
Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Gulf POV

I wake up the next morning still in front of my door, feel like dying *sigh*. I have class today but I don't think I want to go; I don't feel like doing anything today other than crying and rip my heart out. So I message my best friend, Tay that I'm not going to class today.

To: The Dork

"I'm not feeling well could you take down any notes today?"

From: The Dork

"It will cost you."

To: The Dork


That dork *sigh* we known each other since kindergarten. He knows all my secrets and I know his and he don't like Bright from the beginning. When he knows about the arrange marriage thing he has mix feeling about it because he knows how much I love and care about Bright and he knows how Bright treat me all those years. He always tell me that I'm better off without that jerk but I can't help it my heart want him.

I stand up and drag my feet to my bed. I crawl to the bed, look up at the ceiling and started crying again. How I wish this pain would go away now, "Fuck!! It hurt so much, why Bright? Why? Why must I love you? Why must it hurt so much?" I was saying this out loud while sobbing.

If I can throw away my heart right now I will, so painful like a knife stabbing my chest repeatedly until it bleeds no more. My heart is still breaking and you can hear it shattered over and over again. I cry until there are no more tears to cry, I just wish that this pain will go away and I fell asleep after that.


I was walking to Gulf apartment building, I bought him some food and some medicine because I was sure that he didn't eat anything yet. That kid even he is taller than me he is still a big baby, he is like a little brother to me even if we are the same age.

I arrive in front of his door; I knock it so many times and even scream his name but no one answered. Thank goodness I have his spare key, he give it to me in case there is any emergency.

"Gulf?!! Where are you? Gulf?!! Are you in the bathroom?? I bought you some food and medicine, Gulf?" I put the food and the medicine on the kitchen counter and walk to his bedroom door and knock it.

"Gulf? Hey Gulf?" Still don't get any answer from him, so I open his bedroom door to find him sleeping on the bed.

I came closer to him, calling his name and shaking his body but no respond. I put my hand on his forehead "Oh My God! Gulf!!" I panic because Gulf body is burning up. I don't know what to do so I called the first person that I could think off.

"Hey bro, I'm at Gulf house now he has a fever and a very high one. Okay I'll wait for you" I said to that person after he answers my call.

He said he will come as soon as possible and telling me not to panic so much.

"How am I supposed to do that when you are also panicking when you heard Gulf is sick" I mumble to myself. After 10 minutes I heard someone running outside of the apartment.

"Tay where are you?" he ask when he went inside the house.

"In here bro" I said and then he directly rush at the room that he dream of coming every day.

I see the saddest and how broken he is when he saw the love of his life was in that state. This guy love Gulf so much that he is willing to be in Gulf's shadow, I always told him to approach Gulf but every time he decline and said, "For me seeing my angel beautiful face and smile from afar is enough." Every time with that smile and loving look of his *sigh*.

I told him what happen before and after I arrive, he sat at Gulf's bed just beside Gulf and put his hand on Gulf forehead. Then he lifts Gulf up in his arm to bring him to the hospital. After 30 minutes of driving, we finally arrive at the hospital and Gulf got warded.

He told me to go home and he will take care of Gulf, "Are you sure?" I ask.

"You know that I will do anything for him, even if it means giving my life to him" he said.

"Yeah, yeah don't be cheesy. Gist, I got goosebumps dude." I said while showing my arm to him and he just chuckle. I leave the hospital knowing that Gulf is in good hands.

- 2 days later -

I walk to the hospital hall to go to Gulf's room with a new fresh set of clothes and food for that guy and when I arrive I saw him caressing Gulf's hair and putting Gulf palm at his cheek while saying, "I will never leave you even if you don't know I exist and I love you to the moon and back my angel." and then he kiss Gulf forehead.

*sigh* 'Mew I pray that one day Gulf will love you like you do right now and that you two will be together for a long time.' I close my eyes and pray before I proceed to greet him.

"Here are your clothes and some food for you." I said as give him all this stuff.

He takes all the stuff and said thanks to me, I can see how sad and tired he was after all he has been taking care of Gulf for 2 days straight.

Gulf fever has gone down and the doctor said he can wake up anytime now. Me and Mew release a relief sigh after hearing that news and Mew almost cry. He was so worried about Gulf condition that I know he didn't sleep well in these past 2 days.

I told him to go home today and let me take care of Gulf, he was reluctant at first but agree at the end when I said Gulf isn't going to be happy if he saw him in this condition. This guy, let me tell you Gulf is his weakness *sigh* I wish that Gulf realize that you exist sooner Mew so that you would have your happily ever after.

          - End of Chapter 4 -