
Awakening of the Luna Queen

Cate Mercer - daughter of a fallen Alpha, her future held so much promise until it didn't. Her pack was raided, father and brother murdered, and forced to live among the enemy. She sacrificed her life to be mated with a man who wanted nothing but to use her body. When Cate is given a chance at freedom, she takes her daughter and runs for the Royal Moon Pack where she can begin again with no limitations and constraints. No man to answer to. Her dreams of peace are once again in jeopardy when she discovers her fated mate, the man she was meant to be with all along but is it too late for her? Will he accept her, her daughter and will she be able to trust him with her families secret that could put her life and his at risk? Can she discover her true power within and become the Queen she was meant to be?

BonnieBlueStar · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Chapter 17 - Second Chances

Nick's POV

"We're leaving. Make sure Cate gets home safely." I hated myself but I knew that I couldn't continue to play whatever fucking game she was playing. I wanted her, she was all I had thought about but it was obvious at this point that the feeling wasn't mutual. I had every intention of winning her back, giving her space after that bullshit in my office, and I knew I could but something in me broke. Seeing her dancing with another wolf enraged me but made me realize that she was living her life without a second thought about me so why should I give a fuck just because we were mates? All of that would have to wait - my Beta, my best friend needed me.

"I'm coming with you!" Her voice roared behind me with a passion I wish she had for me.

"The fuck you are! You're going home immediately." Her sweet and innocent face flared with life - I knew she wasn't sweet and innocent. I could still taste her on my lips.

"He's my friend too. If you send me home I'll pull rank on your guards and find my way. Would you want to risk a Pack member's life? We don't know what attacked Caleb." Goddess, is my mate my curse for being such a dick to women my whole life? She knew just what to say - she knew I couldn't risk anyone out alone right now until I knew who or what attacked Caleb.

I walked away knowing she would follow - I locked eyes with Theo - quickly he moved beside Cate as her guard. She was still my mate until we rejected each other and I refused to allow harm to come to her despite her feelings toward me. Maybe she was actually in love with her former mate, maybe she chose to be with him and he left her. The idea caused my heart to ache in ways I never felt before so I quickly brushed it aside. Opening the back door to the SUV, I guided Cate into the backseat while taking a glance around at our surroundings. No one seemed on edge or aware of what just occurred, no signs of a pending attack. The SUV raced down the now blocked-off streets - I continued to attempt to mind-link Caleb only to hit a wall. The Pack doctor made contact to let me know he wasn't able to move Caleb to the hospital because of the extent of his injuries so they did the best they could and moved him to his private quarters. He was in and out of consciousness but they couldn't pin down why he wasn't healing. There were no traces of wolfsbane or silver in his system and his wounds did not appear to be made by any weapon or shifter that they knew of. The castle grounds were on high alert as we made our way closer - guards were lining the streets, blocking off all access in and out. I quickly glanced at Cate as she fidgeted with her skirt realizing that she wasn't wearing any panties as I had ripped them off and placed them in my pocket. My cock twitched as we remembered what had happened a few minutes before but quickly stopped as we roared our way to the back entrance of the castle.

The car barely rolled to a stop before I was flying out, instructing Theo to bring Cate as I ran to find Caleb. The staff was anxious as guards were swiftly clearing the halls as I approached. Bursting through the door to his private suite, I found Caleb lying on the floor in front of a roaring fire - the Doctor applying pressure to three gaping wounds in his chest. Blood stained the rug around him, a mountain of bandages pressed to his chest, and a nurse crying in the corner. I stood watching as my best friend bled to death on the floor - I felt completely helpless.

"Caleb!" Cate ran past me, taking Caleb's head into her lap, completely without care for the blood.

"Hey! You came to see me." His face was pale, his lips barely moving, his voice a whisper that only wolf hearing could pick up.

"Of course I did. I love you, you big, dumb wolf." Tears were streaming down her soft face and I could feel myself choke up.

"Everyone out." Theo remained in the doorway, ushering the medical staff to leave but once the door was shut and it was just us four he moved quickly.

"Cate, you need to save him and you need to do it now." Theo joined Cate on the rug and took her hand in his - completely confused by his meaning I joined them.

"I know you can. Cate. I know." The weight of his words must have hit home because her eyes grew large and met mine, almost pleading with me to understand. I could see she was struggling with what to do - I had no idea what Theo was meaning but she knew.

"Can I trust you, Nick?" Her voice cracked with overwhelming emotion - we were watching Caleb die before us but she asked for my trust for a reason and I knew I couldn't deny her that.

"I would lay down my life for you." It must have been enough for her because at that next moment I couldn't believe my eyes.

She laid Caleb's head softly on the rug and positioned herself next to me, asking Theo to remove the bandages on her signal and asking that we don't touch Caleb until she's done. My mind raced with what was happening - I knew removing the bandages would only speed up his blood loss and we would lose him in seconds. I tried to argue but was silenced by a word from Theo. Cate lowered her head to Caleb's ear - if she said anything to him, my ears couldn't pick them up - she gave a quick nod to Theo who ripped the bandages away.

"Maiden, Mother, and Crone - hear me." Cate placed her hands on his oozing wounds and began chanting in an ancient language that no longer exists - one that has not been heard since the Great War, since the Necro Cyrus. Her words echoed throughout the room, the fire seemed to burn brighter, and I watched as her hands began to glow with a bright white light - almost as if she were drawing her power from the flames themselves. Her breathing became labored as she continued to repeat her incantation, my eyes meeting Theo's and wondering how he knew what she was. How was it that my mate was a Necro? Did this mean she was the wolf in the woods? My mind raced with what this meant for not just Cate but for myself, Olivia, and my people. What signs did I miss? Was I so wrapped up in this she-wolf that I missed what was in front of me? Everything I had been told was that Necros were power hungry, that they would destroy the world, that they only cared for themselves and would control everyone to gain power. I watched as color returned to Caleb's face but left Cate's - I watched as his chest wounds began to heal and strength returned but Cate grew weaker, her strong voice fading as she collapsed in my arms.

"What the fuck just happened to me?!" Caleb jolted up, taking a deep breath and taking stock of the room around him ready to fight his invisible attacker. His eyes landed on an unconscious Cate cradled in my arms and back down to his chest - realization dawning. I laid Cate on the couch across the room, ensuring she was comfortable, covering her with a blanket, and making my way to the small makeshift bar to pour us all a drink. I downed my triple whiskey in one go.

"Theo. I think you have some explaining to do."

Cate's POV

My soul lingered between that great divide of the spirit realm and the mortal realm - I had only experienced this once before but it felt as familiar as waking in my room. The sound of a river close by, what I felt was my body in this realm was reclined in a field of tall grass, the sky overhead deep shades of purples and blues, and a large pure white moon shining. Not a sound could be heard other than the steady rhythm of water, there was nothing for miles around except for me, time seemed to cease existing while I lingered. Though I did not know the rules of this realm, something inside me wished to avoid the river at all costs, I stayed still waiting for my soul to return to my body as it had before but this time felt different - I could feel eyes upon me. Something was here with me - I scanned the area praying that I was wrong when the rancid scent of sulfur struck me. It was the same smell from a few days ago except stronger, desperately I searched for the source, the smell grew stronger as my panic rose, and then I heard it - my name whispered on the breeze just as before. My heart rate spiked, and fear coursed through my veins as a cold sweat broke out over my body. I forced my eyes shut in a pathetic attempt to block out the unknown source, unknowingly, forcing myself to return to my body. I could hear voices around me, I could feel the couch beneath me, feel the softness of a blanket over my body, but I couldn't move - I was trapped in my mind. I could hear Caleb's voice - relief rushed over me knowing that Caleb was alive, that I was able to save my best friend but it was Theo's voice that my mind focused on.

"I knew she was a Necro because she saved me. She saved my life and now that she's in my life again I will defend her. So if you plan on hurting her, you'll have to kill me first."

Realization flooded me. I saved Theo before. There had been one person before Caleb - whom I had learned how to use my powers - a life that I had returned from the Underworld itself. The summer before I turned eighteen there was a group of kids from the pack down at a quarry on pack lands - it was a place we had regularly visited, the water was always warm no matter the season and the rock formations offered thrill seekers the opportunity to show off. The highest of those peaks off limits but that didn't mean the bravest wolves didn't try it. That summer, the boys were daring each other, trying to see who was brave enough to jump and one quiet boy refused to back down. We gathered around as he climbed to the highest point without any hesitation, the crowd cheered as he ascended the steep stone face. Everyone held their collective breath as he jumped but his jump wasn't quite right - screams tore through the group as we watched his broken body floating face down in the water. My eyes not believing what I witnessed but before I knew it I was shoved into a room with my parents, his parents, and his mangled body. The boy, Teddy Morten, was only two years younger than me and I hardly knew him. My mother whispered to me what I needed to do - place my hands over his body, allow myself to open up to my powers, and guide his soul back to his body. Amara knew the incantation before I could even process what was happening - it was a risk we took, not knowing if I could bring him back but praying to all that my powers were enough. His soul had left his body - he was no longer of this realm and I had to dive deeper into the spirit realm. I avoided the river at all costs but found Teddy's spirit lingering at the gates of the Underworld. The gates stretched far into the dark sky, losing sight of where it ends, lost souls gathering to receive their judgment, ever so often a scream of despair. I found Teddy lost among the crowd, his eyes filled with confusion and sorrow as they darted around him taking the site of masses huddled around him. I ran with my hand stretched out to him, my voice lost in the wind. As soon as I touched his hand, he was gone, returned to his healing body and I found myself back in the fields waiting for my soul to return. When I woke, three days had passed and Teddy was gone - his family left the pack to protect my secret, and Teddy was returned to the land of the living. All of it was a blur, my mind only remembering his swollen and battered face and the ache my own body felt for weeks on end. The images continued to flash through my mind as I fought my way back for control of my numb limbs. I only had to heal Caleb's body, I didn't have to bring him back but had to prevent him from crossing. I was fortunate this time. It required less of me but my energy was still drained.

"Theodore Morten. Son of Sharon and Daniel Morten. Born to Moonstone Pack." My words bring the attention of the wolves in the room to me.

"Cate! Thank the Goddess!" Nick's hands roamed my still immobile body and face. My eyes were barely able to focus on his concerned features. I glanced towards Theo - his lean frame standing tall and proud.

"You finally remember me."

"I remember you and I remember going to Hell to get you back." He lightly chuckled at my words but I could hear the emotion in his words.

"I never had the opportunity to thank you." As my vision finally returned I could see tears streaming down his cheeks.

"I like to think you would have done the same for me. Can you help me sit up?" Nick growled lightly to Theo who moved towards me.

"Thank you, mate." I placed my hand on the side of his face, hoping he understood my emphasis on the word as he helps me adjust to a better position. His eyes seem to soften slightly as we cautiously watch each other.

"Look! It's cute y'all are all lovey-dovey but I just came back from the dead. What the fuck do we do now?"