
Awakening of the Luna Queen

Cate Mercer - daughter of a fallen Alpha, her future held so much promise until it didn't. Her pack was raided, father and brother murdered, and forced to live among the enemy. She sacrificed her life to be mated with a man who wanted nothing but to use her body. When Cate is given a chance at freedom, she takes her daughter and runs for the Royal Moon Pack where she can begin again with no limitations and constraints. No man to answer to. Her dreams of peace are once again in jeopardy when she discovers her fated mate, the man she was meant to be with all along but is it too late for her? Will he accept her, her daughter and will she be able to trust him with her families secret that could put her life and his at risk? Can she discover her true power within and become the Queen she was meant to be?

BonnieBlueStar · ファンタジー
17 Chs

Chapter 13 - Pumpkin Beer

"You basic bitch! You made pumpkin pancakes?!" Caleb mumbled over a mouthful of food. We all laughed as Caleb shoved another forkful of the same pumpkin pancakes he was just judging into his mouth.

"Hey! It's October – it counts! Besides, you didn't tell us you would be joining us." Mom defends the choice made by the ladies of the house knowing full well that he would lose this battle.

"Caleb just doesn't want to admit that he loves all things pumpkin. He even prefers pumpkin ale when we go out." Nick surprised us by joining in as we continued to make fun of the bad-ass Beta and his love of all things pumpkin.

"I could go for one now! I should go get us some for the fire pit." Caleb was beyond excited about the idea now. It was hard to believe that these two men were feared around the country for their unforgiving viciousness.

"What fire pit?" Nick glanced at me waiting for further information. I had started a habit of burning the small fire in the backyard almost every night. Something about the flames soothed me.

"I have a little pit out back. I like to light it at night and sometimes Caleb joins me." He nods his understanding but there was something else in his eyes that made it difficult to look away. I felt as if he was trying to read my thoughts, read my very soul. His gaze sent chills down my spine, a blush creeping up my neck to my cheeks.

"So Nick, now that Caleb has introduced you, I hope you know you are welcome in our home whenever you wish." Ann was always the courteous mother trying to adopt everyone she could.

"Thank you, Ann. I will be taking you up on that offer." His eyes once again searched mine.

This damn mate bond! Amara growled in response, she was loving the attention from our mate.

The laughs continued until Olivia let out a yawn reaching for her Mimi – it made me jealous sometimes knowing that she would prefer my mother to me but I also couldn't ask for better support. She could have saved herself and joined my younger brother while he lived with my sister but she refused to leave me alone. I probably would have ended my life if she had not stayed – she would never admit it but I believe she had a vision of what my life would be like if she hadn't stayed. She would sometimes cast glances in my direction, randomly take a day off from work and take me into town for a spa day, even staying the night claiming to be too tired to drive home. She never had complete control over her powers, her visions were not voluntary, they would come randomly and with no clear sequence. Thankfully, I had not experienced any visions but that did not mean I wasn't capable of them. Every day I felt myself getting stronger, it was a possibility that I could have visions but it wasn't anything that I wished for.

Caleb offered to run out for pumpkin beer while I put Olivia to bed which mainly consisted of me doing everything she needed while she snuggled away in her Mimi's lap. Water? Check! Minnie Mouse jammies? Check! Favorite pillow and blanket? Check!

"Go! I got her. Go spend time with Nick." She knew. Why else would the King be hanging around the house?

"You knew the whole time?"

"I originally thought it was Caleb. Is that why you were freaking out last night?" I just nodded. I don't think I had even said the words out loud.

"He's my mate." My voice was barely a whisper – the words hanging in the air.

"I'm happy you found him. Finally. We'll talk more later. Go." Her smile lit as we both stared at the small sleeping form on the bed next to her. She barely lasted ten minutes before closing her little eyes.

My heart slammed in my chest while I quietly made my way out of the room and down the hall. The lights dimmed in the kitchen and living room but I could see the soft glow of a fire emanating from the back window. I made my way to the rear door believing that Caleb had returned already but only catching the glimpse of one outline outside. I stopped, silently watching him as stoked the fire. I could see the tension in his shoulders and brow – my fingers itched to smooth the worry away from his beautiful face. To erase his worries and calm the storm. I was tempted – as I had been since I found myself in his presence but still plagued with questions and doubt. I was cautious that I could fall into another trap, but my powers were also concerned. How could I continue to conceal myself from the King or the kingdom? If I were to become Queen I would forever be in the spotlight – every move, every word spoken, every thought would be watched and documented. I wouldn't be able to slip away for private runs. I would have to work harder to cover my true self. There were also the statements he made last night. He so callously threw them out there as if they were obvious.

He turned slightly towards the door, his eyebrow rising as he caught a glimpse of me watching him.

"Now who's watching who?" He laughed as I shut the door behind me, preparing myself for what could happen next.

"So you admit that you were stalking me?" I teased back.

"Of course I was. I'm not afraid to admit it. You're my mate." His face was stone, unflinching but his eyes were burning brighter than the fire before us.

I approached hesitantly – almost as if I moved too suddenly this would all disappear. He watched me with predatory eyes, his breathing becoming shallow, his nose flaring as the wind drifted my scent closer to him. My body was aching to reach out to him – mark his perfect neck. I imagined him marking me only to be reminded that I was scared from a previous mark – one that was forced and rough. The man who left it unforgiving and the searing pain I experienced even days after it had healed – almost like my body was desperately trying to reject it and him.

"About last night...." I cut him off – I was scared about what would happen next and didn't want to face the truth.

"It's fine. I get it. You're the King. You need someone....better." I looked away into the surrounding darkness hoping that my eyes wouldn't betray the pain and reveal the un-shed tears that were forming.

"It's not fine. I shouldn't have said that because no one can be better than my mate. Then you." I could hear the anxiety in his voice – he began pacing the small area like a caged animal – his hands forming tight fists. My confusion grew with each pass he made.

"I'm sorry. You're so confusing and sending mixed signals." What is happening here? Nick flinched at my words bringing himself to an abrupt stop.

"I'm not good at this. I'm a King. I grew up believing that what I wanted didn't matter. That it was about my obligations to my people. My parents weren't fated mates – my father was forced to reject his mate because of a peace treaty that he didn't even agree to, my grandfather signed it. My mother never found her fated mate or if she did she never mentioned it. I was told not to expect to even find you let alone have the opportunity to keep you. The thought of rejecting you, of letting you go....I can't. I don't even really know you but I can't let you go." I did the only thing that I could think of, the only thing I had wanted to do since the moment I met him. In four steps I was standing before, holding my breath, preparing for what was going to happen next. He stood motionless – watching me with his darkened gaze. Gently I placed the palms of my hands on his chest. His heart pounded at an erratic tempo, his scent engulfing me, a sense of peace washing over me. I felt his heart rate slow to a steady, calming rhythm followed by his breathing – he rested his hand on my upper arms, gently pulling me closer to him. Sparks ignited at every point of contact, butterflies taking flight in my chest. I watched his Adam's apple bob seductively as he swallowed hard. Every description of the mate bond and the sensations that it created paled in comparison to his touch. It ignited a fire deep within me, threatening to consume me. The feel of his hands running up and down my arms created additional delicious thoughts to form – of his hands caressing other parts of my body – of my own hands memorizing the hard lines of his chest. Goosebumps formed over my sensitive skin with each passing sweep of his calloused fingers. A gentle laugh rumbled from deep within his chest causing me to glance at the hard lines of his chiseled face.

"How could any wolf reject you? You feel so incredible in my arms." He dropped his face to the crook of my neck, running his nose along the column of my neck, his lips landing delicately on my ear, "You smell exquisite." His hand began to explore the curve of my back while he continued to bury his face in my loose hair. My hands traveled to his shoulders and for a moment I allowed myself to give in to the feeling of his body pressed against mine, allowing his scent to submerge me in a fantasy of being his mate, my true mate. Our hands continued to explore each other as my mind ran wild with images of a life with Nick. The feeling of his warm palm on the bare skin of my upper back brought me out of my reverie – a soft gasp escaping me, not realizing that he had crept his hand under my shirt.

"Nick...." I whispered. He suddenly pulled back with a soft growl, his eyes pitch black with lust.

"Say it again." Demanded growling again.

"Say your name?" Dumb question, Cate.

"That was the first time you've said my name and I want to hear you say it again." His face was inches from mine.

"Nick." His lips crashed into mine feverishly, possessively. A growl vibrated through his chest and into mine as our lips molded to each other. I moaned as the pleasure rippled through my body as his tongue forced entry and began dancing with mine. I desperately grabbed at the collar of his shirt in an attempt of pulling him impossibly closer to me. His arousal straining against his jeans and rubbing urgently against my thigh. Our lips danced against each other as if we had done this a million times before, the feeling of the new and exciting mixing with the feeling of familiarity. Frustration at the barrier our clothes created as one of his hands molded my breast to fit his palm and the other grabbed at the hair on the back of my neck forcing me to tilt my head back and expose the sensitive part of my skin where his mark was meant to live. His lips left a burning trail down my neck, he skimmed his teeth over the curve of where my neck and shoulder met.

"Nick.....what are you doing?" My voice trembling along with my body, a slight hint of fear that he would mark me right where we stood with no thought to the outcome.

He responded with a possessive growl alerting me that he was no longer in control but his wolf was, his touching becoming more demanding, more domineering.

"Cate..." His usual husky voice sounded more gravelly. I stood completely still, not daring to move. My ears suddenly perked at the sound of a car door closing followed by the sound of heavy boots and Caleb's voice. My emotions raged inside of me, conflicted feelings bouncing off each other. Grateful that we were interrupted before we both did something that could have serious consequences but also agitated that our private time was cut short. Nick must have heard Caleb's arrival as well because he quickly moved away and into the house. I turned to the fire in an attempt to calm myself before their return.

The flames that danced before my eyes reflected the internal struggle – I was so close to surrendering to Nick but I couldn't. He didn't know me. Even though I hated it, it was true. I couldn't be Luna Queen. I could be putting everything at risk. What was I to do? I couldn't possibly accept his mark without him knowing what I was but I couldn't trust him enough to tell him outright. Even then, he could still turn on me, using my power for his gains. Everything was so muddled – my thoughts were arguing with my feelings – my heart wanted nothing more than to run into the house and mark our mate. My head warned that I could be bringing about a war. Tears were beginning to form when I heard the back door opening and Caleb's scent drifting towards me. His voice was light as he laughed at something Nick said behind him. Nick who reappeared as if nothing had just occurred was carrying a blanket from my bed.

"So I figured if we were doing this, we were doing this right! I got mugs and covered the rim in caramel sauce and cinnamon and sugar. Fancy ass pumpkin beer." Caleb was so proud of his idea handing me a large mug dripping with caramel.

"And you called my mate a basic bitch." Nick came to my side taking my elbow and guiding me to one of the cushioned chairs before covering my legs with the blanket and placing a soft kiss on my forehead. The shock must have been evident because he let out a chuckle before taking the seat next to me.

"Good to see you two getting along. I hope we aren't canceling the ball. I was kind of excited that it was a masquerade this year." Caleb took a long draw from his glass.

"Of course not. I would never cancel it but it does remind me. Tomorrow we need to schedule appointments with Danica and Christian, Cate is going to need a dress and I want her in something that no one else has. Something fit for a Queen." Nick took my hand and placed a gentle kiss on my knuckles.

"Dress? Why would I need a dress? I'm not going to the ball." My gaze shifted between the two of them.

"Is she always so stubborn? Of course, she's going to the ball." Now they are having a conversation like I am not here?! REALLY?

"She is. Very stubborn and hard-headed. You can't tell her no." Caleb was laughing at my expense.

"I am not and you will not speak about me as if I am not here and don't have a voice. Fuck y'all." Both men laughed at me without a care.

"Oh, Caleb..." Nick's eyes never left mine while he once again brought my hand to his lips.

"Yes?" Caleb watched us with a smirk.

"Never call my mate, your Luna Queen, a bitch again or I'll rip out your throat." It was my turn to smirk at Caleb.

"Yes, Alpha."