
Axena - The Goddess of War

作者: Oyin_Bimbo
Fantasy Romance
連載中 · 14.1K ビュー
  • 70 章
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  • NO.200+

What is Axena - The Goddess of War

WebNovel で公開されている、Oyin_Bimbo の作者が書いた Axena - The Goddess of War の小説を読んでください。AXENA was from the RebelHood, a rampaging force that depicts freedom and she was free until she wakes to be bound to bow to whips - she was enslaved together with the women from the RebelHood; old and...


AXENA was from the RebelHood, a rampaging force that depicts freedom and she was free until she wakes to be bound to bow to whips - she was enslaved together with the women from the RebelHood; old and young. Separated from her love, who was also in captivity but in other parts of the kingdom, she persevere; knowing that one day they might reunite and she chose to live. To survive, there were odds. The freedom she freely took was a thing she has to fight for - with the sword and sex; she throws herself body for a lot and rise until she stands above all slaves. Then she aims the heads of her captors. After going through all to win, will she be able to return to the hands of her love when he also had fought diligently to become the captors strongest gladiator? Find out...

7 タグ

The Devil's Sweetheart

°°Completed°° °°Alarm bell:Mature content. Slow ignition book. Burlesque comedy, sitcom, full-on entertainment°° °°A small caution: FL is a narcissist.°° "It's always been you and for the rest of my life, it will be you. Till my last breath, I will guard you with my life for eternity. My promise." A near-death experience made her fall into pits of despair. Her story should have ended by then, but did it? No! She raised against the odds. Five years, stardom followed Leena Hayes, she grew up to a renowned model, an entrepreneur, capsized her own company from scratch. She has achieved eminence in five years. Wang Devin, his name itself would turn the world into a frenzy, a rare mystique. A model turned business tycoon, his wealth knew no abundance, his power knew no boundaries. Handsome, sharp-tongued, he has been named as WholePackage in the modeling industry for his dapper style and charming looks. His razor-sharp tongue tied with the encounter of dazzling Leena and fell for her topsy-turvy. But he soon found it's not easy to tranquilize her heart, for she is a man-hater. Will he able to ignite the sparks in her heart? Will she reciprocate his love? .... Leena Hayes: Wacky, snazzy, sharp-witted, self-centered narcissist. Wang Devin: Spicy, sharp-tongued, helot to his sweetheart. She was the sugar. He was the spice. Their paths unexpectedly collided. Just after, everything felt nice. And they set off as tyrannizing mates. Come and experience the barrel of laughs with their amazing witty sallies. .... Their Love "I fell in love with your soul even before I touched your skin. If this is not true love_" "You touched my soul long before what your hands feel like. If this is not true love, then I don't know what else I could name our relationship." She completed it for him. ... Their Passion "I love how your breath pauses when I put my __" She blushed and hit his shoulder even before he could proceed further. Despite she loved his dirty side, she would never admit it to this shameless man. "Where did you throw your gentleman image Mr.Adonis." Pulling him by his shirt, she nibbled his jaw. "Trust me, sweetheart, I am still a gentleman with the real dirty mind, only for you." His raspy seductive whispers were enough to make her think of all the filthy things he would do to her. ... °°This is my original novel°° °°A sweet vis á vis story.°° °°Cover pic is edited according to my interest. All credits to the original owner°° °°Join the discord @: https://discord.gg/p4AWrb9°° My other books: A Spellbinding Tale: Clary and Leandre's Timeless Love Saga IG : ansly_ylsna

ainsley · 都市
466 Chs

Evolution Sistemy Infinity

Sinopse de Evolution Sistemy Infinity Em um futuro distante, onde a Terra é dividida entre metrópoles tecnológicas e regiões subdesenvolvidas, uma presença misteriosa abala os alicerces do mundo. Sam, um ser enigmático, rasga o céu como um meteoro, colidindo com o oceano e desencadeando tsunamis e terremotos devastadores. Inconsciente e cercado por um poder desconhecido, ele é encontrado por aqueles que buscam entender o fenômeno e suas implicações. Enquanto cientistas, militares e sobreviventes tentam desvendar o mistério de Sam, uma revelação surpreendente surge: dentro dele reside o Evolution Sistemy Infinity, uma entidade que transcende a compreensão humana. Sem memória de seu propósito ou origem, Sam enfrenta um mundo que o vê como uma ameaça e uma salvação. Em meio ao caos e à destruição, forças ocultas e interesses poderosos convergem, buscando controlar ou destruir o que não entendem. Sam deve navegar por este novo mundo, confrontando inimigos e aliados inesperados, enquanto tenta recuperar suas memórias e descobrir o verdadeiro propósito do Evolution Sistemy Infinity. **Evolution Sistemy Infinity** é uma saga épica de fantasia, ação e ficção científica, onde o destino da Terra e do cosmos se entrelaçam em uma teia de mistério e poder. Prepare-se para uma jornada onde o futuro da humanidade depende de um ser que não conhece seu próprio passado.

SamuelAnjos · ファンタジー
13 Chs
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1 :Axena - The Goddess of War


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I really like stories with strong female characters and Axena is a take charge kind of woman who is smart and courageous. I can't wait to see how her adventure turns out. Keep writing dear author, good job grabbing my attention.



Parental Guidance Suggestedmature rating