
Awakening of the Luna Queen

Cate Mercer - daughter of a fallen Alpha, her future held so much promise until it didn't. Her pack was raided, father and brother murdered, and forced to live among the enemy. She sacrificed her life to be mated with a man who wanted nothing but to use her body. When Cate is given a chance at freedom, she takes her daughter and runs for the Royal Moon Pack where she can begin again with no limitations and constraints. No man to answer to. Her dreams of peace are once again in jeopardy when she discovers her fated mate, the man she was meant to be with all along but is it too late for her? Will he accept her, her daughter and will she be able to trust him with her families secret that could put her life and his at risk? Can she discover her true power within and become the Queen she was meant to be?

BonnieBlueStar · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Chapter 16 - Leather and Liquor

"Take a pregame shot! We're starting this night off right." I took the small glass offered and raised it with my group of friends. Friday night was here and we were all getting ready at Janie's house. Sebastian, a tall and incredibly handsome man, was pouring drinks and bringing snacks into the massive bathroom we were crowded in, often finding a subtle way to sneak a touch or kiss Janie. My heart contracted with jealousy, thinking back to my mate and conflicted about our current situation. I hadn't seen or spoken to him since the incident in his office but Amara and I were both miserable; we ached to see our mate. Since meeting him, every day the mate bond grew and I could feel it setting into place, making it almost impossible to be away from him but knowing that it was to protect myself and him. I hadn't seen him but that didn't mean that Caleb or Theo wasn't present at my house all day, every day; Caleb finally took a page out of Theo's book and stayed quiet about what happened.

The past few days had been bittersweet - our broken family was finally reunited and on our way to healing from the years of separation and trauma. Marianne had always been catty with some of her remarks but they seemed to be in high gear, I knew she blamed me for everything that happened and I understood because I still blamed myself.

"How? How did he know to come after our pack?" Marianne harshly whispered while we chatted in the kitchen of her suite. Her dark blue eyes darkened further. We had spent so much time trying to ignore the massive elephant in the room but she had reached her breaking point. Our mom quickly glanced over at the children to make sure they didn't pick up on the dark turn of our conversation.

"Did you tell that little boyfriend of yours? What was his name, Anthony? That idiot!" My eyes immediately lit with a surge of power as I watched her face turn to an ugly snarl. I had nothing to fear from my family, and that didn't mean I could let my guard down completely, but at this moment I allowed myself the opportunity to show my strength.

"I told no one. Perhaps you did." I allowed the implication to hang in the electrified air.

"Stop this shit. Do you want to talk about what ifs and how? Then let's do that! How come no one challenged Derrick? How come we didn't fight to save our sister? What if your mate rallied support for my claim and we avenged our family? What if we had requested an audience with the King himself and requested a Royal investigation into the attack?" Ray pulled himself to his full height, I could feel the power of his Alpha aura slowly slipping through the room, it was faint and hidden under the surface but it was still alive after all this time. But his words did bring a question to mind - attacks like ours did not go unnoticed. I suddenly had a nagging feeling in my stomach - how did Derrick get away with the annihilation of our pack and avoided years of investigation? How was he able to request and process documents to end the sham bond between Alex and me so quickly? I was so busy trying to move on from the past that I hadn't taken the time to sit and think about the events after that night. Attacks happen, yes but blatant murder - how did he manage it?

"How could I have been so blind?" I whispered to myself as I rushed out the front door to a waiting Theo. My sudden appearance must have startled him because he immediately went on the defense.

"Luna, are you okay?" His wolf surged to the front, his golden eyes scanning the hallway for an invisible attacker.

"I need your help, Theo." I quickly rattled off my freight train of thoughts and conspiracy theories - Derrick has someone high up in the Council or the King's advisers that have protected him for so long and allowed him to move without repercussions. After my rant, I fully expected him to jump into motion and join me on my crusade but imagine my surprise when his expression showed no surprise or suspicion as I knew mine did.

"Cate, as your friend, go back inside and let Nick handle this." My heart sank. Everyone around me knew something was sour except me. More than ever, I felt I had failed my father and brother. They had always trained me to be prepared, be ready, and always question what didn't seem right but I failed to see what was in front of me.

Before I knew it, we were parked and walking arm in arm to a massive two-story warehouse - lights flashing through the high windows, and the steady bass of the music could be felt in from across the parking lot, a line of people waiting by the front doors was four bouncers stood in conversation, laughter and excitement filled the air and it was palpable. There were shifters of all species mixing with witches and humans outside the club - it was what I had always thought could happen but never allowed to experience myself but being here now with my new friends left me giddy. Completely forgetting everything in life except the prospect of enjoying the night. It was a kaleidoscope of colors and sounds - Ryan and I followed behind Sebastian and Janie, we struggled to tell where one end and the other began they were walking so close together.

"Do you ever wish you had a mate, a real mate? Like them." Ryan tilted his chin towards the couple, watching with longing in his eyes at the public displays of affection they both showered on each other.

"You'll find your mate and they will be amazing and wonderful and completely obsessed with you. Until then, I'll be completely obsessed with you and fawn over you and shower you with endless compliments." I pulled him closer and laid my head on his shoulder throwing him my best "I'm hopelessly in love with you" smile. He lightly giggled and placed a gentle kiss on the top of my head.

Sebastian waved to the bouncers at the door as we bypassed the waiting line and were swept up in the crowd - to the left was a set of stairs that led to the designated VIP, and both sides of the club had a massive "U" shaped bar with purple and blue backlighting, to the far back were tables and dark booths were couples could bee seen getting cozy, and in the middle of the room was the dance floor packed full of people grinding to the music. The music filled me as we made a trail through the thick mass of bodies to the far end of the back bar, Sebastian raising his hand towards a tall woman with a bright blue pixie and tattoos covering most of her exposed skin. I watched her mix our drinks and pour a long line of shots - apparently a common trend with Sebastian around - but this hit differently and Janie whispered that they had a booster in them. Another round of shots and we were ready to hit the dance floor, Sebastian stood back chatting with some bear shifters at the bar. The night began to pass in a blur of dancing and drinks, Ryan and Janie introducing me to people they ran into throughout the club. The drinks continued to flow and the music kept everyone moving on the floor - it was exhilarating and freeing to lose myself on the floor among the crowd. The booster was hitting me hard and I was swept in the music - my hips were swaying along to the beat I was completely oblivious to anything that wasn't happening in front of me until Ryan whispered in my ear.

"Holy shit! The King is here!" My heart dropped and immediately followed his gaze to the VIP balcony and the strong, imposing back of Nick. I quickly turned away and made my way to the bar, quickly ordering another round of shots and passing them out among my friends. My inner battle began - do I go to him?

NO! I'm not going anywhere near him! I am here with my friends to enjoy my night. My mind was made up and I continued to dance until I felt an unknown hand slide across my back and I was face to face with a familiar stranger.

"Remember me." I met the gaze of Luka - his sharp features brandished with a cocky half smile. He wasn't much taller than me with smooth, bronzed skin and even darker eyes. I continued to sway to the music as he tried to match my pace, moving slowly closer, his eyes raking over my body and his left hand resting lightly on my hip; I tried to move away, positioning myself so my back was facing the VIP section hoping to avoid additional attention but knowing I would be located soon enough.

"I remember you! Funny that you remember me." I laughed slightly at his boldness and my own as I allowed him to move my hair to the side to reveal my neck.

"Must be my lucky night. No mate?" I laughed even harder, the drinks rushing through my body as I thought of Nick only being a few feet away and the thoughts of what he would do if he saw us just now.

"Oh no. I have a mate but no mark." Doubt flickered across his strong brow.

"If you were my mate, I wouldn't let you out of the house looking like that." His eyes roamed my body again.

"I'm not your mate." My pulse began to quicken as I felt a familiar gaze find me in the crowd. Luka leaned in closer, taking a deep draw of my scent as he did so.

"I currently don't have a mate and since your mate hasn't marked you yet, I would say you don't have a mate either. Wanna find someplace more private?" I could feel the rage from across the room burning a hole through my back, I didn't have to look back to know that I had caught the attention of a certain wolf.

"Luka. Your King is watching you." I whispered coyly to him, his body instantly stilling, I watched his eyes dart up to the balcony and fear replace his smug smile. He instantly withdrew his hands, his eyes flickering to me before looking back over my right shoulder and disappearing into the crowd. He was gone but I could still feel those eyes on me. An idea struck me that I wouldn't have done if it wasn't for the drinks coursing through my body - the booster giving me a newfound boost of courage.

Slowly, I turned to find the burning eyes of my mate - in the darkness of the club, his burned the brightest. His large hands gripped the railing, and my eyes traveled up his strong forearms to his hardened biceps, wanting desperately to feel them around me at that moment. Without missing a beat, I continued to move along to the music, purposely moving my hips in slow, sensual motions, my hands roaming up my body and lifting my hair away from my neck revealing my unmarked skin to him. Even from this distance, I could see lust replace the anger, his hands tightening their grip on the railing, his breathing becoming labored. He was beautiful, the strobe lights danced across his features, his black long-sleeve V-neck strained against his broad chest, and his dark hair begging for me to run my fingers through it. He tilted his head just slightly towards the stairs leading up to him, if I wasn't a wolf I might have missed it but in the darkness, I made my way without breaking eye contact. There was a small group of women gathered at the foot of the stairs trying to gain access that was pushed to the side as the two guards made a path, Nick stood waiting at the top with his hands in his pockets looking ever dignified and delicious. I could see that he was not pleased with what he saw but didn't say a word when I reached him, only inclining his head to a door at the back of the room where two more guards stood - my eyes roamed up his powerful, thick legs, lingering slightly on his zipper and back up to meet his gaze, his eyebrow lifting questionably. Swinging my hips, I made my way towards the door to find myself on a small balcony area with two couches and a lit fire pit that overlooked the river. The night air nipped at my exposed skin as I watched Nick speak to the guards before the doors closed and he reclined on the nearest couch, adjusting his jeans purposefully so my gaze was drawn to his legs as he spread them wide. My heart raced to watch him spread his arms behind him, his impressive frame taking up most of the space, images of straddling him and taking his hardness inside of me right here filled my mind to the point that I quickly turned my back to him and looked out over the river.

"Always running from me, little mate." His voice dripped with disdain, "I haven't given you any reason to turn from me. If anything, I've been patient." Pain struck my heart at his words but they weren't enough to break me, if anything, they made my resolve stronger.

"Even now, you refuse to look at me after your little display down there. Any fucking she-wolf would BEG me to take them as my mate but the one that is meant for me wants nothing to do with me? Should we reject each other now and get it over with or are we going to drag this bullshit out?" Pain laced his words even though he tried to display a lack of feeling and that broke me. Without warning, his arms were braced on either side of me, his chest pressed to my back - my heart skipped a beat as his lips brushed the soft spot behind my ear - instinctively, I closed my eyes enjoying his closeness.

"Say the words, Cate. Tell me you don't want me." He inhaled my scent and I knew that he could smell my arousal as the deep throbbing between my legs began to match my heartbeat. I wanted him in every which way I could have him and his proximity was making it even harder to refrain.

"I wonder if you taste as good as you smell." I couldn't speak, I had no words but my body didn't need them. I pressed my ass against him, feeling his hard cock press into me, his right hand lifted to my throat applying light pressure as he took my ear in his mouth. His other hand snaked its way over my breasts, tweaking my already hardened nipples till he was satisfied, moving further to the hem of my skirt. His hand began to massage my inner thigh, his rough manipulations sending bolts of pleasure to my core as I ached for him to touch me where I desperately wanted him. I forcefully moved my hips against him as a more primal side began to take hold, he growled in response to my actions, and in one quick movement, he ripped the thin barrier of my panties away leaving me exposed. His right hand still lightly holding me in place and the other pulling my skirt up slightly in the front I held my breath for his next move, praying that he would give me release.

"Tell me, little mate." His fingers pressed gently at my wet folds, my knees shook slightly from his light touch before he slipped a single finger inside, beginning to move against that sweet spot, I threw my head back against his shoulder, desperate for his lips on mine when he slid a second finger inside, increasing his pace before his thumb began to move on my swollen clit. His lips were inches from mine as I panted and moaned against him, my hips matching his movements as I continued to rub against him. I could feel my walls begin to clench around his thick fingers as my climax began to build.

"You're mine. Say it." Nick growled.

"I'm yours." My words formed between moans as I finally reached my release, seeing stars behind closed eyes as my body shook from the force, thankful that Nick was holding me up because I knew my knees couldn't support me. I opened my eyes to meet Nick's black ones watching me as he slipped his fingers into his mouth, licking my cum away as if it was icing from a cake before finally granting me a kiss. I could taste myself on his lips and my body responded, ready to go again but before I could make a move he stepped away. Immediately, my body missed his warmth as the cool night air rushed to replace the space. His eyes were no longer filled with passion but anger and pain, pain that I knew I had caused. Still coming down from my orgasm I fumbled to find the words but knew that whatever happened next was not going to be good.

"Tomorrow. I'll have someone pick you up and bring you to my office. Then we can end this little game and officially reject one another." I immediately sank to my knees, my heart breaking as the weight of his words hit me. I knew it was a possibility, but I wasn't prepared for the reality even though I already had those thoughts. Desperately, I tried to meet his eyes but he refused to look in my direction. I felt as if the air had been sucked from my body, my world spun out of control as everything around me faded away. I could feel Amara retreating in my mind, blaming me for this. I thought rejecting each other was what I wanted. I could hear Nick speaking but his words were muffled by the sound of blood rushing. Finally, his hand on my shoulder brought me out of the haze, the contact grounding me back to my body.

"Cate. Talk to me." I was going crazy. I couldn't form simple words, my brain refused to function but my body instantly responded to his touch - before the situation could go any further the doors leading inside burst open revealing one of the guards from before. He quickly reviewed the situation before him, me kneeling on the floor in full-blown panic and Nick hovering over me.

"Your Majesty, word came in from night patrol. Beta Royal Caleb was injured - his body isn't healing and he's losing a lot of blood." That snapped me back to reality.