
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · アニメ·コミックス
171 Chs

Sweet brothers ll

In another part of the new world, a gigantic fleet was circling an unknown island, which was currently covered in caramel and rice cake, the entire island was covered in white and purple colors.

In the middle of the island were two men, two brothers, both had wounds all over their bodies.

Their battle lasted 2 days and 2 nights, both of them had reached the limit of their resistance.

On top of a mountain, there were a group of people in black robes with red clouds, along with a few people behind them.

Laxus: It's finally coming to an end...

Katahara: Why don't you tell us, Hawkins... who will be the winner... just use your cards.

Augur: We know you don't have the Observation Haki advanced enough to observe the future.

Basil Hawkins was straight-faced, watching the battle, as he began to pull out his deck of cards.

Dabi: What do your cards tell you...

Basil Hawkins: The probability that I will win Peros Peros in the next 10 minutes is 10%….

Katahara: 10%, I like that probability...

Augur turned to look at the brothers, who were exhausted.

Augur: The battle is already decided.

As he turned around and began polishing his rifle.

Everyone else continued to watch in amusement, of course with their Observation Haki turned off.

The entire battlefield was covered in caramel and white paste, Katakuri was leaning on his trident with the last of his strength.

While his brother Perospero was on the floor passed out.

At that moment Katakuri felt a hand on his shoulder that surprised him.

Katakuri: King Crow...

Katahara: Their battle was entertaining I must say...the battle of two brothers, who will decide the course their family would take, one would lead to their destruction, while the other would ensure their survival.

Katakuri only heard King Crow's words, and understood what he meant, if PerosPero won this battle, he was aiming to escape with all his brothers, only to be killed.

Katakuri: My family will survive as long as I'm here.

Receiving a smile in response.

Katahara: Now that you are the patriarch, make everyone calm down, and subdue those who were with your brother... as for him...

Katakuri: My brother...

Katahara: Your brother won't follow you, instead he can be of great help to Laffitte.

At that moment Laffitte materialized from Katakuri's shadow.

Laffitte: Captain.

Katahara: From now on Buts But, it will become part of your division.

While Laffitte gently hit the unconscious body with his cane.

Laffitte: It will be a great contribution... and due to its character it will be perfect for my division, intelligence.

Katahara: Drust, take care of putting these two in optimal condition, as soon as we return to the ship.

3 weeks later

The fleet led by the Shadow of Aghata, on its way to its base on Markland Island.

Katahara was at the bow next to Laffitte, as they looked at the entire fleet behind them.

Katahara: So it started earlier than it was supposed to.

Laffitte: Levely, it started 2 days ago, according to the CP0, due to the last wars, the so-called battle in Tierra Blanca, where the revolutionary army lost its main base, and the last so-called sweet war with the result of the death of Big Mom.

Katahara: Sabo must be on that island... the news will take at least a few days to be published... so our destination is...

Something caused Katahara to focus her attention on the sunset.

Laxus, Dabi, Drust along with Laffitte, stood behind their captain, watching the horizon.

At that precise moment, Augur fired without warning, the shot colliding with unparalleled timing with the other bullet that was in the same direction.

Katahara: I didn't expect to find it here... Laffitte.

While the latter gave orders to the entire fleet to change direction.

Dabi: Something unexpected on our return home, don't you think so Laxus.

While both commanders used their Observation Haki to observe the ship.

This ship is a galleon consisting of two masts and with a figurehead similar to that of a Drakkar. At the stern you can see four palm trees.

As for the size, it is a small ship compared to the Moby Dick, because it must transport a greater number of passengers.

Katahara: Red Force... what a beautiful ship.