

Inside the Happy Restaurant on the third floor, Randy, Zhen Yi, Udin, and Gusti gathered here. After Randy heard Udin shouted, there was an urgent matter, he took them here.

"So, what's an urgent matter?" Asked Randy.

Udin immediately told Randy what the urgent matter was. It took a few minutes for Udin explained the urgent matter to Randy and Zhen Yi.

Randy left speechless after heard what's the urgent matter was. It was not an urgent matter for him or for the guild. It was an urgent matter for Udin and Gusti.

After the world announcement twice in a row, many Udin and Gusti's friends and fellow country wanted to join the guild. But, Udin and Gusti was not in charge or could invite anyone to join the guild. They needed Randy or Zhen Yi's permit moreover both also could not invite anyone to join the guild. Only for the Guild Leader or Vice Guild leader could accept or invite a member to join the guild.

Also, they knew about the requirement to join the guild, so it's impossible for their boss accepted their friends and fellow country. Somad was an exception as his job was the unique one. Furthermore, Gusti already promised their friends and announced to their fellow country they would establish a guild and invited them to join, but… He and Gusti joined the Happy Guild.

Udin and Gusti felt bad if they rejected their friends and fellow country outright as Gusti already promised to establish a guild together. Also, they hoped for Randy lowered the requirement so some of their friends could join the guild.

Randy was in a deep thought after heard what Udin and Gusti said. Actually, he wanted to reject them, but after some thought, it was not a good idea. Moreover, the guild also needed more member, but he didn't want to accept anyone into the guild.

Randy was contemplating the right solution to this problem. He asked Zhen Yi yet his wife answered, "Accept them, why not?"

After a few minutes, an idea popped out in his mind. He found the right solution to this issue.

"Gusti, do you want to establish a guild, right? I mean before joined Happy Guild you wanted to establish a guild, right?" Said, Randy, as he held his chin with the right hand.

People in the room puzzled by Randy's question, Zhen Yi included. She also puzzled why her husband asked this.

Even though Gusti didn't understand why his boss asked that he still nodded his head. Yeah before, he, Udin, and Somad planned to establish a guild. But Udin made an unexpected decision by joined Happy Guild. Also, that decision made him upset, that was why he challenged his boss and made a bet in the tournament yet that bet also made him join the Happy Guild.

"Then you can establish a guild now," Randy smiled as he took out 5 million gold notes.

Randy's decision shocked them, Zhen Yi included. But after some thought, Zhen Yi understand what Randy's plan was, and she nodded her head. She agreed with Randy's plan.

But Udin and Gust didn't understand what Randy's plan was. They confused what the boss meant was. Soon, Udin and Gusti realized something.

"Boss, Gusti doesn't want to quit the guild!"

"Boss, I don't want to quit the guild!"

Both simultaneously stood up and said in unison. Both thought the boss wanted to kick Gusti out.

"Eh!?" Randy startled also confused. What did these two mean? He didn't have the intention to kick Gusti why would they say like that?

Looked at both's reaction and Randy startled yet confused expression, Zhen Yi amused. Soon, Zhen Yi got closer to Randy and whispered something to him.

After Zhen Yi whispered to him, Randy understood why Udin and Gusti assumed that he kicked Gusti out. When all thing became clear, Randy could explain to both with ease.

After a few minutes, Udin and Gusti sat back, both relieved the boss didn't kick Gusti out of the guild. It was them who mistaken the boss meant.

At first, Gusti regretted bringing about his friends and fellow country matter to his boss which made him getting kicked out. Especially after looked at the boss who soloed the Territory King alone. After that event he felt lucky to join Happy Guild, he thought the decision to join the Happy Guild was right even though he joined the guild because of losing a bet.

He thought the boss would kick him out because of the matter his friends and fellow country. He felt dejected, upset, and regret. But it turned out he mistook his boss meant which made him relaxed.

The boss's mean was for him to establish a guild, a branch guild of Happy Guild. Yes, the boss asked him to establish the branch guild, so Gusti didn't need to leave the main guild.

Gusti established a branch guild for his friends and fellow country, a guild that consisted only for Indonesian and him as the guild leader. So, Gusti didn't need to quit from the main guild, Happy Guild. But, he also could bring his friends and fellow country to join the guild, the branch guild of Happy Guild.

"When the member of branch guild meets the requirements, they can join the main guild. Also, you can take the members based on Jakarta Territory only," Randy continued.

"Eh, why?" Asked Gusti.

"To protect our members. With the Dragon Dynasty as our enemy, we cannot protect the members outside Jakarta Territory because we only have a few members compared to them. If people from other territories joined our guild, they will be bullied by the Dragon Dynasty,"

"If only people in Jakarta Territory joined our guild, it will be easier for me and her protecting our guild members from the Dragon Dynasty. Also, I doubt if the Dragon Dynasty dare to do something to our members in Jakarta Territory but it's different if it's in another territory,"

Randy explained what in his mind. That was why he put requirement only for people in Jakarta Territory could join the guild. He worried the Dragon Dynasty would do something bad to the guild members from other territories if he accepted people from other territories to join his guild. Moreover, this afternoon he killed members of Eternal Shogunate.

The first step for his guild was to dominate Jakarta Territory first and only accepted the guild members from the Jakarta Territory only. After dominated Jakarta Territory or Indonesia, then he would think about the next step of his guild. So, the main goal Happy Guild, for now, was Jakarta Territory.

"Boss, what about the branch guild's name?" Gusti asked again. Even though he had the name in his mind, but this was not his guild but a branch guild of Happy Guild. So, he didn't dare to use any name in his mind, he needed a permit from Randy.

"Decide it by yourself, it's a guild established for you and your fellow country. So, you can decide it by yourself or you can discuss it with your friend and fellow country," Randy waved his hand with a carefree attitude.

After the issue solved, Udin and Gusti headed toward the Ascension Guild to get the Guild Establishment Permit.

In the third floor only left Zhen Yi and Randy. Looking at Udin and Gusti were leaving, Zhen Yi looked at Randy and said, "Why you don't accept directly in the Happy Guild, Gusti's friends, and fellow country? Don't tell me you afraid of the spies?"

"Of course not, actually I don't care about the spies even though the Dragon Dynasty or other guild send spies to our guild," Randy shook his head.

"Then why?" Asked Zhen Yi.

"Do you want the truth or a reasonable explanation?" Randy smiled.

"The truth?" Zhen Yi was curious.

"It's hard for me to manage the sea of people in the guild as you know I am just a normal college student before the Battle of Ascension began. How could I become a leader of hundreds even thousands of people? That's why I let Gusti establish a branch guild and became the leader for his friends and his fellow county. With this Gusti who was the one managing the people and I only need to wait for the report from him. This way I can manage the people with ease through Gusti and Gusti can fulfill his promise to his friends and fellow country,"

"Win-win solution for me and Gusti," Randy told the truth.

Zhen Yi nodded her head. This was the one she afraid, she was afraid of Randy not acting like a leader in the front of many people. But now, looked like her husband already solved the issue by utilized his subordinate.

"Then what's about the reasonable explanation?" Zhen Yi asked again.

"Because they don't meet the requirement of course. If they want to join the strongest person's guild they should have to become strong too. The strong guild should have a strong bearing too. So, if they want to join the main guild, they should pass the trial first in the branch guild until meet the requirement to join the main guild," Randy said with a solemn expression like a prestigious leader.

Afterward both looked each other before bursted out with a laughter.

"The arrogant attitude you have there," Zhen Yi teased Randy after finished her laughter. It was a rare expression for her husband to put a expression and a bearing like that. So, it was funny moment for her as she knew what the real Randy was.

Randy responded Zhen Yi with a smile. There was no important event until they slept. Randy continued his part time job as cashier and Zhen Yi helped in the kitchen.

But tonight there was a new guild established. It was Garuda, a branch guild of Happy Guild with Gusti as the guild leader and Udin as the guild vice leader.

The next morning, Randy and Zhen Yi headed to Tangerang Territory. Both planned to build a city today, they explored the Tangerang Territory to find a good place for the city.

This week chapter released: 5/7 chapters

Thanks for the read and support ^^.

Also thanks for the balloons, lollipops, potions, grimoires, ring and sword ^^

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