
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Gulf POV

I open my eyes and my head feel like I got hit by a thousand brick. I look around and find that Tay was sleeping on the couch.

"Where am I? Am I at the hospital? What am I doing here?" I mumble to myself. I was thirsty, so I was reaching for the glass but I failed to reach it and it fell to the ground.

A loud thud wake Tay up and he was shock to see me awake. "Gulf? Gulf!! Oh My God!! You awake already? Oh My God! Are you okay? Do you need anything?" He asks.

"Water please." I said and he give me a glass of water.

"Hold on let me call the doctor, stay put okay?" Just like that he left the room. That dork what I do without him *sigh* the night sky especially the moon is beautiful today.

'The moon is beautiful isn't it?' I was startled then turn my head to the right but there is no one around. "That's odd; I swear I heard someone's voice just now." I mumble to myself and just then Tay comes in the room with the doctor.

He did a quick check up on me and he said I was fine and can be discharge anytime soon. I said my thanks and goodbye to the doctor while Tay makes a phone call to someone. After that he told me what happen and he scolded me saying how worried he was.

"I'm sorry okay, it will never happen again." I said.

"Of course it wouldn't happen again or I will kill you." He is nagging again like my mom, I just smile thinly at him while he still nagging. This dork what will I do without him, he is the best friend that I could ever have.

"Tay, can I ask you something?" I ask.

"What is it?" He replies.

"Are you the one who has been taking care of me this few days?" I ask again.

"Well... emmm... why do you ask?" Tay asks.

"It's nothing, I just wanted to know." I said.

Tay just ruffle my hair and said "Don't worry about silly stuff, you just wake up and now you need your rest, sleep okay, it's late and we can talk again in the morning." Tay lay down on the couch and he fell asleep directly as his head hit the pillow.

Tay is right I don't need to worry about silly stuff but I just couldn't help it to have this feeling that Tay is hiding something from me. I don't know, my feeling tells me that it wasn't Tay that took care of me but it was someone else because I been having this dream, a dream that a very handsome man with the most clear and beautiful eyes and smile that I ever see took care of me with all his heart.

In that dream he always holding my hand and then kiss my forehead. Then he put his forehead to mine and said he love me and will never leave me. It was so surreal like it was not a dream, *sigh* have I gone crazy or maybe this fever is getting to me. *sigh* I close my eyes and hope that tomorrow will be a better day.

- The Next Day -

I wake up and stretch my body to the left and right. I saw no one in the room and wondering where did Tay go.

Just then Tay walks in and said "You wake up already? I was out having breakfast, sorry for leaving you."

I just shake my head saying that it's okay for him to have his breakfast and then I just look out at the window. It was so beautiful outside, the sun is shining brightly and the birds are chirping happily but my heart is hurting.

"Why is it so hard to get rid off you from my heart, Bright?" I mumble to myself but was shock when Tay said,

"Just forget about that bastard will you? He doesn't deserve you and you know it. You are not stupid Gulf, when are you going to move on? That's enough already" While he put his hand on my shoulder.

*sigh* "I want to move on but u know it yourself, it's not easy to forget someone that you love since forever." I said.

"I know Gulf but there is someone out there that will love you whole heartedly and will never look away." Tay said.

"Yeah right, where can I find person like that?" Just when I said that a guy who is wearing a white star wars hoodie walk into the room with a bouquet of red roses and the most beautiful smile that I have ever seen.

I was shock and why is my heart beating so fast. If you listen carefully you can hear it beating so loudly and WHY THE HELL DID MY HEART SKIP A BIT FOR THIS GUY but wait I think I recognize this guy from somewhere. 'Where did I saw this guy before?' I was cut from my thought when Tay introduce this guy to me "Gulf, this is Mew; my friend from high school and he is also in our university".

"Hi, I'm Mew nice to meet you Gulf." He put out his hand for a handshake with the most bright smile I ever seen but why does his face is so familiar and his voice, where did I heard his voice before?


Oh My God!!!! Is this real?!! Is this happening?!! Did I just introduce myself to him?!! OH MY GOD!!! He is so beautiful, his beautiful eyes, his pointy nose and his lips, that plump and luscious red lips 'control yourself Mew' I keep repeating this in my head.

The way the sun shining on him, OH MY GOD CUPID STRUCK ME AGAIN WITH HIS ARROW!!!. My heart beating so fast, damn heart ! He will hear you. He shakes my hand and smile but it's a sad smile; a fake one.

I can tell because his smile doesn't reach his eyes. I can see it clearly from his beautiful eyes how sad he was. I stay there chatting with Tay for half an hour then I found my self staring at Gulf who was looking out of the window with his blank expression like nothing is excite him anymore. I averted my gaze when our eyes meet and I try to talk to him but he seem not focusing on the conversation, he is still thinking about that jerk I think. I wanna hug him so bad but * sigh * I can only look but can't touch. With a heavy heart I bid myself goodbye.

When I was in my car I keep thinking how I wish I can mend your broken heart Gulf, how I wish you know how much I love you, how I wish I know you first and how I wish you to be mine.

        -End of Chapter 5-


A/N : finally they meet hehe..hope u guys still enjoy my story and thank you for reading it 🥰🥰 I hope my story is still good for u guys to read until the end 🥰🥰