

Being a man who has a handsome face has always been an idol for women. No matter what attitude he has, but if he has a handsome face, he will most likely remain an idol in the hearts of women. Alvaro for example. Even though he likes to cause trouble at School, always ignoring School rules, there are still many women who admire him. That's because Alvaro has a handsome face with brown eyes, thick eyebrows, a sharp nose and sexy lips. No one dared to cause trouble with him except with a woman called Belvania. Belvania has a very different attitude and personality to Alvaro. Belvania is an outstanding student at her School. She is known as a good woman who never causes trouble at School. It made her feel very sick when she saw Alvaro making a fuss at School every day. From there, Belvania gave a challenge to Alvaro. A challenge that makes them both end up having a special relationship. What kind of challenges are given by Belvania? And who will lose in this challenge? Belvania or Alvaro?

people_purple · ファンタジー
31 Chs

Weird Attitude

"Why are you here? How do you know I'm here?" asked Alvaro.

"I was on the phone with my other hangout friends in this area too. He saw you fighting, he said with this kid. That's why we came straight here," said Bimo.

"You shouldn't have come here. I can take care of my own business."

"How can you do it yourself? You're alone, while there are so many people."

"I don't care."

"Why are you like this again? Is it all because of Belvania? That's why you became like this again? Yes?"

"This all has nothing to do with her. Well, you all better go back to your usual places. I want to go."

"Where else are you going?"

"None of your business."

Again Alvaro left without telling his close friends where he was going. Today Alvaro is really messed up. He was acting wild again after the rejection from Belvania this afternoon.

"How is it? Let's just let him go again? What will happen if he does?" asked Eza.

"You and the others just go back again. Alvaro, let me take care of it."

"I'm coming with you too."

"No need. You just stay there. If later I need you all, I can call you directly."

"Well, if that's the case, keep in touch, okay?"


"Well, let's take it all out," Eza ordered to the other friends.

"Then what about Alvaro?"

"Bimo will follow him from behind. Later Bimo will also tell us about Alvaro."

"Well then."

Finally Bimo decided to follow Alvaro's departure because he and the others were worried about Alvaro's current situation. Meanwhile, Eza and the other friends returned to the base camp where they used to hang out. Bimo and Eza will tell each other about Alvaro's condition later. Because after all they all care about one another.


Belvania has just arrived at her house with Yudha's Brother. Arriving at the house Belvania immediately went into her room just like that. Whereas usually Belvania always eats lunch first at the dining table, then after that she rests in her room.

"Good afternoon, Mrs. Aunty has cooked Mrs favorite food. Please eat it, Mrs," said Aunty Inah, Belvania and Yudha's household assistant.

But Belvania was just speechless. She just ignored Aunty Inah and immediately closed the door to her room. Aunty Inah looks confused by Belvania's attitude. Aunty Inah looked at Yudha, and Yudha could only shake his head. It was as if Yudha already knew that Aunty Inah would ask him about Belvania's strange behavior. Therefore Yudha immediately answered with a head movement.

"Just leave it alone, Aunty. Later when she's hungry, she will eat by herself."

"I... Yes, Mr."

"Let me just eat, Aunty."

"Yes, Mr, please."

Because Yudha was hungry after doing all day activities at his campus, Yudha decided to have dinner first at the dinner table. Even if it's alone. Usually Yudha always eats together with Belvania.

While in the room, Belvania immediately threw her School bag at random. Then she plopped down on her very soft and comfortable mattress. Belvania looked at the ceiling of her room and remembered what had happened to her and Alvaro this afternoon.

"Ahhh, I can go crazy for a long time with Alvaro's behavior. Why is he still getting here and getting weirder. We're not really dating seriously. Who wants to be serious with him," said Belvania alone without anyone listening to her.



The time in Kalimantan and Yogyakarta is very much different. This afternoon, Sonia, the biological Mother of Belvania and Yudha are waiting for her husband's return. The husband who has a job as a police officer will come home early today. Because he has no urgent work to do. But until nightfall, the husband of Sonia did not come home.

"Fauzan, where are you? He said he wanted to go home quickly. But how come he hasn't arrived home yet?" thought Sonia alone.

Tired of waiting for her husband to come home at the dinner table, Sonia finally decided to go into her room while waiting for her husband to come home.

"I'd better rest first. Maybe Fauzan is stuck in traffic on the road."

Sonia went into her room. Until finally Sonia accidentally fell asleep on her soft and comfortable mattress. Sonia woke up at 9 pm.

"Oh my God, I overslept."

Sonia immediately looked to her right side. Hoping that by her side there is already a husband who sleeps with her. But apparently he wasn't even home until last night.

"It turns out that Fauzan hasn't come home yet."

Sonia immediately went to the front of her room. She still hoped that her husband was having dinner at the dining table with his favorite food which had been deliberately cooked by Sonia's own hands. In fact, in that house they also employ household assistants to clean the house and also cook. But the reality again did not match Sonia's expectations. There was no one at the dining table. The food that has been prepared is also still covered neatly. There was also a housekeeper who woke up from her sleep. Because she lived in the house.

"Aunty, you haven't come home yet, have you?" asked Sonia.

"Not yet, Mrs."

"Well, just tidy up the food. Put it in the refrigerator. Afraid it will go stale."

"Okay Mrs."

Sonia is already feeling pessimistic about her husband's return. Finally she ordered her housekeeper to clear up all the food on the table and put it in the refrigerator. After that Sonia went back into her room.

"Fauzan, where are you? Why haven't you come home yet? He should have been home since this afternoon. I'm so afraid of him why. I'd better try calling."

Sonia also tried to contact her husband. But unfortunately the number that is being addressed is not active. Making Sonia's mind go wild thinking about her husband who is not clear where he is, with whom, what he is doing at this time.

"Oops, why isn't Fauzan's cellphone active? I hope that Fauzan is okay."

At the same time, the room lights suddenly went out. The atmosphere is very eerie. Just imagine a house so big suddenly turns off and can't see anything. Moreover, in the house there was only Sonia and her household assistant. There is a security guard at the house but he is far in front of the gate. Sonia was immediately taken aback.

"Oh my God. The electricity went out? How come without any notification?" muttered Sonia.

Sonia tried to get out of her room slowly while holding on to objects around her. Sonia also shouted at her housekeeper so she could help her right away.

-To be Continued-