

In the book the secret to a successful music career will be reviewed and what it takes for every rising artist / musician to stand the test of time, understanding the entertainment industry and using every situation to attract fame and be better in the changing time even as the world of entertainment has gone through evolution.

JP_SMOOTHLY · 音楽·バンド
36 Chs



BAD ENERGY: This subject has become a lead in the entertainment industry today, considering the words carefully, you will agree with me that it is a combination of two words (bad & energy).

Bad: According to the advanced learner dictionary, the word bad means of poor quality or low standard.

Energy: This is the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.

Therefore bad energy can be said to be a poor Or negative instinct worrying vibes in a person or individual. the words has taken over the industry today as most of popular artist/musician in the entertainment industry has used it. With the combination of both word (bad & energy) the big question is, who are the bad energy and do you really need the bad energy as an artist or musician to succeed or raising to stardom? The answer (Yes or No) the choice is yours. In this book I will review a few tips that will guide you in making your choices and decision on your journey to becoming a big star. Let us consider (yes) as your choice!

*WHY DO YOU NEED THE BAD ENERGY: As a raising artist or musician your journey to fame doesn't only depends on how good you are or how much money you have to buy your way to stardom though your ability and money will also be necessary as you progress but there are basic principles you also need to note and adhere to. it has been proven that when you start hearing people talk about you as an individual then it only means that you are doing something either what you did was good or bad. It only takes people that cares to either correct or show concern towards you by reacting to the things they think is best for you, that is there option by the way. The role of the bad energy might not necessarily mean to disturb, destroy or abuse the topic but most times criticism plus critical analysis of the topic or subject matter is relevant when understanding is applied can make a better option in decision making. With the comprehension of this idea it then mean that you can use your bad energy to check mate the out come your actions either it will be right or wrong or perhaps it will get better if you improve on it. Note: Bad energy is not a friend or enemy but a motivation.

In recent times almost all field of works has increased as human population increases, the entertainment industry has become more competitive in every passing day because of this the bad energy has being a major tools used to canter adversary as everyone desire to get ahead, some individual will be like, it is not possible simple because they want to distract the others from getting ahead, this set of individuals you can never get any positive vibes from them instead the only answer you can get from them is a NO, they use negativity as a key tool to control the mind of others not to get ahead making them believe that because someone failed or could not make it so automatically you too will fail or will not succeed, you can never hear positive words from this set of people.This is your bad energy, it is not a friend or enemy but the negative vibes that comes out of this kind but (when you know the secret of bad energy that's when you start taking a step to fame)

Define your no: eg, next opportunity

N- next

O- opportunity

When ever you get a no for an answer or you get any negative vibe then try something/someone else option, there must be something for you elsewhere.


The role of the bad energy are numerous to mention but in the book we shall consider a few positive roles of the bad energy as it concerns a raising star/ upcoming artist.


Bad Energy as self motivation is one of the most important roles it plays for every individual to Success in your Career, the ability to realize that self motivation is one of the Key for your growth to Succeed even more is very vita as it could appear in disguise but very significant if it occurs. to be mindful of it, not to misunderstand It, this is because what you Know is what you can Control, Note that abuse is inevitable if the use of something is unknown. Therefore knowing and understand your bad energy should be a priority as long as the career of a raising star / upcoming artist is concern.


Let us consider the role of a bad energy as your strength. One of the key role of a bad energy is the Strength It brings to every individual, In as much as you can identify bed energy then it automatically become a source of strength to that individual, knowing that the quantity of the strength derived from the bad energy is equal to the quantity of Positive or negative impact you make hence you can convert your bad energy to your sources of Strength when it appears and make a positive impact. The most important thing is to have the ability to hold the pressure it brings. If you can hold the pressure it brings then it will become a source of strength to you


Just as the mirror is, having the ability to show the picture of your self, by reflecting the exact picture of you on the screen, it then means that if you can use the bad energy to see the outcome of your work in the public by using it as a mirror then you will be able to present yourself properly the exact way you would want the world to see you, especially when it concern your career as a raising star /upcoming artist.


It will come to a point in your career as a raising star / upcoming artist when you need some push to forge ahead, that is when you will realize that when you make your bad energy your drive then it will become your propeller to carry you to your destination as you progress even on the growth of your fans base etc use your bad energy to succeed even more as you show off your real potential, all through your journey to surmount into stardom.

After a careful watch on my life encounters I have come to a conclusion that everyone has a story to share, that's why I would love anyone who wishes to read my story to have in mind that it's not all about me but also about you because what I have to say today is a product of me plus people I have encountered so far on my journey of life which has given birth to the very first story I am confident enough to share to the entire pubic, nevertheless I am not going to stop on this one.

JP_SMOOTHLYcreators' thoughts