
Axena - The Goddess of War

AXENA was from the RebelHood, a rampaging force that depicts freedom and she was free until she wakes to be bound to bow to whips - she was enslaved together with the women from the RebelHood; old and young. Separated from her love, who was also in captivity but in other parts of the kingdom, she persevere; knowing that one day they might reunite and she chose to live. To survive, there were odds. The freedom she freely took was a thing she has to fight for - with the sword and sex; she throws herself body for a lot and rise until she stands above all slaves. Then she aims the heads of her captors. After going through all to win, will she be able to return to the hands of her love when he also had fought diligently to become the captors strongest gladiator? Find out...

Oyin_Bimbo · ファンタジー
70 Chs

Chapter 13 - Tortem's plan

As Lixinni was dragged from her cell, she acted stiff, trying to fight the grip on her shoulders and arm by repelling the pull but it was two on her, so they succeeded. She whimpered and looked back at her cellmates who looked stepped back and looked on. Then she looked at Axena and their faces locked till she was dragged out of sight and towards the left passage, then down a staircase and then out of the prison walls. A lot was on her mind, but only a thought governed her mind and incited fear – the thought of being repeatedly raped by the nobles that came to ask of her. 

She was taken into an adjoining building and as they went, she fought the grip more. She noticed that the guards were mild unlike the first women they took and never return and the more they progressed into the lanes before them, the more she became softened in the hands of the guards. Into the new building, Lixinni saw maids approaching. She counted and she saw seven walking towards her and the guards that held  her. They were half naked as they only had their breast and groin covered in a strap cloth. The guards handed her to the maids and left while two of them stayed and stood firmly behind the maids.

With the change of hands, Lixinni relaxed into the hands of the maids and looked back at the guards who began to walk slowly with the women as they proceeded into the depth of the building. 

They were welcomed by a pool and the cold sensation in the new location made Lixinni crave for the touch of water. It had been days since she last took her bath and she stunk to herself. The maids gently pulled her into the pool and mildly fondled her skin with soap and the water in the pool. It was a refreshing moment for her and she immediately forgot her fear and insecurity with the guards and unanimous maids that were doing the bathing for her.

Lixinni began to feel and see the exact colour of her skin again when the one that had been given to her due to the cell had been peeled off and caused to disappear. She could remember herself and she was reminded of her body as a woman. Even though the Rebelhood birthed a beastly nature in her, she could tell that she wasn't and hadn't been herself ever since the captivity of the Rebelhood had happened.

After the bath was done. The maids helped her out of the water and ushered her towards a room ahead. Lixinni looked back and saw that the guards followed still and there she recognized the importance of the presence. 

In the room, Lixinni was made to stand upright as a cotton robe was measured on her. Since she was one who towered in height, they measured some more till they found one that matched her. It was strutted upon her and he hair was dressed and combed. Then, a powder was added to the composition of her face and a perfumery was sprayed upon her body. 

Again, Lixinni heeded to a tug towards the right and at the instance, she found herself standing before a mirror. There she was allowed to view herself. She would smile but she knew not what awaits her. However, she presumed it was going to be a pleasant meeting with the way she had been prepared and dressed, just as Axena had presumed.

Again, a palm landed on her shoulder and she was tugged towards the entrance again. As she walked out, she saw the guards that brought her letting their tongues out and winking at her. She was kept in the middle; three maids before her, three behind her, with the maid head walking far before them all and then the guards walked behind them all. Together, they took a quiet walk down the passage until they entered a hall which had five faces in it:  the two men that last visited the cell, and three guards armoured in netted armours. The men that visited the cell earlier sat on a chair while the three armoured men stood behind them, all looking at Lixinni.

"You can all go," one of the men spoke and Lixinni heard the door locking behind her.

"One more thing, brother. One thing you all didn't know about the Rebelhood – the women are beasts with a weapon. But with a nice robe and cool bath, they are angels," Tortem said and stood to his feet. He proceeded toward Lixinni who stood with her head down, staring at the floor.

"You see this, brother?" Tortem walked towards Lixinni and went behind her, raised her head and made her look straight to Buten who was still seated on the chair.

"Yes. You captivated them and brought them here. Still, you don't know about this and that is why I am here, showing you."

"Tortem?" Buten called out. "You won't bring me here just to see how pretty a slave would look after being bathed and clothed. What do you want with this bitch?" Buten asked.

"You will see, brother," Tortem said with his hand still raising Lixinni's cheek and still standing behind her. "Now listen, Lixinni daughter of Waxx. The king of the realms has asked of you in his bed tonight. You shall please the king and you shall do it as if it's the last thing you will do on earth. Who knows, it may be the last thing you would do if you fail to please him in the rate that he wanted it. That is the path you will play. The very first one," Tortem then walked from behind Lixinni and stepped away from her body. "And you, respected brother. I want you to fix her up for a fight. Make her defend her life in the festival with a tough challenge. She will be asked to make a wish if, I mean if she wins. That is the path you will play, brother, the first part. Back to you, Lixinni," Tortem said and closed the distance between him and Lixinni and wrapped his hands across her chest, fondling her breast as he placed his lips close to her neck. "If you win your challenge, you will be graced to make a wish. Don't be dumb to request what can't be given. Tell him you want to serve a master. That is the second part you have to play. Then, after you have stated your wish, I will come in and request for her service and would be granted the chance to have her."

"Cow dungs. A pile of it. And what do you intend to do with her?" Buten asked.

"When she is gone, I will tell you, respected brother," Tortem said and walked back to the chair and sat beside his brother. "Guards," he called and she guards waked back in. "Take her to the kitchen. Let her have her fill of whatever she wants. No man is allowed to touch her, whoever does will have his head on the spike." Tortem said and Lixinni was ushered out of the hall.