
Bangladesh to Thailand: The journey of Nil and Strangers love [BL]

Niloy ran from his country, Bangladesh, to Thailand to become a BL actor. However, things weren't easy for him. He roamed here and there, working as a waiter. He auditioned for many roles but was rejected. Then, he met a stranger who turned out to be his guiding star, named Kao Neptune, a wealthy young master of 'Neptune Musics'. They became good friends, but slowly Kao realized he couldn't remain just a friend to Niloy. After a lot of struggle, Niloy made his debut, and slowly he realized Kao was always more than a friend to him. They confessed their love and promised to be united until their last breath. However, fate turned all promises into lies, as Niloy was shot by a gunman and admitted to the hospital. After recovering, Kao's stepmother asked him how much he loved Kao, and if he loved Kao so much, how could he snatch Kao's biggest dream of becoming a father? Niloy didn't think much, leaving his successful career and dreams behind in Thailand as he went back to Bangladesh so that Kao could be a complete man. But Kao's love was boundless; he went to Bangladesh and won Niloy's love again. Together, they struggled through many ups and downs, societal pressures, and online bullying, but as they loved each other, nothing else mattered. After overcoming all the problems, separations, and pain, they finally found success, love, and happiness together.

Pharm_Neptune · LGBT+
63 Chs

Love's Last Embrace

The towering mountain loomed majestically, its peak veiled in a swirling cloak of white clouds that defied the sun's embrace. Nil moved with the swiftness of a fleeting breeze, darting towards the mountain's edge as though he were a shard of ice cutting through the mist. With a flash of determination in his eyes, he turned towards Stranger, his smile radiant and defiant."Stranger," he declared, "I shall never fall into your grasp."In playful pursuit, Stranger returned Nil's smile with one of his own, his eyes sparkling with mischief."Nillll," he called out teasingly, "you cannot escape me!"Though Nil feigned indifference, his heart raced as he continued his sprint towards the edge of the hill. As he reached the precipice, he stole a glance back at Stranger. Coming to a stop just before him, Stranger's voice took on a husky edge as he issued a warning."I warned you, Nil," he said softly, "you cannot run from me."Unmoved, Nil met Stranger's gaze with an enigmatic smile, taking measured steps backward. The smile on Stranger's face faded. Alarmed, he extended his hand, pleading,''Don't go back, Nil, you will fall.''Silently smiling, Nil continued backward. Suddenly, Nil's chest emerged into the light, and his eyes underwent a transformative shift. Blood trickled from his mouth.Seating himself on the ground, Nil lowered his head. A shocked Stranger could only watch. After a brief moment, Nil raised his head, a small smile adorning his face. Extending his hand towards Stranger, he began to crumble into ashes. Witnessing this, Stranger cried out, racing towards Nil, his outstretched hand frozen in the air as Nil dissolved into the ethereal white cloud.''Nillllll,'' Stranger's anguished cry echoed through the mountain, tears falling as the ashes settled.Stranger awoke in a cold sweat, only to find Nil absent from their shared bed.Meanwhile, Sonali, bearing a tray with tea, entered her mother's room. To her dismay, she discovered her mother in tears, gazing at a photograph of Nil. Placing the tea on the table, Sonali approached her mother and offered solace. Her mother, in a tearful voice, lamented,''Why did our Babu leave us? Even the police claim he left willingly. Where should I go to find him?''Embracing her mother, Sonali wrestled with her own thoughts,''What should I do now? Should I reveal everything to Amma? Undoubtedly, Amma has the right to know all about Nil.''As she contemplated disclosing the truth to her mother, the photograph slipped from her mother's grasp, shattering on the floor. A wave of anxiety overcame her mother, who hastily began gathering the broken pieces. In this chaotic moment, a shard of glass embedded itself in her mother's hand, blood staining Nil's picture. Sonali, concerned, reached out,''Amma, let me tend to your wound. You're bleeding.''Fixated on the photo, her mother uttered a singular revelation,''My Babu is in danger''Ignoring Sonali's offer, she rushed towards the shrine, where she lit a lamp before the deity Sri Krishna, an expression of her fervent concern for Nil's well-being. She clasped her hands in prayer, bowing before the Lord, her head lowered in supplication. Meanwhile, Stranger swiftly rose from the bed, donned his attire,and made his way to the balcony. Upon opening the balcony door, he beheld Nil, clad in a white shirt, gazing at the sea. Nil's hair danced in the morning breeze, the freshness of dawn caressing his entire being, and Stranger felt the intangible touch of that breeze. Unnoticed by Nil, Stranger, relieved at the sight, smiled and called out,''Nilll, why didn't you wake me up?''Nil, hearing him, smiled and turned towards Stranger. Catching the sight of Stranger, he playfully rolled his eyes and grinned. Stranger found himself captivated by Nil, who, for the first time, exhibited flushed cheeks in his bashfulness. Saliva attempted in vain to moisten Stranger's dry, swollen lips.Gazing upon Nil's ethereal beauty, Stranger found himself falling in love with him once again.Nil, yearning to convey something, was interrupted by a sudden, gentle tremor coursing through his body. Simultaneously, blood spilled from his mouth. Shocked, Stranger's eyes welled up with a crimson hue. Nil extended his hand toward Stranger, his equilibrium wavering. As Nil began to fall, Stranger lunged forward, arms outstretched, shouting his name into the void,''Nilllllllll.......''Swiftly reaching him, Stranger embraced Nil in his arms, cradling him on his lap. His hands, resting on Nil's back, felt the warmth and wetness, trembling beneath the weight of emotion, soaked in Nil's scarlet essence.Nil lay in Stranger's lap, his hand reaching up to tenderly touch Stranger's cheek.Perhaps, in that final moment, he sought to encapsulate the cherished memories forged with Stranger. Abruptly, Nil's eyes closed. Overwhelmed, Stranger descended into a frenzy, repeatedly murmuring,''Nil, you promised me you wouldn't leave me. Wake up, come on. I'm waiting for you. From today, I'll always believe in you... I'll never doubt Than.''Nil's lifeless form lay cradled in Stranger's lap.Stranger held him tightly against his chest, an abrupt stillness enveloping them. The wind ceased its whispers, and the sea's waves, frozen in time, lingered in a silent lament...............................................................................................................