
Ben 10: OFA

Reincarnated in Ben 10 universe with One For All.

Nov_Vi_ · アニメ·コミックス
9 Chs

Diamond Head


The notification sound came from, my watch. Without any further I turned the holographic projection in my watch, It showed that something just entered the earth's atmosphere and it was going towards Ben. 

"What is that?" Gwen asked me, you can't blame her, my watch is one of a kind.

"Something I made when I had free time" I answered along with my suit started covering my body.

"How does that work?" Gwen asked in curiosity.

"Nanotech" I answered her. 

I let OFA run through my whole body at 20%, Then I used my super speed to run toward Ben. 

When I reached the place Ben had already destroyed one of Vilgax's drones, But if if we followed the canon there should only be one drone left, but I facing two.

Well, my presence may have interrupted the timeline so I am not surprised.

I jumped to reach the first one, took hold of it, and threw it at the second one at the force making them explode.


When both me and Ben reached the RV, Max and Gwen was already waiting for us.

When we asked about the pod that omnitrix came from, he told us it was already destroyed.

"It must have been done by those stupid robots" Ben spoke his mind.

When we got inside the RV, the radio was talking about a gaint robot destroying a campsite near us.

"It must be after the watch, maybe I could stop it" Ben.

"You are not trained" not way I going to let some untrained brat, this may be the canon world but it doesn't mean that people here are not real.

" You come to the campsite" I turned to Max informing him, The grabbed Ben used OFA to reach the camp.


" Now you can transform" I told him.

"Okay, This one looks better" he chose Diamond head just like the series.