
Back in Time: Through time and Space, Love Persist

As a young surgeon, Rachelle Heartford is living a completely normal life. However, she will make a deal that will change it forever. She will be brought back in time to meet another and will be used as a tool of fate as retribution for the sin from long ago. Two souls brought back together, two hearts fated to be with one another. Will their love conquer destiny or will it fade away as a memory.

princess_nin · ファンタジー
150 Chs



        It was already past midnight when I tossed and turned. In a brief moment, I was wide awake- I glanced over to the side only to see an empty space. Bolting out of bed, I quickly exited the room.

Where could she possibly be?

Sprinting toward the front door, I opened the door with so much force thought it was going to be ripped off.

Glancing around, I finally spotted Amber- standing in the darkness of the night.

A sudden wind blew away the clouds that were previously covering the moon. And now because of this, the moonlight illuminated Amber's silk-like skin. The stars twinkled up in the sky and occasional fireflies would fly around.

The scenario looks familiar.

Yes, just like one from years ago when we both confessed our love…

That time when I was unable to keep my promise.

"Amber, what are you doing outside? It's freezing cold here" I asked her.

"Looking at the night sky reminds me of that night" she stated.

"Then…my mind would wander off... thinking, how are they doing now? Are they living a happy life? They who destroyed our dream" Amber continued before turning towards, the moonlight casting a dark shadow across her face.

Eyes filled with malice, she continued speaking "You do remember right? What you told me, about getting our revenge"

A chill ran down my spine however, I will keep my word this time around- no matter the cause.

"Yes, I do remember and I will make definitely make them pay" I looked straight into her eyes, this time it would be Marcus Stone who will fall into the ground. But the only difference is that he will stay there and rote, like the filth that he is.

Amber stared at me with hopeful eyes before asking "How are we going to do that?"

"We'll plan things out but for the time being let's rest. You just got resurrected and you had a stressful day, we will need to leave early to find the next sacrifice" I told her.

"The last thing I want is for you to take drastic a measure again, I don't want to you stain your hands with blood any further. I will bear the sins for you and for the future we've been longing for" I continued.

Suddenly, Amber run towards me.

"Don't say that! We will bear them together, forever!" she shouted as Amber hugged me.

I returned her embrace and buried my nose into her hair.

At this moment, I could never ask for any else.


        Finally, I've finished preparing the table for breakfast. As usual, I placed Alexander's plate at the head of the table while, I place Rachelle's on the right side of the table- to the seat closest to Alexander. The silverware are placed neatly, the napkins are perfectly folded, and most importantly the fresh bouquet of white gardenias. Rachelle may not know this at the moment but Alexander would, without a doubt understand the message.

I already sent Hannah to fetch the love birds- then, the door opened revealing Alexander.

And as expected his eyes grew twice their normal size upon seeing the gardenias.

After recovering from the shock, he eyed me suspiciously.

It's alright Andrea you got this, he doesn't know anything… yet.

The next person who came in was Rachelle and upon seeing the flowers she smiled.

"Andrea, are those gardenias?" she asked.

"Yes, Miss they are" I shortly replied, while she only nodded with a smile.

Walking closer to Alexander, I lightly stepped on his right shoe then avert my eyes into Rachelle's designated seat. It was a simple action but the message had been received.

Immediately, Alexander pulled Rachelle's seat.

"Here, Rachelle" he said, 'Here, Rachelle?!' Are you kidding me?! That's all he said?! An urge to slap Alexander is rising in my gut, I didn't walk all the way to the greenhouse to fetch those flower just so he could say something so lame!

I took a deep breath even though the air, is no longer a necessity in my current state.

"Have you found the book Miss?" I asked Rachelle after she sat down.

"Yes I did and it helped me a lot" she replied with a faint shade of pink in her cheeks.

Alexander glanced our way curiously, "What book?" he asked.

"H-huh! Uh, it... it was nothing really just an old book" Rachelle immediately replied her face growing warmer by each moment.

"Well, if so say it's nothing then I'll let it go" he sadly replied.

"Are you alright?" he stated with concern as he finally noticed Rachelle burning cheeks.

Without a warning he placed a hand on her forehead "You're heating up, do you feel sick? Did you catch a cold?" he continued to pry, and the longer he did the redder Rachelle becomes.

Maybe my efforts didn't go to waste after all.

"Should we take her to her room and serve breakfast in bed instead?" I 'asked', knowing fully well that it would be taken as a suggestion rather than a question.

"Yes, that will be good, and fetch some warm water and a towel. I'll ask Fidlon for some medicine" he quickly stated.

Before Rachelle had the chance to react, Alexander pulled her chair back and proceeded to pick her up.

As always he tends to overreact when it comes to the people he cares about.

"W-wait! I… I'm not sick. I-I…please let me down, I'm alright" Rachelle begged as he griped into Alexander's vest, her face so red it could be mistaken for a ripe tomato.

Hearing her cry, Alexander finally set Rachelle down.

"A-are you sure?" he asked with knitted brows and a faint blush in her cheeks.

While a meek "Yes" was Rachelle's only response.

I cleared my throat and as I told Hannah that was her cue to enter with the dishes.

The last thing I want is for the two to remain standing in awkward silence.

Alexander assisted Rachelle to sit back down as Hannah served the soup.

And on the other hand, I already excused myself to leave the dining hall.

Ready to celebrate my victory.

Out of nowhere, I remembered a poem I once heard of.

A poem from a special person, a very long time ago...

'Oh white gardenia, how beautiful you are.

As your flower blooms, my love grows strong

You truly are the perfect gift, for the lady I held so dearest

Through you, I shall profess, the LOVE that I kept in SECRET'

Good day people!

How are you doing?

I have a question, how do you feel about Andrea's meddling? Is it good or bad?

And who do you think is that 'special person'?

Stay tuned to find out!

See ya!


princess_nincreators' thoughts