
Bangladesh to Thailand: The journey of Nil and Strangers love [BL]

Niloy ran from his country, Bangladesh, to Thailand to become a BL actor. However, things weren't easy for him. He roamed here and there, working as a waiter. He auditioned for many roles but was rejected. Then, he met a stranger who turned out to be his guiding star, named Kao Neptune, a wealthy young master of 'Neptune Musics'. They became good friends, but slowly Kao realized he couldn't remain just a friend to Niloy. After a lot of struggle, Niloy made his debut, and slowly he realized Kao was always more than a friend to him. They confessed their love and promised to be united until their last breath. However, fate turned all promises into lies, as Niloy was shot by a gunman and admitted to the hospital. After recovering, Kao's stepmother asked him how much he loved Kao, and if he loved Kao so much, how could he snatch Kao's biggest dream of becoming a father? Niloy didn't think much, leaving his successful career and dreams behind in Thailand as he went back to Bangladesh so that Kao could be a complete man. But Kao's love was boundless; he went to Bangladesh and won Niloy's love again. Together, they struggled through many ups and downs, societal pressures, and online bullying, but as they loved each other, nothing else mattered. After overcoming all the problems, separations, and pain, they finally found success, love, and happiness together.

Pharm_Neptune · LGBT+
63 Chs

A Taste of Understanding-

On the bed, an elaborate spread adorned the table, and they sat on opposite sides, surrounded by the tempting array. Nil, casting a glance at Stranger, broke into a smile."It's a relief you summoned the nurses for assistance."A reciprocal smile played on Stranger's lips. Sensing an opportunity for mischief, Nil decided to play a prank."Uncle Tham sent an abundance of dishes, but my culinary knowledge falls short. Aside from identifying the green papaya salad, I'm lost. Stranger, care to enlighten me on the gastronomic treasures before us?"Stranger's smile persisted as he embarked on a culinary narration, unraveling the mysteries of each dish."Allow me to introduce Tom Kha Kai, a soup akin to Tom Yum Goong, sans the fiery touch. Galangal, shallots, lemongrass, and kaffir lime leaves set the foundation, with chicken and Asian mushrooms lending their essence. The introduction of creamy coconut milk harmonizes the ensemble, making it a delightful option for those averse to intense spices."Gesturing towards another dish, he continued, "Behold Khao Pad, a ubiquitous Thai rice dish. Simple yet ubiquitous, it comprises rice, egg, garlic, onion, and a protein of choice—be it chicken, shrimp, crabmeat, or beef. A quick stir-fry melds the flavors, ensuring a delectable fusion."Finally, his focus shifted to a steaming bowl."Tom Yum Goong, renowned worldwide for its distinctive flavor. Fragrant lemongrass, kaffir lime leaves, shallots, lime juice, fish sauce, and the kick of fresh chilies intertwine with plump prawns. This soup, an epitome of Thailand's exotic richness, reshapes one's culinary perceptions."Caught in a moment of astonishment, Nil fixed his gaze upon Stranger. In response to the quizzical look, Stranger questioned, "What has captured your attention?"With a touch of levity in his tone, Nil replied, "I already knew the names of the dishes."Annoyance furrowed Stranger's brow. "Then why subject me to this charade?" he queried.Nonchalantly, Nil explained, "Because I want to savor the sound of your explanations."Stranger, with a hint of irritation, retorted, "Haaa..ha, so funny."Undeterred, Nil burst into laughter, offering, "The way you introduced the food, you could have opened a restaurant."A tinge of annoyance lingered in Stranger's voice as he exclaimed, "Nil!"In a sudden shift to seriousness, Nil addressed Stranger, saying, "Strangerrr, stop. I want to serve you today." A faint smile played on Stranger's lips as he responded with a contemplative "Hmmm."Nil began the culinary ritual, presenting Green Papaya Salad. Yet, an unexpected absence lingered – no spice, no soy sauce, no shrimp paste. With each bite, Stranger contorted his face. Nil, seeking reassurance, inquired, "Is it taste good?"In a hushed, softened tone, Stranger, perhaps to spare Nil's feelings, replied, "(In a lowered soft tone)...Hmm, it's good, I loved it." Unbeknownst to Nil, a realization settled within him."I know, Stranger, you're just saying to keep my heart. But I'm sorry, I have to explain something. I'm feeling so bad to see you eat like this," Nil confessed, reaching for Stranger's hand as he prepared for another bite."You don't always have to keep my heart, Stranger," Nil implored.Stranger, leaving the spoon on the plate, asked, "So did you know it?" Nil, bowing his head, responded with a simple "Hmm."With widened eyes, Stranger pressed further, "Mr. Qing, may I know the reason, please?"Lifting his gaze to meet Stranger's, Nil replied, "Because I want to explain something."Curiosity etched Stranger's tone as he questioned, "What?"In a soulful, soft tone, Nil revealed, "Strangerr, this pale salad is Achara."Stranger, astounded, sought clarification, "Whatt?"With unwavering conviction, Nil responded, "I know, Stranger, but the thing is that you're not trying to understand." As wide-eyed confusion painted Stranger's expression and posed the lingering question, "And what am I not trying to understand?A subtle smile graced Nil's lips as he deftly mixed soy sauce, shrimp paste, Thai fish sauce, basil, and finely chopped green mango. He extended the crafted salad towards Stranger, whose confusion was evident in his contemplative gaze."Have it," Nil encouraged, offering the concoction to Stranger, who hesitated before Nil took charge, placing a spoonful into Stranger's mouth. A moment of shock overcame Stranger as he clutched his mouth and exclaimed, "Nill, what was that?"Apologetically, Nil handed him a glass of water. "I'm sorry, Strangerr!!"As Stranger sipped the water, Nil, curiosity etched on his face, questioned, "Now tell me, how was it to eat now?"In a subdued tone, Stranger acknowledged, "Good."With a glass of water in hand, the revelation unfolded. Nil explained, "The salad you ate before was the essence of Achara before Than came. The one you just tasted reflects Achara's life after Than arrived."Stranger, with a hint of skepticism, retorted, "So what do you mean, Achara's life was fading with me, hmm?"Quick to reassure, Nil responded, "Nooo, nooo..."Stranger remained silent, his gaze fixed on Nil."I never meant it, Stranger. You're the best brother, the best son, and more than that, you're the best man," Nil declared, planting a kiss on Stranger's hand. "And I respect you more than a thousand times I love you."Stranger, still silent, rolled his eyes."Strangerr, Achara is grown up now. She needs someone to hold her hand, someone who can understand her heart effortlessly," Nil continued, attempting to bridge the unspoken gap.Stranger, pondering the situation, voiced his thoughts, "But she could have told me earlier..."Nil posed a question, "Well, tell me this, the salad was so bad, but you didn't tell me why?"Stranger, with lowered eyes, admitted, "Because I don't want to break your heart."Encouraged by this admission, Nil continued, "Your love is profound, and so is Achara's. She also didn't want to break your heart because she knew you don't like Than."Stranger, still reserved, said nothing."And about Than," Nil persisted, "I won't tell you that he's a good boy, because I've told you that many times. I want you to give him a chance. Believe me, he loves Achara a lot, and Achara also loves him."Stranger, with a roll of his eyes, begrudgingly conceded, "Hmm, okayyy."An eruption of happiness engulfed Nil, prompting an impulsive hug. Stranger, though cautious, reminded, "Nill, careful, you might hurt."Ignoring the caution, Nil continued to embrace Stranger, expressing gratitude. "Thank you, Stranger. And I'm not afraid because you're the one to handle me."Struck by Nil's words, Stranger couldn't help but smile, a subtle acknowledgment of the unspoken bond that persisted between them.4.In a hushed moment, Stranger whispered, "Nil, you don't have to explain anything to me. If you just tell me, I will understand."Nil, a soft smile gracing his features, posed a curious question, "Why?"With a touch of humor in his tone, Stranger replied, "Because after that, if you explain something to me like this, I too will one day become a hospital resident."Nil, separating from him, cast a puppy-eyed gaze that prompted Stranger to lose his composure. Laughter bubbled up uncontrollably from Stranger, echoing in the room. "Haa..haha.."