
Azazel: The Disgraced Monarch

[Dropped Project]

DystopicWorld · ファンタジー
108 Chs

Chapter 7: Fish and Net.

Osmond made his way to his study room at the behest of the family's high steward, understanding that this steward acted at the behest of the family head.

His eyes flashed with a cold light as he closed the door behind him and gave the sea of documents on the table a look. Such pity tricks wouldn't fool a three-year-old, let alone someone of his intelligence.

However, he understood that his father knew just as much. His father's intention wasn't to do things behind his son's back but to announce to the latter that a distinction in power was quite clear.

What his father didn't know, however, is that Osmond truly didn't care if his father's hands stretched to the women by his side. As a calculating and pragmatic man in this world of constant pandemonium, Osmond was rather flexible in his ways.