
Bangladesh to Thailand: The journey of Nil and Strangers love [BL]

Niloy ran from his country, Bangladesh, to Thailand to become a BL actor. However, things weren't easy for him. He roamed here and there, working as a waiter. He auditioned for many roles but was rejected. Then, he met a stranger who turned out to be his guiding star, named Kao Neptune, a wealthy young master of 'Neptune Musics'. They became good friends, but slowly Kao realized he couldn't remain just a friend to Niloy. After a lot of struggle, Niloy made his debut, and slowly he realized Kao was always more than a friend to him. They confessed their love and promised to be united until their last breath. However, fate turned all promises into lies, as Niloy was shot by a gunman and admitted to the hospital. After recovering, Kao's stepmother asked him how much he loved Kao, and if he loved Kao so much, how could he snatch Kao's biggest dream of becoming a father? Niloy didn't think much, leaving his successful career and dreams behind in Thailand as he went back to Bangladesh so that Kao could be a complete man. But Kao's love was boundless; he went to Bangladesh and won Niloy's love again. Together, they struggled through many ups and downs, societal pressures, and online bullying, but as they loved each other, nothing else mattered. After overcoming all the problems, separations, and pain, they finally found success, love, and happiness together.

Pharm_Neptune · LGBT+
63 Chs

Broken Vows

In the depths of Nil's anguish, even the vibrant city of Bangkok seemed to resonate with his pain. Lost in his thoughts, Nil wandered through the stormy streets, oblivious to the surroundings. Meanwhile, Lave, from her balcony, glimpsed his desolation and found joy in his suffering.As she turned, her gaze caught the shattered phone on the floor. A subtle smile touched her lips, and in a hushed whisper to herself, she murmured, "Just like this broken phone, your fall is imminent..."In the midst of the storm's symphony, Nil's heart echoed with unanswered questions, each raindrop a poignant reminder of a love now adrift in the tempest of emotions.With a swift motion, she discarded the phone, each movement a silent echo of her inner turmoil. Nil, consumed by a torrent of emotions, couldn't help but let tears escape from his spellbound eyes. Fans clamored for his autograph, yet his mind lingered solely on Stranger. The onset of rain mirrored the downpour of emotions within him, and as he remained seated, a whispered lament escaped his lips."Why, Stranger? Why did you choose this path? Anger, fury—those I could've borne. But why her? Why turn away from me in favor of her?"Arriving at the flat, Nil hesitantly rang the bell, greeted by Merry who swung the door open, revealing his distressed state. Techno and Than soon followed concern etched on their faces as they inquired about his well-being. Overwhelmed with emotions, Nil sought solace in Merry's embrace, tears streaming down his face, his pain unspoken. After a torrent of tears, he silently pleaded for solitude, retreating to his room. Though Techno and Than moved to follow, Merry urged them to grant him space, and they resignedly settled in the living room for the night.The night passed in a haunting replay of heartbreak, the echoes of his anguish etched in every tear. As dawn broke through the darkness, Nil, with a heavy heart, murmured to himself, "Why waste these tears on someone who never loved me?"With the arrival of a new day, Nil emerged to find everyone still asleep outside. A gentle smile graced his face, an unexpected contrast to his tear-stained visage the night before. He busied himself with making breakfast, startling Techno with his unexpected cheerfulness. Merry and Than, upon waking, were taken aback, recalling his tearful state from the previous night. Concerned, Merry tentatively questioned him, her voice soft with worry."Nil, are you okay?"Smiling softly, Nil dismissed her concern. "What's to happen to me? Go freshen up, I've ordered breakfast. I'll prepare coffee. Let's celebrate the morning of our breakup today."Mery, perplexed by his shift in demeanor, pressed further, mentioning P.Kao's love for him. With a bittersweet smile, Nil imparted his wisdom. "We see a lot in this world, Merry, but appearances can deceive. Forget it all. Let's step out. Our shooting's done, it's time to celebrate."However, before Merry could ask more, Techno intervened, advising her, "Don't mention his name."Meanwhile, Stranger remained ensconced in deep slumber, his dreams populated by thoughts of Nil. As Lava stirred awake, she sought to assist him, but Stranger's abrupt awakening startled her."Why are you here? Where's Nil? Did he come here last night?" His words, laced with astonishment, cut through the air, seeking answers amidst the confusion.Lowering her eyebrows, she answered, "No."But Stranger couldn't bring himself to believe it. Standing outside, he found his gifted car parked in front of his office. Lava emerged alongside him. Stranger, his voice hoarse, asked again, "See, I knew he couldn't leave me, but the car is here. Where is Nil?"Shouting Nil's name, he called Shian. Shian answered, "I barely know, but he called me asking about you."Seizing the opportunity, Lava blinked her eyes and said, "Kaoo, I'm sorry."Perplexed, Stranger asked, "Why are you saying sorry?"Lava, in a false crying tone, replied, "Actually, Nil came here last night."As Stranger prepared to respond, she interrupted, "He just wants to break up with you. He came to return your gift – this car – and asked you not to disturb him."Devastated, he pushed her away, exclaiming, "No... nooo. It's not possible. You're lying..."Lava persisted, "I wish, Kaoo."Unable to reach Nil due to a broken phone, Stranger decided to drive to Nil's condo. Lava shouted, "Kao, Kao, where are you going?"Muttering to herself, she thought, "What if they talk and clear their misunderstandings? Then no one can save me from Kao. But it's fine. I can do anything for you, Kao. Nil doesn't deserve you."Meanwhile, Nil, finishing breakfast, went for a shower. Trying not to cry, he told himself, "Now if Stranger loves me, he has to come to me. I won't go to him anymore."Merry, busy with makeup, received a call from Uncle Tham. Techno answered, "I'm sorry, Uncle. I couldn't come."Uncle Tham reassured, "You don't need to be sorry. How's Nil now? Is he alright?"Techno expressed concern, "At first, it was good, but seeing him smile is making me tense."Understanding, Uncle Tham said, "Give him some time. He's strong; he'll manage."Techno hesitated, "Should I talk to Kaoo?"Uncle Tham advised, "I think it won't be good. It's their problem; we can support them, but they need to face it together. We shouldn't meddle."Uncle Tham reassured Techno, "Don't worry; I didn't open the cafe today."Concerned, Techno apologized, "I'm sorry, Uncle. Because of those problems, you had to shut your cafe today."Uncle Tham dismissed it, "No, nothing like that. Just a little headache. So..."Worried, Techno offered, "Are you alright? Should I come?"Uncle Tham declined, "No, no. You boys enjoy. I was just tense for Nil. Take care."Techno promised, "Take care of yourself too. We'll be there before evening."As they prepared to leave, Techno and Merry had booked their seats. When Stranger arrived, he saw Than opening the car door for Nil, who was still not feeling well. Than hugged him.Within the confines of the car, Nil and Than found their places, while in the same gaze, Stranger sought solace. Steering away as he entered his room, an avalanche of emotions cascaded, leading to the shattering of his surroundings.The room echoed with the resounding crash of broken fragments. In the midst of this chaotic symphony, Mis. Nin, attuned to the dissonance, approached with a tender concern, inquiring, "What happened, Kao? Are you alright?" Yet, Kao's reply, delivered with a harsh cadence, severed the connection, "Leave me alone, Mis. Nin."Mis. Nin, a silent witness to the unraveling, comprehended the enigma woven by Nil. Amidst the shards of despair, Stranger's tear-stained face mirrored a poignant internal dialogue, whispered in solitude, "Why, Nil? Why have you inflicted this upon me?"Wiping away the evidence of heartache, he murmured, "Now it's over from my side. Thus far, you've known only my love. From this moment forward, Niloy, you shall bear witness to my burgeoning hatred."