

"It's Heatblast?!" The other stumbles back, shaking his gun in hand. "S-something wrong with her!" Heatblast slowly approached the two while the first bank guard pulled out a hand grenade from his pocket before pulling a pin. "A grenade?!"

Heatblast came to a halt: with a smirk while the guard hurled the grenade at her feet. She picked it up.

"Down! Kid!" The bank guard pushed the newbie behind a money printer.

The explosion shook the room for a brief second while the crackle of fire filled their ears. They peeked from their cover, only for their eyes to go dead.

"You had me. For a minute." Heatblast said while containing the ball of flames and heated shards between the palms of her hands. "And I think you deserved a raise." She cracked a smile while the experienced bank guard waved for the newbie to head for the exit.

"L-let us! go." He asked.

"And what's the fun in that?" She cocked her arm containing the blast.

"GO!" The bank guard pulled the newbie to the exit while Heatblast hurled the blast at the scaffold above them.

The room shakes while a scaffold falls behind the guards catching flames. They ran out the door while Gwen and Max entered, gazing at their environment.

They noticed Heatblast back towards them as she was approaching another exit.

"Hey, hot head!!!" Gwen shouted while Heatblast came to a stop. She peaked over her shoulder with a smirk. Gwen's eyes only grew dark. She hid behind Max.

"Gwen!" She dragged out before turning to the two."I'm sorry for earlier. I thought the brakes would work."

"I don't know who you are." Max started before pulling a plumber pistol from his shirt. "Stop this. Your game is over." Max demanded while Heatblast cocked a non-existence brow.

"Grandpa. Come on. Who else turns alien like me?" She questioned.

"Katlyn Levin." A voice gains their attention to Benita standing in front of Max and Gwen.

"Ben." Max and Gwen said softly.

Benita only focused on the Heatblast impostor.

"Who could have?" She questioned.

"You forget Will." Heatblast chuckled. "Where is he?" Benita clenches her fist. "Oh, silly me, I forgot. HE'S IN A COMA!!!" She roared, shooting a fire beam at the three.

A green light flashes before the fire crashes.

A diamond shield hissing with smoke unshifts, revealing Diamondhead glaring daggers at Heatblast's change of tune.

"It has nothing to do with me."

"Well, it has. Princess." Heatblast paces herself between the row of printers. "Have you ever checked yourself?!" She raised her voice, pointing at Diamondhead. " I mention Will once, and regret oozes from your eyes."

"The only regret I have is not putting you in a slammer."

"HA! HA!! You're right! Please, arrest me, officer." She gestured before peeking. "No? Thought so." Diamondhead growled.

"I can only stay human for so long." Katlyn's head shifts back to HeatBlast. "You took my boy and put him in a Coma! And now!" Heatblast stretches her arms, leaving herself opening. "What else can you take?!!!"

"YOU TRIED TO KILL MY COUSIN!!!" Diamondhead roared.

"BINGO!!!" She shoots a beam at a money bag that trapped Diamondhead in a pile of quarters. "Hey, it's raining money!"

Diamondhead escapes entrapment before rushing Heatblast that rained beams at her.

Diamondhead blocks the attacks with a diamond shield. She spun on her feet before hurling it at Heatblast.

She leaned, dodging the attempt. That crashed into a wall across the room.

Diamondhead fist roared towards Heatblast, only for her to shift Red Retro.

Red Retro hurls Diamondhead onto her back, cracking the white tiled floor.

She grasps Diamondhead's throat while her eyes burst into yellow electricity.

"I bet this is what Will. Experiencing." Red Retro grunted while cracks began to form against Diamondhead's throat. "Choking in your self-pity." Diamondhead flashes her teeth while her golden eyes shimmer. Three beams hit her shoulder and face. "YOU PEST!" Red Retro roared at Max before Diamondhead clocked her against the jaw.

Diamondhead uses her feet to stretch Red Retro into the scaffold above them. She grunts before dropping to the ground, but Diamondhead kicks to her feet, forming a diamond bat.

She clocks Red Retro causing her to flip across the room.

Red Retro crash into the wall before dropping to her feet while the debris crumbles around her. She wipes her nose before she shifts Diamondhead firing shards at Benita.

Diamondhead Benita leans from the attempt watching the shards roll past her. Only to notice it: wasn't meant for her. She quickly punches the ground, shielding Max and Gwen.

"Go!" Diamondhead shouted while the wall disappeared, revealing Max and Gwen. "Get-Ack!" The imposter Diamondhead leaped on her back, choking her out.

"What's wrong?!" Diamondhead headbutts the imposter causing her to stumble back. "ARGH!!" Her hands shift into blades, and so did Diamondhead.

"She could kill you!" Gwen shouted.

"I'll be fine!" Diamondhead reassured.

They rush each other clashing their blades.

The two Diamondheads continued the onslaught of blocks and attacks until they pushed one another back.

Kat Diamondhead gave an overhead slash, and Diamondhead Benita sidesteps from the slashed before feet, swiping Kat onto her back.

Diamondhead Benita's fist came down on Kat, only for her to roll to her feet.

"I'm only asking nicely." Diamondhead Benita said before ripping her fist from the gravel.

Diamondhead Katlyn only growled before rushing her with her fists.

She threw a hook only for Diamondhead Benita to block and counter with her own. Diamondhead Katlyn stumbles before rolling with another, yet she shifts into Ghostfreak.

Diamondhead Benita leaned back, seeing Ghostfreak's hand going for her head.

She back springs, gaining distances from Kat before backflipping to her feet.

Diamondhead's eyes wander to Ghostfreak, only to be gone.

"AH!!" A yelped from Gwen gains Diamondhead's attention.

"Now, this is. What I called." Max said, wrapping his arm around Gwen's neck and applying pressure. Gwen strain. "A hostage situation." Darkness showered Max's eyes, revealing his shimmering purple pupils.

"Wait! Wait! You win!" Diamondhead shouted. "I'm the one you want. They're not part of this." She reassured.

"Hmph." Max furrowed his brows. "You sure?" He presses the gun barrel into Gwen's head, causing her to shiver. "I'm sure you and your family not only ruined my chance to get back with Will, but you made me a freak." He chuckles. "And the voices in my head." Max paused, smirking. "They want me to pull the trigger."

"P-please. Don't." Gwen said under her shaking breath.

Diamondhead's eyes widen.

"Ssssh." Max kisses Gwen's head. "Close your eyes." He said soothingly.


"THE WATCH!" Diamondhead roared, looking to the ground. "It can cure you! The same experience happened to Will."

"No!" Max shouted, glaring into her soul. "He's mutant like me! And you know it!"

"Fine! He's mutant! But I know there's a cure! A cure to make you and Will whole again."

"He wouldn't want that."

"He does because that very power put him in a coma." Max squinted his eyes.

Silence filled the room, causing Max to sigh.

"Fine. Where's the guy?" Max questioned.


"That is what I would say if I believed that bullshit." Max pulled the trigger, only for Police sirens to thunder outside. "Shit!" The gun shook. "The hell?!" Max cussed before Ghostfreak shoot out of Max, which released Gwen from his grip. Max falls to his hands and knees, breaking a cold sweat. Gwen kept her eyes on Ghostfreak, staring at Max. "Damn!" Ghostfreak yelped, noticing three diamond shards on her back.

She turned to see Diamondhead rushing her with a blank look.

Diamondhead continued firing while GhostFreak only phased through her attacks and headed to the floor.

"Keep the change. Chump." She phases through the floor while Diamondhead only drives her fist into her position.


"Haaa! EeeeH!! Oh god!" Will collects his breath, climbing the mountain, shivering.

"Come on. You're almost there." Hydra said calmly, still on the boy's back. She looked up to see a platform made of stone on the tip of the mountain. She only squinted her eyes.

"It's easier said than done. Princess!" The boy said, climbing.

"I was and now queen."

" I mistook you for a midget in a winter coat." Hydra blows in his ear, causing him to miss a ledge to grab on."YOU WANNA FALL?!!!"

"I'm still growing."

"Tell that to the ruler." Hydra silence only made Will flinch. "I'm joking!" Queen Hydra rested her head on his shoulder while Will continued.

"I'm sorry for all of this." Hydra started. "I wish we could've met differently."

Will remained silent while she only closed her eyes.

"You have. A lot of kids." Will said suddenly, causing Hydra to squirm while Will recovered.

"They're. Not mine." Hydra said under her breath. "Once, Queen, your task is to choose the next generational flame."

"You seem young."

"It's rude to ask a woman's age." She squinted her beetle eyes at Will's head.

"Woman?" He rolls his eyes. "Ok. Princess." It only made Hydra blush. She planted her face into the boy's neck, causing him to shiver.

The boy grabbed onto the platform before Hydra floated onto it. She gave the boy a hand pulling him up with ease.

They noticed the bright sun raining down the calm breeze.

Will pants.

"Before this ends." He raised and noticed Hydra waiting patiently. "You still owe me." Hydra tilted her head. "Did you bless me to be your protector?" Hydra closes her eyes. "Is this a test to finalize it?"

"Yes. I'm sorry." Hydra answered. "It was the only way for you to come back."

The boy closes his eyes, remaining silent.

"I'll be your protector." He said, getting Hydra's attention. "I don't know what you see in me, but this lying. It needs to stop." He glared into her soul. "If this happened in the future. I'm gone. No matter the problem."

"That's a compromise." Hydra nodded while Will continued staring. "Under Queen Elsa's name."

The boy nodded before staring at the sun.

"FEEL THE POWER!!!" He shouted from his lungs before Hydra swiped him from his feet. "What-" A buzzing noise gains his attention to an insect-like bee with fangs staring daggers at them with its red eyes. "W-what?"

Hydra set Will onto his feet as the insect-sized the two up.

"A Psycholeop! It's someone doing!" Hydra confirms before summoning an ice blade while Will shifts Nova. "Keep your distance!" Hydra informs before the Psycholeop rushes them at lightning speed.

Nova smoke dashed from the charge before firing at the bug following Hydra.

Hydra barrel roll from the Psycholeop, snapping its long tongue at her.

'I can't get a hit!' Nova thought before Hydra-headed his way.

'Here!' Hydra's voice rings in his head before taking off in another direction.

The bug eyes land on Nova: firing his beams at it.

"AAAH!!!" Nova roared as the beam rained onto the bug's face. Creating a smoke screen, Nova quickly smokes dash from the Psycholeop, nearly about to eat him alive.

Nova looked back at the bug, adjusting itself toward the torch.

'I'm doing nothing to it!'

The Psycholeop wings flapped faster as red mist escaped its shell.

'Get-" Hydra's voice dead while Nova's squinted eyes became relaxed.

His vision of the Psycholeop dissolved into Benita and Gwen blushing.

"Ok." Gwen started rubbing her neck. "I don't know how to say this, but I-I love you."


"Don't speak." Gwen cut Nova off before looking away. "I thought this was my hormones blinding me, but you protecting my grandpa and my snort nose cousin. And the actions you've done." Benita lightly glared at Gwen. "You are someone I'd hoped."

"Y-you can say the same for me." Benita tagged along. "You can say this trip brought us closer." She scratches her face, looking away before clearing her throat. "All I'm saying is accepted us."

"Wait? Both of you?" Nova raised a brow. "I-I can't-"

"I get. It." Gwen said in a soft tone while they approached Will. "We experience enough pain." She said while the two grew inches from Nova. "How about-"

An animalistic shriek snapped Nova out of it. Benita and Gwen dissolved into a rushing psycholeop flashing its throat.

"AH!" Nova fell onto his back, watching it fly past him. Nova snapped to his chest, panting.

He noticed Hydra on the bug, rapidly stabbing the bug's throat with her blade. Purple blood gushes across the platform.

"AAAGH!!" Hydra screamed before the Psycholeop rushes to the platform.

Hydra leaped from the bug while the bug crashed into the platform.

She rolled to the ground near the psycholeop, quickly recovering from its crash. It stabs its stinger at Hydra, rolling from its attack.

Nova stood to his feet before blasting into the air taking height. He drew his fist back while the bug wrapped its tongue around Hydra, trapping her.

"RAAAGH!!!" Nova roared before driving his flaming fist into the skull of the bug, causing it to drop and release Hydra.

Nova pants, standing on the back of Psycholeop while Hydra escapes its tongue with haste. She back paddled before panting herself.

"T-thank you."

"I should. Be saying that." Nova stated before the bug wing flattered. "AAAH!!!" Nova fired multiple beams into the wound he inflicted.


Heat Blast(Katlyn) unleashes a barrage of fireballs onto the heavy traffic.

Screams echo the night. Horns blare over the explosion and rapid footsteps fleeting from the attack.

She smirked.

"It's all coming together." Heatblast stretches her arms out before taking a leap of faith.

' You freak!' A voice shouted in her head.

'What are you?'

'Get out of my house! You freak!'

She flips and does a superhero landing with Red Retro.

Five police officers race through the sea of fleeting citizens.

"Open fire!" One shouted while Red Retro stomps onto the hood of a car nearby, using it as a shield.

The officer's firing filled her ears, causing her to smile.

"Welcome!" Red Retro chimed. "You came at the nick of time." She spins. "Here's your reward." She hurls the car full of bullet holes at the officers that dodged.

The car rolled and fell onto two others blocking their escape.

"Damn it!" The second officer cussed.

"Focus!" The third officer shouted. "We'll do fine!" Red Retro smirks, menacingly approaching them.

"We'll do fine." Red Retro mocked him. "You can tell yourself that."

Officer 1 goes to shoot, but Red Retro lunges, grabbing the pistol and his uniform, and hurls him to the side.

'You thought you were one of us?' Another voice chuckled. 'You thought.'

Officer 4 fires, but Red Retro's hair whips the gun from his hand. The hair wrapped around his wrist before slamming him into Officer 5, pushing the car to the side due to impact.

'Hey, stop that brat!'

Red Retro stumbles back as gunfire continues until it stops.

"Jesus Christ." An officer stared in horror.

Red Retro brushes the bend bullets struck to her and smirk.

"No god can save you."

She backhand Officer 3. More officers charge with horses and swat gear while all she can do but smile.


On the golden gate bridge, Staring down smoke and broken officers. She felt her smile reach a new peak.

Sing to You (Feat. Shiloh Dynasty) -Repeat-

"Ah!" Red Retro closes her eyes with a smile plastered on her face. "I wonder what took you so long...Lt.Steel."

A soldier drops his helmet, revealing a blond with a scar across his face aiming his handgun.

"You caused enough damage, alien. Stand down."

"I love it when you're demanding." She stomps, making Lt. Steel open. Red Retro quickly closes the gap, yet he dodges her attack. "You have gotten better." Lt. Steel continued as her strike grew faster with each dodge he took. Red Retro fist crash against the red steel while Lt. Steel rolls to a knee.

"You gonna love this." Lt. steel stated before pulling a detonator charge.

Beeping filled Red retro ears before she noticed the bomb on her back.

"Oh, s-"

The shaking explosion blew Lt-steel back. He crashed before rolling to his feet.

The smoke haze while Lt-Steel got a call.

"Yes?" Lt.Steel questioned, eyeing the smoke. "Hold-" He rolls from a bear hug and looks around, not seeing her. He presses his ear. "Do you have eyes-HAAAA!!!" Lt-Steel flew, swinging his arms about until he caught a beam. "He! GR!!"

Ghost Freak appeared above him.

"Good. Fight." Ghostfreak said before shifting Red Retro, leaning on his hand, causing Lt.Steel to flash his teeth. "But you are not the one I want."

"Waiting for me?" A familiar voice filled Red Retro's ears, causing her to chuckle.

"There you are, Tennyson." She turns back to Fourarms, glaring.

"How's the trip?" She shouted.

"I'm done helping you. Katlyn."

"I never ask for help." Red Retro leaps from the beam and drops in front of Fourarms, sizing her up.

"That's the problem. You are willing to solve things. You're self without anyone's second regard. That's plain selfish, and you know it." Fourarms called her out.

"You wanna know who's selfish?" Red Retro paced around Fourarms. "You made me into a freak!" She shouted. "Everyone can't accept what is different even when it, Looking them right in their face! You ruined my only hope, turning back. You hurt the only person I cared for!!!" She points. You got that heroic ego coursing through your veins you haven't even noticed-"

"Keep, his. Name. Out of this." Red Retro smirked.

"Will Anthony Glover looks up to you."

"RAAAAGH!!" Fourarms roared, rushing her.

Red Retro shifts into Diamondhead, shooting a barrage of Diamond shards.

Four Arms took the attack. She tackles Diamond Head (Katlyn) into a steel wall. Four Arms goes to deliver another blow, but Diamond Head(Katlyn) shapes into Stinkfly. She hurls slime into Four arms face, blinding her.

Stinkfly(Katlyn) shapes into Red Retro. She leaps over Four arms wrapping her arms around her waist and hurls her into the steel wall across from them.

Fourarms crashed into the steel wall before growling.

Four Arms blocks Red Retro strike; they grasp hands, starting the power struggle.

Creaking filled their ears.

"You think being a jimmy two shoes will win their vote?" Red Retro questioned while They apply pressure as the steel floor creates a dint.

"I know. So." Fourarms stated while Red Retro's eyes burst into electricity.

"You bound to make mistakes."


Will grew breathless while Queen Hydra stared worriedly.

"Will, are you-"

"FEEL THE POWER!!!" His voice echoes the plains while the sun's heat hits them. Yet nothing happened. "W-why it's not working?!" Will quickly questioned before shouting. "Feel the power!!"

"I swear. It worked." Hydra stated while the boy's body shook. "Say it. Again."

"I had it!!!" Will screamed, revealing his glaring eyes pouring tears.


" I want you out of my-"

The sound of cannon filled the environment while The clouds separated.

In a split second, someone grabs their throats while hovering from the massive drop away from the mountain.

'Hello. Shifter. Queen.' Will's voice ringed in both their heads.

They tried to grasp for air, yet the cosmetic alien applied more pressure.

The ground shook and cracked while a giant hand grabbed onto the mountain, revealing Way Big glancing, out at them, From afar.

Will's eyes shook until he glanced to drop.

Thousands of aliens were glancing up at them. Even the ones he turned to just watched in silence.

'Nothing makes. Sense does it?' His voice ringed in his head once more while Virgo's white glowing eyes stared daggers at the boy.

Will's eyes become bloodshot while Queen Hydra blows an onslaught of ice into the face of the alien, yet it changes to water before he reaches his face.

"Im-Impossible!" Hydra gasps.

"It sure is...Queen." Virgo glances at Will. "Time is slowly running out." The ground shakes once more while they feel anger in his poker face.

"It seems. We will meet again." Virgo, let's go of the boy.


"W-WIL!!!" The boy heard before swinging and flipping wildly.

The cold wind slams on his face and back as he sees the ground of snow that the aliens were circling.

The ground grew closer.

"NO! NO! NOO-"

The heart monitor flat line.


"HAA!!!" Fourarms gather her rage before pushing Red Retro back. Throwing blow after blow, heavy and hard. Until: she uppercuts Red Retro onto her back. The possibilities of Will's fate run in her head."IT WAS MY FAULT!!!" She punches Red Retro, yet her fist comes to contact with steel. Red Retro grew daze. "I was too combat hungry! Ignored warnings they gave even when it was clear as day!!! You're right! I put Will in that bed, but that doesn't GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO EXCUSE THIS HAVOC ON THESE PEOPLE!!"Red Retro goes to punch yet, but Fourarms grabs her fist and twists it. "Will wouldn't want this...SO STOP BEING SELFISH FOR THIS ONE TIME!!!"

A tear rolls from Four Arms: four eyes while her hand crushes the steel in her grasp.

"Don't you know?" Fourarms chokes on her words. "He thinks he made you into who you are."

Red Retro's breath shooked while Fourarms closes her teary eyes before standing to her feet. "You're not worth my time." She walks away.

"I'll kill you." Katlyn's voice shook while Four arms stared over her, shoulder enraged, exposing Katlyn's messy hair and her blood rolling from her bawled fists.

'Stop, Where you are! Freak!' A voice ringed in Katlyn's head.

'Pull something that special again. You'll regret it, sparky.'

"You can't just leave us! Alone can you?" Her tired eyes stared up at Fourarms.

'What a weirdo.'

'I wonder what else she can do?'

'You think that splash of your gift will make you normal? You're a living legend.' The voice chuckled.

"You will pay!" Katlyn screamed, but nothing happened. Katlyn screamed bloody murder as her screams echoed on the bridge. "AAAAAAAH!!!"

Her left eye grew to the size of a basketball (Grey Matter eye.) Another arm birth underneath her left(Ghost Freak skin color), and Four arms, extra arms. Her teeth were sharp like daggers while her right arm was swallowed whole by diamond. Katlyn's agony felt like hours until she was face to face with Four Arms, staring down her hands in shock.

"No." She whimpered. "What have you done?!" Mutant Katlyn roared.

"A price for your selfish acts."

An animalistic roar escaped from her sharp teeth.

(Mutant) Kathlyn tackles Four arms into the wall. Four Arms stop her punches, but her third uppercuts her into the wall. Katlyn(Mutant) grabs Four Arms' face and hurls her to the center of the platform.

"HAAA!!!" Kathlyn leaps to smash her under her knee, but a red beam intercept, pushing her off the bridge. "NOOOO!!!" Katlyn pummeled into the roaring waters.

Four Arms looked to her savior, and it was LT Steel. He nods with a radio in hand and a black eye while Four arms look up at the night sky on her back, thinking of Will.


The Tennyson notices doctors and nurses rushing into Will's room.

A flatline is all they heard.

"No!" Gwen races with the others.

"Get the defibrillator!!!" The doctor from earlier shouted to the nurses.

"No! NO!!!" Gwen cried while Max hugged her.

Benita stared wide-eyed at the door.

"Clear!" Will body joint. "Again! Clear!" Unresponsive. "Crack it up!!!"

"That could-"

"I'M NOT LOSING THIS BOY!!!" The doctor cut the nurse off before rubbing the pads together. The nurse followed his command. "Clear!!" The boy's body spasms from the shock until the doctor stop taking a step back.

"WHY?!!!!" Gwen shouted. "WHY HIM!!!" She felt her legs lose strength while Max kept his focus on her.

"Will..." Benita said softly while the doctors and nurses left the room. One of them pulled the plug.

The doctor from earlier approached the three.

"...I'm sorry." He said softly before taking down the hall with other doctors and nurses giving them space.


Darkness filled the void as silence presented itself.

'Shifter.' A voice of his said. 'Find Rudea.' He commanded before the void shook, and a bright light filled his vision.

"I'm sorry, Will..." A soft voice breaks into his, hearing followed by crying from Gwen.

His right eye opened to the ceiling of white while his Left opened to black and white.

The boy felt someone's head on his lap, wetting his blanket. "I'm so sorry..." Will slowly lifted his right hand, covered in dead veins.

"Who are you?" Will said softly while Benita's face in black and white came to the boy, view followed by Gwen and Max. The boy's dead veins on his face vanish. He looks into her eyes while they look down at his white pupil and black sclera. "This is not the Ben I know."

Hoenstly I wasn't expecting to get these many views. I had this story lock up, in Wattpad, yet I wasn't getting much this attention.

I did a few edits, to spicy things up. I'm gonna post another story, until enough edits and reworks on this following Story.


Kghost2015creators' thoughts