
Beauty That Kills.

*ROSES ARE RED, VIOLETS ARE BLUE... YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL, BUT THAT'S NOT GOOD... * "I like you." Blushing heavily, my pale white skin glows red on my neck and cheeks. Its not everyday someone you like likes you back. And I'm not even planning to play a hard to get card. Suddenly, he coughs and splatters blood all over my light blue school uniform. In daylight, I see the horror unfold in front of me as Pete folds into two, drops to the ground and dies, in the midst of all his own blood. A scream pierces the moist damp air. * Have you ever been a pretty girl? No wrong way to ask. Have you ever been beautiful, so damn beautiful? Have you ever been so easy on the eyes that each and every day different boys and men struggle to have you as theirs? If you haven't, which is not a very surprising answer, then I have and I know what it's totally like. And you may not know because you've not been there, you won't like it. You certainly won't. I don't know if it is a blessing or a curse to be this beautiful. Born in a family of three, I, my Mom and my Dad. We weren't rich or poor just, you know the average class of people. I am Halo Denver, twenty-two and my story isn't at all like everyone and anyone else's story.

MeCream · 都市
11 Chs

First Impressions.

I snap out of it and give her a warm smile.

"No grandma. I'm completely okay..."


"I'm not hungry, I've finished with all the chores and since I didn't know what else to do, I just sat down here, and I'm really sorry I fell asleep" I apologize and she smiles and says "No worries. Just cook something for yourself and eat as well" She probes further

"Still no, thanks. Also, I'm not actually allowed to cook for myself" I said politely.

I'm completely not okay. I'm so freakishly hungry.

"Says who? Moon, my son owns this house and who do you think is the boss of him..."

I look on at her, clueless.

She softly taps my shoulder and answers her own question.

"His mother. Now go cook something for yourself before you starve to death in this house" she said finally and turned to sit elsewhere.

Isn't it weird to call a person Moon?

I nod all the same and thanked her genuinely.

I cooked out of the Rivers cooking utensils and ate out of their plates.

It's like I'm eating wealth!

That day of work was finally over and after making Maurice eat dinner and taking her medicine, she went to bed.

Therefore, I know that it was finally time to go home..

After looking the front door, as soon as I walked a few steps away, I see a taxi drive by so I quickly hail it.

My phone buzzes in my bag but I ignore it until I'm well settled in the car.

When I looked at my phone, it was a text message showing a credit alert that sixty dollars had been transferred to my account.

I was madly happy and moved, but who sent it anyway?

Well I don't care cause I got the money which is the start of a new life for I and my Mom and that's all that really matters.

I got home that night and met my mom at the entrance who's just also returning back from work I told her about the exciting news and she was totally happy for me.

That's because I've got the perfect job.

The night was uneventful so the next day I went to work and did the same things of yesterday which are to clean the "already cleaned house" and take care of Maurice, who kept calling me Moon.

That night I got home. And I got paid again and wow my life couldn't possibly get any better.

And that's how I worked everyday including the weekends, and my account was slowly getting filled up everyday.

Thursday morning, I woke up feeling energetic.

"Good morning to the world" I said out loud out of this habitual happiness I feel. I got out of bed and washed up before eating breakfast.

I ate a little breakfast because Maurice had made it a daily thing now to ask me to eat anyway.

I grab my bag off the couch, waved my mom goodbye as she's late today and leave for my own workplace.

It feels good to not laze around anymore like I used to.

I took the bus today because I just felt like.

"Is she real?"

"She's so beautiful"

"Her hair is so longggg"


Are the whispers that surround me in the bus.

After getting to the last bus stop near the mansion, I get down and walk the little distance left.

I got to the Rivers mansion, opened the door and walked in and as usual, I met Maurice on the couch, watching TV.

I look at what she's watching and I'm puzzled but who am I to judge.

"Good morning grandma" I greeted as I dropped my bag

"Oh Moon, how are you dear?" Maurice asked

"I feel fine, thanks" I said and she nods and turned to the TV with a smile

"I tried watching a current movie or something and I saw this indian American series. It says there it's titled Never Have I Ever... Have you seen it yet?"

"I have. Its not bad actually."

"And it's kind of stupid too, no?"

I laugh lightly.

"Yeah. She makes tons of stupid decisions sometimes."

"Exactly. But then, it's just a movie no?"

"Yeah... Its just a movie"

And we both laugh. Well she's in a good mood. She's always in a good mood. After doing some chores around the house, I approached Maurice.

"Grandma what would you like me to cook for you today?" I ask her like I always do

"Oh, just prepare something sweet and extraordinary. My first grandson is coming home" she said with a glint of happiness visible in her eyes.

And maybe mischief too.


"Okay sure." I said and went to the kitchen to prepare something "sweet" and "extraordinary".

The meal I was preparing was almost ready, and I was in the kitchen watching it boil as i heard the front door open.

"Oh my son. You're here." I hear Maurice say and stand up from the couch she sat on

"Hey grandma... How are you doing? Its been a little while since I last saw you" I heard a male voice say.

He must be the grandson.

I must act as nice as ever cause Lisa had said the Rivers are the most strictest people ever.

To be polite, I take a deep breath in and exhale before slowly walking out of the kitchen to greet the visitor.


The owner, one of my bosses.

Using the oven face as a mirror, I tuck my hair behind my ear and then I walked into the living room.

I looked up slowly and my eyes and that of the Rivers grandson got locked together and his eyebrows suddenly arched...

Oh my goodness.

He is handsome, I'd say any day.

"Oh Moon dear, this is my grandson Alexander, Alex, meet Moon" Maurice introduces us.

Alexander! Why does that name sounds familiar to me. Its not an uncommon name anyway so no harm but he does feel like someone I've known before.

I gave out a small smile to be polite but Alex looked away and turned to his grandmother almost immediately.


"What about Lisa?" He asks his grandma.

"i-I'm Lisa's replacement" I suddenly voice out and he gives me a cold glare.

What's his issue with me?

He doesn't like me, that's pretty obvious.

I hope he doesn't fire me since he looks a bit hostile. His grandma's nice. I hope that niceness from her would rub off on him.

"Alex dear, I know you must be hungry but don't worry Moon is preparing something" Maurice says excited, while tapping her grandson's shoulder.

"And by the way it's Halo not Moon" I say with a low voice and choosing to not making eye contact with anyone of them.

"Halo?" Alex repeated and I suddenly raised my head up and nod lightly.

He looked at me from head to toe and then at my face, he was giving me a deep look and I arched one eyebrow at him.

Even though that doesn't seem polite but him staring at me is giving me creeps and is just as impolite.

"Alright then. I'll be in my room and I want my food there before I rest" He ordered me and I simply nod.

He walks right pass me.

While I breathed a big sigh of relief.

Little did I know that there was where it all began.