

Being a man who has a handsome face has always been an idol for women. No matter what attitude he has, but if he has a handsome face, he will most likely remain an idol in the hearts of women. Alvaro for example. Even though he likes to cause trouble at School, always ignoring School rules, there are still many women who admire him. That's because Alvaro has a handsome face with brown eyes, thick eyebrows, a sharp nose and sexy lips. No one dared to cause trouble with him except with a woman called Belvania. Belvania has a very different attitude and personality to Alvaro. Belvania is an outstanding student at her School. She is known as a good woman who never causes trouble at School. It made her feel very sick when she saw Alvaro making a fuss at School every day. From there, Belvania gave a challenge to Alvaro. A challenge that makes them both end up having a special relationship. What kind of challenges are given by Belvania? And who will lose in this challenge? Belvania or Alvaro?

people_purple · Fantasy
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31 Chs


"Duh, Alvaro. We, Belvania's close friends, apologize for what Belvania has done to you," said Hera.

"It's okay. It's not all your fault anyway."

"Well then, we want to follow Belvania first, okay?"


Zahra and Hera immediately chased after Belvania's departure. And Belvania was still in front of the School gate waiting to be picked up.

"Bel," Zahra called.

"Are you okay?" asked Hera.

"No, I don't know why. I'm just annoyed with Alvaro. Why is he like that. It's a shame I don't know."

"That's sweet, you know Bel. He just wants to express his feelings to you. That's all. Aren't you happy when a man treats you like that?"

"No. Because he's not the person I want."

"Have you ever heard the term that it's better for us to choose a man who loves us than the man we love. Because a man who loves us will definitely do anything for us. While the man we love is not necessarily like That's it. All we have is to eat the liver."

"Yes, I understand. But I still want to go to School. I just want to focus on myself first. He can't even take care of himself. What will happen to me later."

Zahra and Hera were speechless after Belvania spoke like that. Coincidentally, not long after, Yudha's car stopped right in front of Belvania. Belvania immediately got into the car.

"That's Bro Yudha, who picked me up. I will be back outside. Bye."

"Bye. Be careful."

Now Belvania has left School with Yudha. Only Zahra and Hera were left there.

"How are you?" asked Zahra.

"Yeah, it's okay. We can't Belvania accept Alvaro either. It's better if we go back too."

"Okay. I've also been picked up. Bye..."


Zahra and Hera left the School. While Alvaro was still standing in place with his two friends. Eza and Bimo.

"Are you okay bro?" Bimo asked Alvaro.

"No, I don't know why. I misunderstood what Belvania said to the cave this morning?"

"What did Belvania say to you this morning?"

"So this morning she was teased by her friends if we both have children, the children must be cute. Then Belvania said how do we want to have children, don't date. I thought Belvania asked me to clarify our relationship. But apparently I wrong."

"Oh my God. Why did he refuse you anyway? Even though the girls out there want to be your girlfriend."

"She's different. Not like other girls. Well, I want to get out."

"Where are you going?"

"Where have you been."

Alvaro immediately left his two friends without informing him of his departure. Alvaro's two friends could only stay silent like Zahra and Hera earlier.

"How's Alvaro?" asked Eza.

"Just let him calm down first. Give him some time to be alone first. We'd better take it out to the usual place."


Eza and Bimo chose to go to their usual hangout and let Alvaro enjoy his own time to calm himself from the trouble.


In Belvania's car.

All the way since Belvania got into the car, Belvania kept daydreaming about something. Like she had something on her mind.

"Actually, Alvaro was sweet, really. Which girl doesn't want to be treated like that. And am I going too far in rejecting Alvaro like that? But what can I do? I really don't like him," Belvania said in her heart.

Brother Yudha, who had noticed Belvania's strange behavior, immediately asked her. Making Belvania startled from her daydream.

"Bel, Bel. Woy, what are you doing?" shouted Yudha right next to Belvania's ear.

"What are you shouting like that. My ears are still working fine. I'm not tired."

"Yes, I haven't heard the call since earlier. I keep daydreaming again. Why are you?"

"No. I don't know why."

"Could you be fighting with your boyfriend?"

"What the hell, Bro. He's not my boyfriend. Just focus on driving. I want to rest."

"Okay, okay...."

Yudha as the older Brother is actually only worried about the condition of his only younger Sister. Still the way is not right. So that it caused a sense of emotion from Belvania and Yudha could only be silent for now.


Meanwhile, Eza and Bimo are currently hanging out at one of the basecamps where they usually hang out. Suddenly Bimo got a call from someone.

"Yeah hello. What? Are you serious? Where? Okay, okay I'm going there now."

Eza and all the other friends were shocked after hearing Bimo's words just now.

"Why Bim? What's wrong?"

"Alvaro said he was fighting with the children there. I also don't know what caused it. There must be something about the boy that made Alvaro angry like that."

"I'm sure it's all because of Belvania."

"Now we don't need to discuss much. It's better if we go straight to the scene. We will help Alvaro."

"Yes, come on."

Finally Eza, Bimo and all of Alvaro's other friends went straight to the place where Alvaro was fighting with other children. Incidentally the area is not far from their basecamp. So they can arrive at the place quickly.

It turned out to be true, when he arrived at the place, Alvaro was already fighting with a child there. All of Alvaro's friends try to stop him.

"Okay, okay. Why are you like this again?" said Bimo.

"They started it first. They always make a fuss here. They always tease girls that pass by."

"So what's the deal with you?" one of them shouted.

"Yes, of course there is. The girl is guarded, not damaged. Here you go."

"Here forward."

"It's okay, there's no need to fight with them. It's no use. You're the one who said that now we shouldn't fight too much, it's not clear anymore. Let's just go back."

Alvaro suddenly fell silent. All he was thinking about right now was Belvania. He only remembered that it was Belvania who was treated like that by other men. Seduced, even to the point of being harassed. It was certain that Alvaro would be a very angry person.

"Just watch out if you're still like that. I will kill you all."

"Come on, come on. We're not afraid."

Alvaro actually still really wanted to fight them all. But all of Alvaro's friends are trying to stop the fight. Until finally Alvaro was successfully kept away from that place.

-To be Continued-