
Becoming the Greatest Inventor

A young man woke up naturally but ended up in another world! Suddenly finding himself in another place with no knowledge of the world, how will he survive in this world? The good thing is that in this world he has parents and a sister encouraging and supporting him! With curiosity for this world and missing the modern technology or more precisely his phone, he embarked on a journey of creating various magical equipment!

Heavens_Phoenix · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Construction Company

After they have decided to create a transportation array, Chen HaoYu went to the library for work and Chen ZhiYa went out to buy the materials.

Chen HaoYu had some savings since he didn't spend much as he just bought some ingredients and cooked for himself everyday.


In the afternoon.

After work, Chen HaoYu went back home to see the progress of the array.

He had learned basic arrays and some in depth ones.

As they planned to make the transportation array permanent so that they could continue to transport things, Chen HaoYu had cleared the guest room and made it a place for the warehouse that is also connected to the world.

Since the world didn't have a name yet, Chen ZhiYa simply named it Jiayuan as she wanted it to be a second place where she, her brother, and parents could live in and feel at home.

Chen HaoYu also liked the name so he just smiled and agreed.

Setting up the array was quite easy as long as one has the knowledge for it, the only hard part in connecting arrays is that one would have to make sure that the coordinates of both array are connected even if it's a small decimal as a single change of number can lead to error or connect to other arrays and if one has mistakenly connected it to other arrays then they will have to destroy both of the arrays just to unlinked it.

The array occupied the whole floor of the room with interconnecting lines and runes on it.

After carving the last rune with her magic energy, Chen ZhiYa sat down panting.

"Whew, that was exhausting!"

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you with that" Chen HaoYu was ashamed to not be able to help because he still didn't how to use and control his magic energy, he still didn't even know what kind of magic energy he has.

"That's fine brother! You're also helping me by letting me do the array formations. After all, the more I do difficult arrays the more I can be proficient with controlling my magic energy."

When one wanted to carve an array formation, they will have to maintain their magic energy ouput as only carving the array with magic energy will it work.

Not only do they have to maintain their energy output but they also has to control the magic energy they release as they carved the inscriptions, just like in calligraphy where some have heavy stroke and others have light strokes.

That's why the bigger the array, the more energy it consumes and it can also add the energy consumption if the array is of much higher quality or level.

"Come on, let's go to Jianyuan and build the array so we can start transporting things inside."


Then they went to Jianyuan and Chen ZhiYa started making the array formations.

5 days has passed since the array was completed and during that time Chen ZhiYa had already bought a lot of stuff that was going to be placed inside the world.

Since Chen HaoYu was still busy learning array formations and now also learning about artificers, Chen ZhiYa applied to be the one to do the designing the inside of the world.

Though she won't be able to make complicated structures if she didn't hire any construction workers, she could still help in designing and where the buildings should go.


Walking to a shop that can hire construction workers, Chen ZhiYa spotted a withering flower at the side of the road near a trash can.

Although the flower was withering it still looked beautiful as if whether it be blooming or withering, its beauty will never fade. Its figure in full bloom lotus with its stiff and crisp petal, that with a touch can easily be crumbled to dust.

It's grayish white pale color only adds more of its beauty. The only thing it made look bad is that broken pot it was in and that it was thrown away beside the trash can.

Chen ZhiYa went to pick it up, she didn't know why she found this withering flower so pretty and alluring.

Just as she was admiring it, a voice sounded behind her.

"ZhiYa? Is that you?"

Chen ZhiYa turned around when she heard someone calling for her and was surprised to find out who it was.


Qiao Feiyan chuckled, "What are you doing here?"

"Oh, I'm looking to hire some construction workers to build something!"

Suddenly, Qiao Feiyan spotted the withered plant in Chen ZhiYa hands and asked why she was holding that.

"Well I found this near the trash and I picked it up because it looked pretty!"

Qiao Feiyan rolled her eyes, "Can't you see that it's already withered? Why are you picking up random things again!"

"I'm not picking up random things! Don't you think this looks different from other flowers? I don't think there's a record of this kind!" Chen ZhiYa showed the withered plant to her.

Looking at it, all Qiao Feiyan could see was a normal withered white lotus. "Nope! Looks normal withered lotus to me!"

"Really? Can't you see that it's not pure white but greyish white?"

"Well isn't because it's withered? Anyway, why are you looking for construction workers? What are you building?"

Seeing that Qiao Feiyan is not concerned about the plant, Chen ZhiYa didn't bother to continue about it.

"I'm looking to build some houses inside a world that my brother has, we already got the materials. We just need to build some buildings inside it."

"You have a world seed?" Qiao Feiyan looked surprised.

"Yeah! My brother said it was given to him by someone!"

Qiao Feiyan looked around and pulled Chen ZhiYa to a somewhat secluded place and said, "If you want to hire some construction workers to build inside the world seed, you can't hire ordinary construction workers."

"Why can't I?"

"Because it's prohibited!"

"The government banned them? Then how will I build buildings inside the world seed?"

"It's not really banned but there was an accident long time ago that a certain company stole the world seeds through the excuse of constructing inside a world seed. That's why, nobody looks for ordinary construction company for these kind of work regarding world seeds."

Qiao Feiyan continued, "There are construction companies that specializes in building inside a world seed, not only can they help you build houses but they can also help you with adjusting the terrain!"

"Really? Why haven't I heard of them?"

"It's only natural that you haven't heard of them since only people who have world seeds or in contact with people who have world seeds would know about them!"

"Where can I find one then?"

"It's a coincidence that we are classmates and best friends, my family does this kind of work so I can introduce you to them."

"Can you? That'll be great!"

"Sure! Let's go then!"