

The child in the bushes couldn't take it anymore! He had been watching in these bushes since the beginning of this grim altercation. Seeing those guards who had been so nice to him, now lying motionless on the ground filled him with anger. These guards had even showed him a few fighting moves yesterday morning at breakfast, and there he stood and watched them all be cut down like trees to a lumberjack. What kind of a person was he?! A terrible one! Who could watch their companions be slaughtered and not feel guilty?

Determining his resolve, he launched himself out of the bushes, and then tripped on a pesky pebble and fell flat on his baby-face.

Everyone nearby turned towards the noise unconsciously, and ended up witnessing his embarrassing blunder.

The lead bandit immediately became flabbergasted. Not one, not two, but three children! Is he a babysitter now?

Henri also stared at the child. He had strawberry-blond hair, and pretty auburn colored eyes. He looked to be of a similar age to her, give or take a year or so.

After some quick thinking, Henri shouted

"You shouldn't have appeared kid, quickly leave this place while you still retain some of your innocence."

The boy looked at the golden haired person who had addressed him. His first impression was one word. Short. Wait a minute... isn't that person also a kid?

What the heck! They're both children for crying out loud! Couldn't they have left him some face?

As the child was wondering what sort of reply he could make to such a rude comment, a nearby bandit suddenly swung his mace towards his head!

Swoosh! Just as the mace was about to splatter his little brains in, a draig appeared out of thin air and tackled the bandit to the ground, before proceeding to rip out his throat.

"Amacing as always." Exclaimed the woman with the long snow white hair. She twirled around in her faded white apron.

The child looked up and saw a pair of blue sparkling eyes gazing at him.

The draig wagged its tail and turned towards Henri as if to say 'See how good I did?'.

"Good job..." Henri mumbled while turning towards the lead bandit, before starting to advance towards him swiftly. On her face was a calm expression.

The lead bandit drew his twin swords in haste preparing to slice off the twirps

head as soon as that rude brat was within reach of his weapon's blades. A grin plastered on what could once have been considered a handsome face.

It was a shame that he had to kill such expensive goods, but he had a bottom line.

Like most men, he valued one thing more than any other, and that was himself. One should treasure themselves the most.

Within 10 seconds Henri had already arrived in front of the the lead bandit.

Seeing how quick the kid was, the bandit made his move! His twin blades gleamed momentarily at he leaned forward to swing both blades almost simultaneously at her, one blade aimed towards the lower body, and the other towards the neck. There was no way a normal little kid could block this move of his.

All the while Marie just stood where she was, waiting for these bad humans to be beat up.

Completely oblivious to that uncles pitying gaze directed towards their merry little group.

Two loud clangs were heard, before the battered uncle watching from the sidelines realized that what should have been outright slaughter had turned into something else. Surprise!

The boy was also surprised. The golden haired child had not only escaped death, but somehow blocked two swords with his hands!

What kind of sorcery was this?

Henri looked the bandit in the eyes for what felt like eternity for the bandit, but was really only a mere few seconds, before speaking and breaking what had become awkward silence for everyone else present.

"Young lord certianly loves to play bandit I can see."

The awkward silence from before was now back, and with vengeance.

The lead bandit's face paled. It became so pale one would think they were looking at the moon instead of a man's face. The grin that was previously plastered across his face left with his skins color.

How? How could this brat tell he wasn't just some bandit? Well to be fair, currently he was acting just as a bandit. But this was not his only identity. He was in fact a minor nobleman's son from a surrounding country.

He had led these peasants for three months into the path of degeneracy, particularly that in the feat of murder and robbery.

As the man was busy questioning his life's choices, the bandits he had been in charge of scoffed and jeered in response to such a outrageous claim, totally missing the fear and uneasiness written all over their 'beloved' bosses face.

"You thank you can fool ush kid? Boss is not related to those fat pigs." The bandit in beat up leather armor once again made his not very scary presence known, along with his opinion.

Henri didn't even turn her gaze towards the man or acknowledge his exsistance.

"Savien protect the goods." She ordered, her eyes evenly sweeping towards the boy, and then to the carriage and company.

The lead bandit was glad that his band of plebians didn't question him. His heart was filled hubris. These punks didn't have a lick of sense between the lot of them. A smug look came over his face, the color beginning to gradually return, as he was about to refute this beats claims, and end his life, he suddenly remembered something.

The kid had stopped his attack! How could he forget such a thing? Examining the situation close his smug look quickly disappeared.

His sharp sword sat in the grasp of the child hands, yet there was no blood. Not a single drop was to be seen. How is it possible? The kid had blocked his twin blade attack. While his proficiency in twin blade attack was not bad, it really was rather mediocre if one had a proper teacher in swordsmanship. If the kid had blocked his attack with other dual wildest weapons, even of he was flabbergasted, it wouldn't be to the point he was now.

The only thing that could be seen on the child's hands were thick gloves with large and small circles on them.

Wait a minute...large and small circles?

It's done... Would have finished it sooner but also, while typing it up half of it was lost when the app acted up, so I had to redo work ;^;.

Also hope this clears up why, or points to why, the bandits are so ruthless... could it be their leader is up to something other than banditry?

Who knows..


But in a more serious note thank you to all you who rated and read this. It really means a lot to me and I appreciate feedback and can take tips and pointers.

Next chapter should come soon

Scyntheacreators' thoughts