
Bangladesh to Thailand: The journey of Nil and Strangers love [BL]

Niloy ran from his country, Bangladesh, to Thailand to become a BL actor. However, things weren't easy for him. He roamed here and there, working as a waiter. He auditioned for many roles but was rejected. Then, he met a stranger who turned out to be his guiding star, named Kao Neptune, a wealthy young master of 'Neptune Musics'. They became good friends, but slowly Kao realized he couldn't remain just a friend to Niloy. After a lot of struggle, Niloy made his debut, and slowly he realized Kao was always more than a friend to him. They confessed their love and promised to be united until their last breath. However, fate turned all promises into lies, as Niloy was shot by a gunman and admitted to the hospital. After recovering, Kao's stepmother asked him how much he loved Kao, and if he loved Kao so much, how could he snatch Kao's biggest dream of becoming a father? Niloy didn't think much, leaving his successful career and dreams behind in Thailand as he went back to Bangladesh so that Kao could be a complete man. But Kao's love was boundless; he went to Bangladesh and won Niloy's love again. Together, they struggled through many ups and downs, societal pressures, and online bullying, but as they loved each other, nothing else mattered. After overcoming all the problems, separations, and pain, they finally found success, love, and happiness together.

Pharm_Neptune · LGBT+
63 Chs

Strings of Fate

The bus rumbled on, Stranger and Niloy seated separately. Niloy couldn't help but think to himself, 'Such a crabby fellow, that Stranger.' His gaze then turned to the window, revealing Chiang Mai's serene beauty: rolling green hills, glistening temples, and lush rice fields beneath a vast azure sky, a true communion with nature.

Stranger continued to gaze out the window, his gaze eventually landing on Niloy. A rare smile graced his lips, for he had encountered few individuals who cherished life and remained true to their emotions. As Niloy sensed Stranger's gaze, he glanced back, only to find the grumpy expression still etched on his companion's face.

After 13 hours of travel, they arrived in Bangkok. As they disembarked from the bus, Niloy was about to say something to Stranger.


But Stranger swiftly interjected, "Don't show me your face again," and started to walk away. In his haste, Stranger's wristwatch unknowingly snagged Nil's bracelet, and in his attempt to free himself, Niloy's bracelet became entangled with Stranger's watch. Oblivious to this mishap, Stranger continued to move forward.

Niloy's lips curled into a subtle smile, a silent acknowledgment of the serendipity that had touched his life. "You didn't even give me a chance to express my gratitude, Stranger," he mused inwardly, his heart warmed by the unbidden kindness he had encountered. With a sense of quiet determination, he continued along his chosen path, the bustling streets of Bangkok swirling around him.

As he navigated the lively thoroughfare, Niloy's mind buzzed with plans and aspirations. "First, BL Studios," he reminded himself, his thoughts crystallizing around his ambitions. But practicality tempered his dreams; securing a foothold in this vibrant metropolis necessitated a steady income. "A job," he murmured to himself.

Meanwhile, Niloy roamed the Khao San road, searching tirelessly for a job, but prospects remained elusive. As he walked along a straight road, neon lights illuminated the chaos, casting a colorful glow on the bustling crowds. Street vendors peddle their wares, offering everything from exotic fruits to intricate handicrafts. The aroma of spicy street food permeates the air, tempting taste buds with flavors of Thai cuisine. Music drifts from open-air bars, mingling with the laughter and chatter of revelers.

A shiver of apprehension crept down Niloy's spine, a chilling echo of past encounters that lingered in the recesses of his mind. Instinctively, his fingers closed around the cold metal of an iron rod, a crude yet steadfast defense against the unknown. With each step, the weight of unseen eyes bore down upon him, igniting a primal sense of fear that pulsed with every heartbeat.

As the presence behind him grew more palpable, beads of sweat gathered on Niloy's brow, his senses straining against the oppressive silence. Memories, sharp and unyielding, clawed their way to the forefront of his thoughts, a relentless barrage of past confrontations that threatened to consume him.

Tensions mounted, a taut string ready to snap at the slightest provocation, as Niloy braced himself for the inevitable. Yet, when the stranger finally emerged from the shadows, his disheveled appearance and youthful countenance offered an unexpected reprieve.

"Hey, don't hit me," the stranger's voice cut through the suffocating silence, its tone laced with a tentative warmth that belied the tension of the moment. "I'm just asking if you need any help. I can see you're not a native Thai..."

With a hesitant nod, Niloy relinquished his grip on the iron rod, the weight of suspicion easing with each passing second. "By the way, my name is Techno," the stranger offered, extending a hand in a gesture of goodwill.

Upon hearing Techno's words, Niloy's grip on the iron rod loosened, replaced by a tentative flicker of hope. With few prospects on the horizon, he tentatively accepted the stranger's offer of assistance. Following Techno's lead, they made their way to a nearby café, Niloy's skepticism warring with the necessity of relying on this newfound ally. Together, they crossed the threshold of 'Moons Smile' café, stepping into the dimly lit interior.

Nestled in a quaint corner, the café exudes an air of serenity with its opioid blue color scheme, reminiscent of calm seas under the Thai sky. Six tables adorned with intricately carved wooden chairs invite patrons to linger over steaming cups of coffee or fragrant Thai teas.

Touches of Thai tradition add a unique charm to the space – delicate silk scarves in vibrant hues hang from the walls, while intricately woven baskets showcase local handicrafts. A subtle aroma of lemongrass and jasmine mingles with the scent of freshly brewed coffee, creating an inviting atmosphere. Soft Thai music plays in the background. 

In the cozy confines of the café, Techno's earnest plea echoed through the air, carrying with it a sense of genuine concern. As he introduced Niloy to his uncle, Uncle Tham, the atmosphere crackled with anticipation,

"Meet Niloy," Techno's voice resonated with warmth, a beacon of empathy in the sea of uncertainty. "He's been tirelessly searching for employment all over the city, and you can see he's not a native Thai. He doesn't have any connections here. We ought to extend a helping hand, Uncle."

Uncle Tham's reaction was a study of guarded skepticism, his seasoned gaze betraying a lifetime of discernment. With a furrowed brow and lips pressed tightly together, he weighed the implications of Techno's request, torn between instinctual caution and the innate desire to lend aid to a stranger in need.

"He's not a native, he has no passport or identity, how could I trust him?" Uncle Tham's voice was tinged with uncertainty, his doubts hanging heavy in the air like a thick fog obscuring the path ahead.

Niloy looked sad, his last hope was about to be lost, and he didn't know where to go. Meanwhile, Techno spoke with trust, ''Uncle, we should help, and at least trust me, i won't let anything wrong.'' Nilloy sincerly looking at Techno with respect.

Uncle Tham, after a contemplative look at Niloy, readily extended a job offer while emphasizing the importance of diligence. Niloy accepted the opportunity with unwavering determination, sealing the agreement with a nod of gratitude. As the trio solidified their new working relationship, another staff member entered the scene. Merry, a youthful waitress with a cherubic face, a slightly petite frame, and an infectious air of innocence, was 21 years old. She appeared untouched by the harsher realities of the world and shared her living quarters with Techno in the café's servant accommodations. The three of them, now united as colleagues, shook hands, embarking on their shared journey with enthusiasm.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Stranger was seated on his balcony, his chiseled facial features illuminated by the moonlight. His intense gaze was fixed on the sky as he strums the guitar with effortless grace, his fingers dancing across the strings. His expression was serene yet passionate, conveying both vulnerability and strength. The white vest drapes over his toned physique, accentuating his defined chest and sculpted arms. With each note, his body sways slightly, in perfect harmony with the rhythm of the night. His tousled hair catches the breeze, adding to the ethereal aura surrounding him, singing a song,

***Song 2: Guiding Star

(Verse 1)

In the stillness of the night, you glow like the moon,

Your hair, a midnight sky, a captivating tune.

Lost in the vastness, yet never truly alone,

Your eyes reflect courage, a spirit brightly shown.

(Verse 2)

Through valleys deep and mountains high,

You journey on, under the starlit sky.

Though shadows dance, you remain steadfast,

Your heart's compass, the dream it has amassed.


In every step, in every sigh,

In every tear, in every try,

I'll be your beacon, your guiding light,

Together we'll conquer the darkest night.

(Verse 3)

With every dawn, a new horizon gleams,

A canvas painted with your hopes and dreams.

No matter where the road may lead,

In your heart, love will plant its seed.


So shine on, my love, with unwavering grace,

In your embrace, I find my sacred space.***

As he gazed at the moon, Stranger's silent contemplation seemed like a conversation with a higher power, a plea for the happiness he longed for. His meditative solitude was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of a young woman, her eyes resembling those of an angel, and her short hair accentuating her lithe figure. With an inviting smile, she embraced him warmly. Breaking away from the embrace, Stranger greeted her, ''Achara...''

Achara settled into the chair opposite Stranger, her expression a blend of fondness and concern. "Brother, your song is truly beautiful. Have you poured your heart into it for someone special? Do you have a sweetheart now?"

Stranger's gaze sharpened, a hint of irritation flickering in his eyes as he met her probing stare. "Achara, please, it's just lyrics. And as of now, there's no one in my life."

Achara's features softened, though the weight of her worry remained evident. "But, brother..."

He cut her off gently but firmly. "Let's not delve into that, Achara."

Nodding reluctantly, Achara acquiesced, her concern palpable. "Alright. But promise me one thing, don't disappear for such long stretches again. We've been on edge, especially Mom. She might not admit it, but she's been restless. And I've missed you too."

Stranger smile was fleeting, a mixture of warmth and reservation. "Alright, I'll try. But..."

Intrigued, Achara pressed for more. "But what, brother?"

Stranger let out a sigh, his expression contemplative. "I can't make any promises, Achara."

Refusing to let the matter drop, Achara persisted. "At least let me update you on what's been happening here over the past week."

Stranger's affection for her was evident as he smiled indulgently. "If I said no, would you still tell me?"

A mischievous grin spread across Achara's face. "No..."

With a gentle ruffle of her hair, Stranger relented. "Then go ahead."

Seizing the opportunity, Achara began recounting the events of the past week. "I went shopping, attended my friend's birthday party..."

"And one of my friends made a comment about my appearance, asking if I looked fat. Can you believe that?"

In the midst of their conversation, she noticed a bracelet entangled with his watch, glinting in the mirror's reflection. With a hint of curiosity, she asked her brother about the accessory,

"Whose bracelet is this, brother?" Achara inquired.

Stranger features turned tense, avoiding eye contact, subtle shifts. Voice wavers, confidence as smugness. And responded to Achara with a composed tone,

"It's a bracelet I bought in Chang-Mai," he explained.

Achara, enamored with the bracelet's unique design, expressed her affection for it. "I know it's a men's bracelet, but I really like it. Can I keep it?"

Stranger, with a warm smile, assured her, "Of course, Achara. Tomorrow, I'll find the same one for you."

Achara was hesitant, but Stranger encouraged her. "Achara, it's late now. You should get some rest."

Embracing her brother once more, Achara headed to her room, leaving Stranger to his thoughts.

Gazing at the bracelet he had given to his sister, Stranger's thoughts weighed heavily on his conscience. His internal monologue took shape as he contemplated the recent choices he had made.

"Why did I deceive my own sister?" he pondered. "What has come over me?"

His eyes shifted back to the moon, seeking solace and perhaps answers in the gentle glow of the night.