
Battle of Palaces

Susan Mitchell , a frustrated office assistant discovers a rare relic in the confines of her office walls. out of curiosity to decipher the contents of this relic, Susan Mitchell gets transported to ancient Qin dynasty in China as Ru Lingyi who is a palace maid in the palace of an overbearing concubine. Will Susan Mitchell, who is now Ru Lingyi find her way out , or becomes entangled with palace drama?, how is she going to navigate this discovery?...why not read to find out.

Jade_Aster · 歴史
19 Chs


"But Niang niang, you didn't have to bring her to Chengqian Palace, Every maids makes mistakes and it's normal for their mistress to reprimand them.." Wanying spoke with every ounce of pain in her. It was clear that she didn't like the idea of her mistress bringing another maid into her Palace.

However, it is fair enough for maids to look after their Mistress like they shared same life. Not after Jia Xin , the last maid she brought in seduced the emperor and now is known as Concubine Jia (Jia pin), just a rank below Xian Fei and even bore the Emperor's first daughter.

"Niang niang!!..why not send her to the embroidery department".. Wanying kept nagging, and all these while Xian Fei remained calm like a stream in the summer.

Wanying just couldn't shut it..and suddenly she was agitated again.

"huh! , (With her eyes wide open) Niang niang what if she becomes another Jia pin. You must do someth--"

Xian fei immediately raised her hand to interrupt her questioning.

"This matter is concluded....and I don't want to hear anyone talking about it again "..Xian fei added causing Wanying's countenance to drop.

"I am tired and will like to rest, Xian fei added as she sunk in her sit , rubbing her forehead like someone with a migraine, "You are dismissed" she said as she waved her right hand gesturing wanying to leave.

Left with no choice , Wanying left eaten up by anger and mixed feelings.


Meanwhile in the Court room , adorned with intricate tapestries depicting the illustrious history of the empire, the atmosphere crackled with tension. The ministers, arrayed in their finest ceremonial robes, stood in rows and columns according to their respective ranks, their expressions grave as they grappled with the weighty matters at hand. At the head of the hall, facing the ministers,seated upon a throne of carved jade, His Majesty Emperor Liang presided over the assembly with a regal poise that belied the gravity of the situation.

Minister Cheng, a venerable statesman known for his keen intellect and unwavering loyalty to the crown, stepped out forward with a solemn dignity befitting his station.

"Your Majesty," he began, his voice carrying the weight of centuries of tradition, "the tranquility of our Nation is threatened by the belligerence of our neighboring state. Their armies mass at our borders, their intentions clear as the morning sun."

A hushed murmur rippled through the chamber, the ministers exchanging anxious glances at eachother as they contemplated the implications of Minister Cheng's words. Yet, amidst the uncertainty, Minister Wei, a man of rare insight and political acumen, stepped forward joining Minister Cheng, his expression thoughtful as he addressed the assembly.

"Your Majesty," he intoned, his voice resonating with quiet authority, "we must consider all avenues for peace, no matter how unconventional they may seem."

The courtroom fell silent, by now half of the ministers were wondering what the word 'peace' had to offer considering the severity of damages,but yet, everyone waited for Minister Wei to conclude.

All eyes turning to Minister Wei as he continued, his words measured and deliberate. "I propose that we send a delegation to our neighboring state, bearing an offer of peace and reconciliation," he declared, his voice ringing with conviction. "And among this delegation, let us send one of our most cherished treasures: a princess, to be offered as a queen consort to the ruler of our neighboring state."

A collective gasp echoed through the chamber, the ministers stunned by the audacity of Minister Wei's proposal. Yet, as the murmurs of dissent began to rise, Minister Cheng added, his expression grave but resolute. "Your Majesty," he implored, his voice steady despite the weight of his words, "we must consider the greater good of the Nation above all else. If offering a princess as a queen consort will bring an end to the bloodshed and ensure the safety of our people, then it is a sacrifice worth making."

The courtroom fell into a tense silence, the ministers weighing the implications of Minister Cheng's words. For in the heart of the empire, amidst the opulence and grandeur of the royal court, the fate of a princess and the future of the realm hung in the balance. And as His Majesty Emperor Liang gazed upon his council with a solemn resolve, it was clear that the path to peace would be faught with peril, yet illuminated by the flickering flame of hope.

It is not new that the royal concubines will do their very best to make sure that their daughters are not sent to a strange Land, but what can anyone do that hasn't been done before as the saying goes.."nothing is new under the sun".

Words travel fast and soon the concubines will learn of what was discussed in the Court room, even the phoniex of them all, the Empress will not be left out in the Turbulence.


As Lingyi made her way back to her quarters, her thoughts were interrupted by the whispering and glances from other palace servants. Words traveled quickly in the palace, and it seemed news of her been acquired by Xian Fei had already begun to spread. She knew it was only a matter of time before the concubines and even the Empress herself would be aware of the day's events.

The palace was a hive of intrigue and gossip. Every action, every word spoken, was analyzed and dissected by those who sought to gain an advantage. Lingyi was acutely aware of the need to tread carefully. The alliances and rivalries among the concubines were complex, and she would need to navigate these treacherous waters with caution.

Ru Lingyi made haste back to Chengqian palace to avoid been reprimanded by Wanying who clearly detestesed her.

She arrived and made her way into the maids quarters without notice . She had nothing to her and only depended now on the favour of her new mistress Xian fei.

Lingyi kept getting lost in the thought of her life as she still couldn't believe she was in another world or rather ,another time of the world. What marvels her is how she traveled back to more than a 100 years and is caught up with the happenings of this time.