
Back in Time: Through time and Space, Love Persist

As a young surgeon, Rachelle Heartford is living a completely normal life. However, she will make a deal that will change it forever. She will be brought back in time to meet another and will be used as a tool of fate as retribution for the sin from long ago. Two souls brought back together, two hearts fated to be with one another. Will their love conquer destiny or will it fade away as a memory.

princess_nin · Fantasy
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150 Chs



        I stood beside Amber as the body of our second victim burns. The air around us held a putrid smell, it's like cooking meat but the scent of burning clothes and the hair reminds me of sulfur.

It was just before daybreak when Amber and I headed out, to find a new sacrifice. Living in this place my entire life, I've come learned the town folk's habits. Both of us waited at the edge of the woods: eyes are pierced, senses heightened like predators waiting for their prey. 

Soon enough a person came, it was a young woman probably around 15 years of age: her skin is the same color as copper while long brown hair framed her petite body. The girl was carrying a woven basket and inside are collected firewood- what a terrible time for her to collect those.

It was Amber who approached upfront while I stayed hidden in the rear. 

"Hello there, isn't too early to collect firewoods? And you're all alone too, you should be careful this place is really dangerous" Amber tried to make a casual conversation however, the malice in her voice is so thick that anyone who hears it will know what she's up to.

The girl cautiously stepped back before turning away from Amber, ready to sprint out of the woods. This is when I stepped out of my hiding place then proceeded on blocking her way. 

"Sorry, but we can't let you leave" I stated.

I watched as she froze in place her eyes widened with fear, the beautiful shade of blue reflecting the horrors that are growing underneath.

And in a single swift motion, I've slit the girl's throat even before she had the chance to react.

Blood slowly drifted from the wound, the girl's eyes lost their light, and just like that her body fell to the ground. 

I stared at the body as it started smoking, then slowly it was engulfed in flames. 

Shifting my eyes to Amber, her red orbs are glowing faintly.

"Amber" calling for her attention, looking up at me the fire in her eyes died down.

"Yes?" she responded casually.

"The fire… how did you?" I started, clearly uncertain of what to say.

"I don't know how but I can start fires, maybe it was from the demon. D-does it bothers you?" she asked, visibly troubled.

"Hey, It's alright I don't mind at all" I quickly replied, no not even a little bit. This is Amber no matter what, I will love her.

           The fire finally extinguished itself and at this moment, what use to be a living person is now a pile of bone and ashes. It was beyond recognition yet still identifiable as human remains.

"We should go" Amber said while pulling on the sleeve of my shirt.

"Your right we should go, people might wander this way. It would be in our best interest not to get caught" I replied as I placed a hand in the small of her back.

After nodding in agreement, Amber and I carefully left the scene.

Leaving behind, a pile of burnt human remains.


        Currently standing in the middle of my room, I'm trying my best to shake off the awkward events during breakfast. I can't believe that Alexander just suddenly lifted me like that however, I'm certainly not complaining. Because the concern on his eyes is just… alluring, no! That's not the word, it's… it's captivating.

The way they sparkled in the slightest touch of light was beautiful, yet they are filled with worry. It was something different…because, no one has ever looked at me in that manner ever before.

Gathering my courage, I have made a decision that I may regret.

I can no longer stand the butterflies in my stomach, as well as the unspoken situation between Alexander and me.

I need to know, I wanted to, and I will.

I have never been good at waiting and I don't plan on improving it anytime soon.

Today, I shall ask Alexander if my speculations are correct.

With one last deep breath, I was ready to walk out of the door and find Alexander.

Holding the knob with my right hand, I twisted it and opened the door.

Only to see…

The one and only…Alexander Kirkland.

He was walking towards the door but then came to a sudden halt, wide eyes staring straight at me.

And as for me…

Upon seeing the man, the courage that I gathered earlier seemed to vanish into thin air.

Both of us stood still, an awkward silence swallowing us whole.

What am I to do?

This incident just magnifies the awkwardness during breakfast.

Finally, after what seems to be an eternity Alexander broke out eye contact.

"W-would you like to take a walk?" he asked still refusing to look at me.

"To the lake maybe? Just to catch some fresh air" he continued.

"S-sure, that sounds fantastic" I replied, immediately Alexander looked my way an evident touch of red staining his pale skin.

Calm down Rachelle, just calm down…

Alexander offered his hand to me, his long white fingers reaching forward.

I gladly took his hand, the warm feeling of his skin against mine sends shivers down my spine.

Together, we walk out of the house hand in hand.

But before we could get any further, I noticed Andrea in the window staring at us.

Looking towards her direction she made a sign, using both of her index fingers. Andrea drew a huge heart in the air.

Flabbergasted, I accidentally made an unintelligible sound "Huh!"

Which caught Alexander's attention "Is there something wrong?" he asked, glancing in my direction.

"N-no! Just… I thought... well, I think I saw Andrea earlier by the window" I quickly replied while waving my hands dismissively.

"Andrea huh" Alexander spoke before looking forward.

"She had been acting weird lately, I wander…" he stopped thinking deep.

"W-well, let's not talk about Andrea right now. This time is for the both of us so, nothing else matters other than you" he said with a smile, and immediately my face went up in flames.

Obviously, the man didn't realize what he just said, what a dense man he turned out to be.

"Oh wait here" Alexander said out of nowhere, he then let go of my hand before running off into a bush of flowers.

My hands shivered from the sudden loss of heat as if aching to feel Alexander's fingers intertwine mine once again.

Looking at my, now empty hands. I wish to reach out for him and hold his hand without letting go.

Alexander returned with a stem with three flowers blooming in it, they were tiny like chamomiles but in different color and without a disc.

Eyeing the flowers curiously, "What are does?" I asked.

Alexander flashed a bright smile, his eyes are glimmering- their shade of green matching the luscious grass field around us.

"This is baby's breaths, beautiful aren't they?" he responded, while I only nodded. Still dazed from his soul-piercing eyes and glamorous smile.

Without a warning, Alexander came up to me, my body stiffened while my heart started thumping wildly inside my chest.

"Here" he said as he tucked in the flowers in my left ear.

The heat is starting to build up in my face again, this is too much.

His eyes, his smile, and his actions. I…

"Let's go" he stated before thanking my hand once again.

I wanted to thank him for the flowers.

 I wanted to speak to him.

 I wish to let him know the feelings that are starting to grow inside me.

But… the butterflies in my gut are enabling me to do so.

Maybe not today, but someday one way or another.

Will build up the courage to say the words…


Hello guys!

Wednesday update is finally up!

Now to explain it quickly, the disc is the big round core thingy in the flowers.

Well, that's it for today.

Sorry if my words are kinda rushing I just have to finish some school stuff LOL

See ya!


princess_nincreators' thoughts