
Reunite -I

10:00 P.M.

On the outskirt of the city, in a large mansion.

A young lady, probably in her later 20s, wails her misery on the cell phone.

"Sobs! Michelle. Please cancel it, I can't stand to part in that program."

On the other end of the phone, Michelle frown at her appeal.

Elaine Madron, renowned for her unparallel beauty with frosty charm, established her name as "Cold beauty."

No matter what role she gets, be it villain, protagonist, side character, she would give her a hundred percent.

With a rating rate of 4.7, many of her work which includes t. v shows, movies, and Serials are almost successful in getting the same rating. Many appreciate and envy her skill to perform.

She is like a shining star, glowing so brilliantly that no one can contrast, but that lady right now appears not to do the event.

Michelle had difficulty denying her plea. It wasn't like she would accept the proposal. But her superior's order made her unable to reject the bid.

"Elaine, as a close friend, I want to advise you to not reject it. Though it looks like a simple one but it may even decide the fate of your career."

Listening to her warning, Elaine got startled as much to forget about her tears. She almost screamed out.

"WHAT!! Michelle, how that even possible."

The series of problems agitated her. The program she got proposed by her manager was out of her likes. And now an additional issue, she got made her headache.

Michelle tries to calm her down, hearing her scream.

"Elaine, come down a bit. First, listen to my word."

Then she waited for her to calm a bit. After a minute, she got a voice from the other side.

"Hello, Michelle are you still on the line?"

Compared to her shout earlier, she calms a bit. Now her voice was elegant.

"It's good to hear your pleasant word again. Glad for you to calm down."

She teased her bit and continued her word.

"Elaine, listen carefully. The main sponsored of this program was none other than Quill corporation. They just started their business on entertainment. So this program was one of the major project they would do."

"I am afraid, I won't be able to reject it for you. It is one of the major project and they have already invested an enormous amount of money."

"The CEO of the Quill Company, Mr Huang lee has infamy name in both business and entertainment. According to one rumour, he shattered the fame of an actress just because she declined to serve him."

Elaine, who learnt his infamy name, felt slightly pleased as she was not in a relationship and has any controversy that could destroy her career.

Just before she believed she was harmless, Michelle's subsequent lines made her completely wrecked her happiness.

"The one I just spoke to is just one of the most controversial actresses but for did not have any controversy, he can just make a scandal and spread it. As leading technology industry in the republic of Taiwan, he has gain access to the military and has total control over it."

Even Michelle got frightened while explaining.

"I won't go for much detail, but as I told you, it's just a onetime show."

"Take your time and think about what to do, but don't take too much of time. I may give you a time limit of a week approximately."

After which, Michelle ends the call. On her side, after the call ended, it frustrated her not being to help her friend.

"Elaine, if you only have someone to back you up but a friend of yours, I can give little time as much as I can,"

Then she brought the phone and dialled a number, and as the phone connected, she said, "hello, uncle...."

After the call ended, Elaine cries for so long as she can remember it.

Her sorrowful woe got into the ears of maids, which made them into contempt and sorrow.

The maids could not enter the room, so they couldn't possibly ask about her problem or console her. The only one who can probably enter among them is the head maid, Emilio. But she is out of town for some time.

Everyone in the household was sad; they can't help their young mistress nor console her.

But when they remember their mistress's laughing and lovely face. They suddenly felt motivated to work more seriously.

Mirielle, who was full of her concerns and hopelessness, whimpering at her destiny. Unknown to her, she had raised the morale of the housemaids.

Her screams fled through a period before she quietly lay on her bed and considering whether she should take it or dismiss it. She was so upset by the options she had to carry out.

If she takes it, Elaine felt like she will give up something important in her heart.

And if she chooses the second choice, she will surrender her career, and all of her people, including her, will suffer.

She either gets to accept one of them, her self-esteem or her folk. For her, both of them are so important that she can't make a choice between them.

She can't choose any choice. If she takes it first, she will have a career, but she won't be the same person anymore. And so, for another option, she will surrender her job, but she will go through together with them.

Elaine was dead worried about it and concluded for destiny to decide her fate.

Her heart filled with desolation, getting bothered now and then as she strolled toward the terrace.

At the terrace, she lay on the armchair, then gazed towards starry milky stars. At the moment of depression, these are the mere factors that can soothe her dislike.

Her total absorption was on the glittering star, so that she fell asleep in the armchair and started having fantasizing about returning to high school.

She was together with her age boy in her high school. The smile of the young boy refreshes her mind and relaxes the suffering of her mind.

Elaine, who was in her dream state, couldn't possibly think that a young guy had carried her.

The exterior, hairstyle, and eyes match the youth, but it was an adult version of him. Everything about him fits it like he is the one.

The young man takes a glance at her delicate face and pecks her forehead. The young man looked at her hair tumbles and fixed the hair which drops on her face. He then carries her to the bedroom and lay her on the bed.

Suddenly, he kissed her cheek.

As he was bracing himself to leave, he looked at the contract and wet blanket, possibly from the cries. The smirk on his face was all gone and taken over with anger.

The young man hopped from the terrace and again jumped from the fences and got in the limousine.

After he comes in, he immediately dials a number on his phone.

"Hello, your highness Hades, what makes you to call me early in the dawn," the tone was passionate, but it instantly turned severe.

"Saurian, I would want the information about Quill corporation in an hour,"

It filled the words with killing intent.

"Yes, your highness, do you prefer to learn minimally or totally" Silurian's words filled with importance as he recognized the fury of his monarch was critical.

"Dispatch Black-12," Hades or Sebastian answered and demised the call.

The sounds of his monarch were undeniable. At the name of Black-12, he recognized that this was on the national standard. Many people may skip about this squad, but its horror and dread still live among the top people worldwide.

The last occasion they had started was for the Persephone, and now it was as well.

Silurian immediately connects the battalion and dispatches them. Within half of an hour, they turned the intelligence from criminal to legitimate. Seeing the latest report, he got made his blood burn with fury.

Silurian immediately sends the reports to his monarch and brings the battalion ready directly.